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-Michaels pov-

I woke up and blinked. It was warm in my room. And something was in my arms, and something was on my chest.

Then I realized. Calum was cuddled up to me. My arms were around him, his arms around my waist, and his head was on my chest. He was still asleep. I sighed and carefully got up, making sure I didn't wake him up. I was wearing his nirvana shirt and I out on some sweat pants before going to the kitchen in our apartment, closing the bedroom door behind me.

I pulled out a frying pan and looked around for pancake mix. I was too lazy to make them homemade. So I grabbed the box, measured out the mix, poured it into a bowl, and added the needed ingredients.

I put some mix into the heated pan and watched it spread a but before realizing I forgot to get out a spatula. oops.

I grabbed a blue one and flipped the pancake, messing it up a little and sighing. I always messed them up. I waited a bit for the other side to cook and put it on a blue plate. I poured a little bit more into the pan and sighed. Making pancakes was boring. So I put some music on, quietly so I didn't wake Calum up, even though it was 1:30 pm.

After about 10 minutes, I jumped when I felt arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. I looked at Calum and he kissed me gently. "good morning babe" he said, his voice kind of raspy. Cute. "good morning." I smiled. His grip around my eaudt tightened and he kissed my shoulder.

"I messed up most of the pancakes" I complained, turning the stove off. "You always do" he giggled. "I know" I sighed. "its okay Michael. it's cute" he smiled and kissed my neck. I pushed the plate of pancakes towards him and stole two.

He smiled. "thanks Michael" he said. I nodded as we ate pancakes together. "I need to go make myself look okay" I said. "you're already pretty babe." he told me as I smiled. I shook my head and went down the hall into the bathroom. I was a mess.

I turned the water in the shower on and got undressed as I let it heat up. Then I turned the shower setting on and got in. I took a quick 10 minute shower, then got out. I was too lazy to go get clothes yet, so I brushed my teeth and dried my hair without them.

Then I went and got clothes. I wore black skinny jeans and a green day shirt, threw my dirty clothes in the laundry, and walked out, turning the light off.

Calum was dressed with his hair done and all pretty and perfect on the couch. He opened up his arms and I went over to the couch and sat down. He cuddled up to me.

"Wanna watch American Dad?" he asked. "yes" I smiled. He smiled back and turned it on Netflix. "yay" I whispered. He smiled and kissed me again. "I love you" he told me. "I love you too babe" I answered. He cuddled back up to me as the first episode started. I looked at him. He was so perfect. I had no idea how I got someone so perfect.

I zoned out thinking about him. "Michael?" Calum asked. "hmm?"

"Youre beautiful." he said. I smiled. "no I'm not" I mumbled. "of course you are. you're perfect." he answered. "whatever" I said.

"I love you Michael" he told me. "i love you too" i answered.

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