It is time for a change

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Arthur Pov

I pressed the accelerator, driving rapidly through the road in my Lamborghini, after few minutes I arrived at my destination, I seamlessly parked my car, and coming out of the car I looked at the huge building with a grin. In my past life how many times I have dreamt of this type of life? Being rich as heck, to buy almost anything I wanted. If there is a truth, I learned in my that life, fame, power and money are what distinguishes one from the average, making them Elite.

If you have enough fame, your words can entice the emotions of millions, people will scramble to just meet with you, put up their best front to not even slightly displease you, and if you have power, you are literally the person who sets the rules, a cold and harsh truth. A normal person riding a outdated motorcycle will be given time of his life by police officers, while someone with power, can ride the same bike.

The police will salute him as he passes, making way for him to drive through, and if you have money, you literally can buy anything you want to eat, you can go to the serenest places to the wildest tours, you will have best medical facilities and doctors at your call, a personal lawyer to take out of any pinch, beautiful and hot women that others can only dream of, will spread their legs willingly for you, with money you can buy almost everything you want.

Of course, each one comes with its own share of problems, but then again, their temptation was so great that one would ignore it. "Hah", I released a sigh, the value of something is only great in someone's eyes when they don't have it, if they have it, then it becomes less valuable to them. In my past life, I valued simple life and work, but in the end, I was driven to debauchery by circumstances, and I was, maybe I lost the way of life, but then I also understood way better the harsher aspect of life.

' But well nothing of it matters, I am now a God-like being, I have multiple devoted wives, some crazy, and others even crazier, each of them extremely hot, and millions of people who are my servants, it is much better than the epitome of this life ', I thought shrugging, for me the things I achieved on Earth, were nothing in front of what I actually have.

Many don't get a person who truly love them, and I have a bunch of them, who are crazy for me, and hot as fuck, what can be better than it? I made my way to building, the guard quickly opened the door on seeing me, they knew who I was, more like everyone in the company was made to recognize me, an excellent work from Nanaboshi.

I made my way to Elevator, a personal luxurious one made only for highest of the hierarchy in this company, aka me, upon entering it many people stopped, giving me a look, realizing one of the bigshots was here. Relishing it, I waited in the Elevator with it stopping on my desired floor, I quickly made my way to office of the CEO.

Upon entering I found Nanahoshi conversing with someone, a lady, she seemed to be American, and got startled as I entered," Miss can you wait outside for a bit?", my pet quickly said to her, baffling her, the woman with no choice stood up and gave me a look, analyzing me, she bit her lips before leaving the room.

" Master", Nanahoshi meanwhile was kneeling before me, I chuckled giving a headpat to her, I passed by her, sitting on her chair, meanwhile she stood up, and I looked at her amused," How is the progress?", I asked, she quickly replied," We are already biggest company in the country, our market cap has surpassed over the mark of two trillion, I expect it to rise to three trillions by next year."

" Not bad, all your effort is showing results", I said, praising her, she blushed and looked nodded. Fun fact about human psychology, if you treat someone horribly for most the time, they will cherish and love your care extremely, easily forgetting all previous grievances. Though only works with people that have a certain lifestyle, after all you can't expect random people to become like this in a few days.

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