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-lukes pov-

We were all at my party. I got bored and decided to have one. And I was currently I'm a circle playing truth or dare with about 10 other people.

"Michael" someone picked. His attention was called back as he looked up and asked what. "Truth or dare" she asked.

"Uum, dare." He decided. "Kiss alley" she dared, smirking and pointing to a girl with pink hair, a few piercings, and lots of makeup. I looked at michael. He looked unsure.

Then i looked at Calum. He looked pissed. He was glaring at the girl who had dared michael to kiss alley. "Really Cassy?" He demanded as she giggled. "Yes" she laughed.

She knew about them. Everyone did. And she was doing it on purpose. "Michael, you're mine." He complained. "You can't. I won't allow it. " he told michael.

Michael rolled his eyes and took another drink of vodka before leaning over to the girl, alley, and kissing her. I think it was supposed to be a peck. But it led to more. In fact, they ended up in a heated make out session and her shirt on the floor. All while Calum stood there, jaw wide open, staring at the two in shock.

When michael pulled away finally, a bunch of people cheered and clapped. Michael smiled proudly. That's about when Calum turned around and walked out, and I was behind him, following him outside. When we got out there, he turned around. "WHAT!?" he yelled. There were about 10 people outside, but none paid any attention.

"Calum I'm so sorry for what just happened" I said. "Its fine. It's not your fault." He mumbled. I looked up and noticed the tears going down his face. "Calum!" Michael called from behind me. "Leave me alone michael." Calum told him. Michael came up anyway.

"I'm sorry" michael said. "Fucking save it." Calum snapped. "You're not sorry" he added, calmer.  "I am" michael said, and tried to grab calums arm. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" calum yelled. Michael stopped. He looked sad.

"Calum-" he started. "No" calum interrupted. "Maybe it was better when you were with luke. You didn't drink as much. You didn't cheat. You didn't seem so fucking sad all the time. AND you didn't fuck up your cutting one time." Calum lectured. Michaels jaw dropped at calums words.

"Maybe it was better" he finally said. "Maybe" calum scoffed. "It was better. A lot better." Calum added. Michael just stared.

"Well michael" he said. "I'm sorry I cant suck dick as well as he can. I'm sorry I can't fuck as good as him. I'm sorry I'm not luke." Calum said through more tears. "Cal, I don't want him. I want you." Michael said.

"FUCKING CLEARLY! THATS WHY YOU MADE OUT WITH SLUT FACE" he yelled. "It was a dare" michael squeaked. "The dare was to kiss her. Not almost fuck her." Calum said coldly. Michael sighed.

"Don't fucking come home michael. I'm serious. I hate you." Calum told him coldly and seriously before getting in the car and driving away.

Hey guys. Sorry its sad. I'm very upset rn. And sorry it sucks. I've been up all night crying. And sorry its been so long. I was at my best friends house for what might be the next time until we turn 18.,

Guys I love my best friend so fucking much she means the world to me. And no matter what, they can't keep us apart once we turn 18. Love you home. ttylouis

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