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-Calums pov-

It had been an hour since Michael had left to the store, and the food he was making was done like 45 minutes ago. I had called him 5 times and texted him about 20. He wasn't answering.

So I was in a pissy mood when my phone rang and it was him. "what?" i snapped as i answered. "is this Calum?" a woman asked. "yeah. who is this and where the fuck is Michael!?" i demanded.

"uum. Michaels in the hospital. He crashed the car. Can you come to the hospital?" she asked.

"fuck. yes, im on my way.” i rushed, hanging up and putting on shoes, grabbing the keys to Michaels car, since he took mine, and went outside. I jumped in and started speeding to the hospital.

About three quarters of the way there, I got pulled over. Fucking great.

He came up to my window slowly and I rolled it down. Tears were going down my face because of Michael. "Do you know why i pulled you over?" he asked. "yes. because I'm speeding" I rushed out.

"Have you been drinking?" he asked. "no" I rolled my eyes. "Are you sure?" he asked. "yes" i answered. "step out of the car and go over to the sidewalk" he told me. i sighed and got out. "Walk down the sidewalk, and back." he told me. I walked until he told me to stop and come back. Then he made me count to 30 and then he studied me for a minute.

"Why were you going so fast?" he demanded. "Because my boyfriend just crashed our car and I'm trying to get to the hospital." i answered. "oh. Is he okay?" he asked. "I have no idea." I answered. "Okay. Continue. I'll go behind you so that you dont get pulled over again." he said. I sighed and got in the car, not bothering to put a seatbelt on and slamming my door shut, speeding off again.

About 10 minutes later, I got to hospital. I jumped out, thanked him, and literally ran inside. "I need to see Michael Clifford." I told the woman at the desk. "Room 327" she told me. I nodded and ran up the stairs until I was on the third floor. I ran down the hall until I found 327 and then went in. There was a nurse there, and Michael sitting in his clothes on the hospital bed.

"Michael" I sighed in relief, going over to him and hugging him, fresh tears running down my face. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried about you. What happened?" I asked. He stared at me in confusion. "what?" he asked. "I dont- I don't know. And I dont- I don't know who you are" he said.

"what?" i asked.

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