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I woke up to the smoke alarm, the word fuck yelled a few times, and the smell of burning food. I sighed and walked out.

"what the hell is this?" I asked. "I was trying to make food" he explained. "what were you making?" I asked, turning the stove off and opening the window, then taking the smoke alarm out so it would shut up.

"pasta" he answered. I rolled my eyes. "you let it burn to the bottom. You have to stir it Calum." I sighed. "I stirred it once" he defended. I giggled. "you have to do it more than once. like once every few minutes." I told him. "oh" he mumbled. i sighed as i pulled the smoking pan away from the burner. "sorry I woke you up" he said. "its fine. Im just glad you didn't burn the apartment complex down" I answered.

This wasn't the first time this had happened. It had happened three times before this. It was the first time he woke me up because of it. "what time is it?" I asked. "7:15" he answered. I sighed. "you okay?" he asked. I nodded. I cleaned the pan and made sure the smoke was gone before filling it with water and putting it on my favorite burner.

I had to stand there to cook because i no longer trusted Calum. I had to watch the water boil and everything. Suddenly I felt arms around my waist. "no you're not. what's wrong?" he asked, kissing my cheek softly. "nothing" I said.

"tell me" he insisted. "nothings wrong Calum" i answered. "I don't believe you" he smiled. "what's wrong?" he asked again.

"really Calum. nothing. I'm just tired" I told him. He looked at me for a minute. "fine." he said and pulled away.

"Calum, we need chocolate" i suddenly reminded him. "go get some" he told me. "i don't trust you in the house alone with cooking food" i joked.

"just go Michael. I'll be fine." he smiled. "I'll go later" I sighed. "noooo. go now" he complained. i sighed. "Calum I don't want to go right now" I said.

"I want you to go now. I want chocolate. now." he argued. "Then you go" I sighed. "no. You already said you would." he pointed out.

I signed. "Fine" I gave in, turning around. "yay!" he cheered, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me.

"love you cal. don't burn anything. Be careful." I told him. "love you too Michael" he answered as I grabbed they keys, put on shoes, and went to the car.

I got in and sighed. Calum was so spoiled. I started the car and All Time Low started playing. He was the last to take the car. He took my All Time Low album. I sighed and smiled. I started to drive away. I was tired, I didn't wanna go to the store.

I turned off the street and sighed. I forgot there was a stop sign. Oops. I turned the music up a bit and kept driving. 

Then I felt my car and another car collide and heard a loud bang.


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