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We got there and there was a small line. I squealed basically. I was excited. "Were here!" I exclaimed. Calum smiled. It was almost 1, but oh well. I saw some rides, and a bunch of stands. And some people. I heard music. I smiled. "Calum hurry" i whined. "Babe, i can't make the lime hurry." He smiled. I sighed. I wished he could. I wanted to do stuff.

"Cal, can we ride the tilt a whirl?" I asked as we walked in. "We have to get our wristbands." He said. I groaned. We went up to the machine thing and put our money in to get the wristbands.

It shot out the little paper bands and I helped calum with his and he helped me with mine. Ash and luke helped each other and we walked off. Calum grabbed my hand and luke was next to me. He was holding Ashton's hand. "Tilt a whirl" I said. Calum smiled. "Okay" he agreed. "Yay!" I chimed. Luke and Calum were talking about something. "Are you guys coming with us or nah?" I asked. Luke looked at ashton and bit his lip. "Yeah" ashton told me.

"Cool" I said as we continued walking. We joined the short line for the ride and were soon let in. All four of us got in one and I smiled at calum. "You OK?" I asked. He smiled back and nodded. The ride started and after a few minutes, it was soinnjng and moving quickly. Ashton was laughing. More like giggling. I didn't know why. I didn't mind though. It was fun.

When the ride stopped, I was a bit dizzy. On our way to the next ride, it faded and went completely away. "What now?" I asked. "The skyscraper" ashton said. "Okay" we all agreed. It went all the way up slowly and then shot down quickly, going up to different heights at different times and randomly. It seemed fun. The line was a bit longer though.

After about 10 minutes, we got let onto the ride. I was nervous. So I held calums hand. Then luke grabbed my hand. And Ashton's. When the ride was going up, we kept our hands linked and as it shot down, we lifted our hands in the air. The ride went on for about 10 minutes and we got off laughing. A few people commented on us. Some nice, some not so nice. We ignored them.

"Bumper cars" luke suggested. "Yeah" calum said. "Okay" me and ashton said.


It was almost 1 am, and the carnival was about to close. We had 50 minutes actually. "Can we go on the ferris wheel?" I asked calum. He smiled. "Yeah" he agreed. Ash and luke followed us and we got on almost immediately. We slowly moved to the top, and eventually, we were at the top. We could see so much of the carnival. Not a lot of people were there anymore. Not a surprise considering it was 12:15.

I looked over at calum. "I love you so much." I told him. "I love you too." He said. I leaned over and kissed him.

When we got off, i wwanted to go on the tilt a whirl one more time. So we got in line. There was surprisingly about 25 people in line this time.

"Michael, i need to ask you something." Calum told me. "FINALLY" luke exclaimed, quite loudly. It made about 15 people look over. "Okay" I said. He grabbed my hand. "Huuurrryyyy" ashton complained. Everyone looked over in confusion but stayed looking when calum got on one knee.

I looked into his eyes, not believing this was gonna happen. "Michael, I love you so much. You mean the absolute world to me. And I need to know. Will you marry me?" He asked. "Yes" I said. The people in the line cheered and clapped and even the dudes working the ride cheered as people got off. We got on and I held his hand the whole time.

We got off later and started walking out. "Congrats guys" we heard pretty much the whole way out. When we were almost out of the carnival, I groaned. "I'm so lazy" I complained. "Here, get on my back" calum said. I smiled and he gave me a piggy back ride all the way to the car.

I fell asleep on the way home. 

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