The Schemes of a princess

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In a huge castle room, one could see a man getting hit repeatedly by a whip, a painful expression could be seen on his face, as the whip lashed his body leaving red marks, meanwhile the preparatory had a cruel smile on her face, it was apparent she was enjoying torturing the man. " So how is it? Do you love it? The feeling~", she asked cheerfully making two other men shudder.

Derrick and poor Luke could only shudder to see the sadistic side of the princess. Her smile suddenly contorted into anger and she said," What did you say? It would be good to fuck me huh? Sell me to those pigs? Make me cry? How about I make you cry?", the man shuddered and said with tears spilling out of his eyes," Please forgive me, Princess, I didn't know that it was you!!! ." Ariel's expression returned normal, as she glanced at Luke and said," Hey Luke, can you just cut his manhood?"

All of them shuddered to hear that and then the man started begging but Ariel simply kicked him with her special torture boots breaking his nose and spilling blood on the floor, Luke who was trembling quickly came near the man and under his horrified eyes, cut his son. "AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH", screamed the man in pain." Good boy, Luke, I would have been forced to punish you as well ", the boy just nodded and quickly got back to Derrick.

While Ariel looked at the man who had gotten unconscious disgust appeared in her eyes," Derrick, feed this person to pigs", she said, and she meant what she said. Derrick nodded and quickly dragged the person outside, while some soldiers gulped seeing the unfortunate fate of the man, and grabbed him to take him to the Royal pigsty where dangerous carnivorous pigs were raised, as the name suggests they ate flesh, and deer were their favorite food.

Of course, they liked human flesh as well, and humans liked their tender flesh which was nothing sort of delicacy, thus the fate of the man who was a slave trader was sealed, he was going to be grinded and crushed bit by bit, and played by the pigs who might even rape him. Derrick and Luke remained silent letting Ariel sit on the small throne, she was allocated a big part of the palace, as the Royal princess, and this one was simply to flaunt her power.

" To think I would encounter such trouble, just after going out in secret", she said dissatisfied, while Derrick gathered his courage and said," Princess, that's the problem you shouldn't have went out in the secret, thankfully this time we got the gist of the things and followed you otherwis-", he stopped gulping down his saliva in fear, and kept his head low, while Ariel glared at him.

" No fun at all! I was just exploring the Capital while dressed as a commoner, I just wanted to feel how it is to be like a commoner, and damn, it sucks", she said and then pouted. She was acting childish and it seemed normal for a seven-year-old girl, but Derrick knew she was way more mature than she seemed to be, and could make the right decisions. Afterall even the fact that they found her was nothing but failsafe on her part.

" Anyway, it is time we try to meet Arthur", she said, and then her eyes glistened remembering his handsome face, and his serious look when he went against that old fatty and her elder brother! He dared to go against the Royalty and got out with no consequences at all while the King aka their father personally reprimanded the Elder Prince and Darius.

That was no joke, Arthur despite being a lower noble had an extreme prestige, a powerful connection with the King himself, and a power that even made King respect him. In simple words, a perfect man to be her husband! He was handsome, powerful, young, and talented, if she could get him then it would solve many problems!

"~Hehe, It's decided! I am going to make Arthur my husband!~", she declared with puffed cheeks, her antics were childish and she lined between an extremely smart psychopath and a girl having a crush on an older man. While Luke and Derrick's eyebrows twitched hearing her words, after all her age was only seven! She needed to be at least 12 to have sex! Still, child marriages were much more common in nobility, and the fact that a female child took an interest in sexual matters this early was surprising.

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