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Dedicated to __Muke__ because she's beautiful and perfect and amazing. You guys should go follow her and read her stories.

‼‼‼‼ WARNING- there is smut ‼‼‼‼‼

We were in the store buying food, and michael hadn't stopped teasing me the whole time.  When there were no customers on an aisle, he would whisper something dirty or pinch my thigh. I was extremely turned on and he wasn't stopping. I sighed as he giggled.

I walked up to the self ckeckout since it was faster and easier. He stood behind me the whole time and was quiet and still. We got to the car and put the stuff in the back.

I got in and started to drive. All Time Low was playing, Michaels choice. Partway there, i felt his hand on my knee. I knew what he was doing. "Having problems Calum?" He asked, smiling and crawling his fingers up to the top of my thigh. I tried to ignore him.

He moved his hand to the inside of my thigh and started rubbing small circles on it with his finger. I accidentally let out a whine and he smirked. "That's what I thought" he said. I sighed.

I felt him unzip my pants. "What are you doing?" I asked. He smiled. I felt his hand a few seconds later in my pants, and he was rubbing me gently. I moaned out loud and he smirked. I felt his thumb swipe across the tip, and then his hand wrap around my dick. I moaned again. I tried to focus on driving. He moved his hand slowly and after a minute, I couldn't keep in my whines and moans.

We eventually got home and I grabbed his arm, pulling him up to our apartment. We got in and I closed the door. I pushed him against a wall and immediately attached our lips, my tongue already fighting his for dominance. After a few minutes, I moved my lips down to his neck and kissed all over his collarbone before finding his sensitive spot and suckimg a purple blue mark onto it. He was moaning as I left a few more.

I connected our lips again. "Jump"  I said. He jumped and I wrapped his legs around my waist, carrying him to our bed and dropping him on it. I pulled our shirts off and his pants. He helped me take mine off and I layed down gently on top of him.

I kissed him for a second before grinding down on him, making us both moan. "Calum, please" he whined. I smiled and kissed him, then rid both of us from our underwear.

I smiled and kissed him again. I rolled over so that he was on top of me. "Go whenever you're ready" I told him. He nodded and almost immediately lowered himself onto me.

I bit my lip and looked at him. "You okay babe?" I asked. He nodded and started moving after a second. We both moaned and I bucked my hips up a big, making both of us moan louder. He started to bounce lightly, making both of us moan again, and he started going faster. He threw his head back as I hit his prostate.

After about 15 minutes, I felt him start to slow down. "Michael, I'm gonna cum" I announced. "Me too" he moaned. "Cum for me" he panted.

I moaned and came, him following.

After we caught our breath, he rolled over next to me. "You're so beautiful." I told him. "So are you" he answered. "I love you so fucking much." I told him. "I love you too." He said.

"Amd don't forget. Were going to the carnival tomorrow." I reminded him. "Yay" he smiled and i kissed his forehead before he cuddled up to me.

We fell asleep with our bodies tangled together and his head on my chest.

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