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-calums pov-

I sighed as I leaned my head back against the seat. I didn't know why the hell k was here. I told myself I wasn't gonna come. And I wasn't planning on it. Not until I went to call Michael to tell him we needed ice cream and realized that he was no longer there.

That's when I decided that I need to come and talk to him about everything. Even if it meant he would hate me. There was a chance that might happen, but I was trying to stay positive. I got out and walked into the park. It was 11:58, and Michael was nowhere to be seen. I sighed.

I sat on the bench and waited, and after about ten minutes, I decided to go home. He wasn't here, and I was tired as hell.

I stood up and turned around to see him. "Calum! You came!" He exclaimed. "Yeah" I smiled. He hugged me tightly and when he pulled away, we both had tears going down our faces. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me along.

We stopped at our little spot. I hadn't been here in forever. There was a pizza in the middle of a big blanket. And there were like Christmas light but they were white on the trees. It was nice.

"Calum I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done it. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm so so sorry." He said. I smiled. "Michael, it was a dare. A stupid dare. You cheated on me right in front of me for a dare. That really hurts Michael " I told him. He nodded.

"I know. I'm a fuck up. I shouldn't have done it. Im sorry." He said.

"Its okay. I forgive you. But if you ever do it again its over, okay?" I said. He smiled. "Thank you so fucking much Calum. Oh my god! I love you so much!" He exclaimed, hugging me and starting to cry.

"I love you too." I told him, kissing the top of his head.

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