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-calums pov-

I grabbed my phone and walked out of the room, tears escaping my eyes and rolling down my cheeks. "Calum!" Luke called. He was following me but I kept walking, I just sped up a bit. "Calum wait!" He yelled. I kept going.

When i got to the parking lot and he was still following me, I stopped and turned around. "What the hell do you want!?" I snapped. He stopped a few seconds later when he was close to me.

"Calum, listen" he started. I raised my eyebrows and laughed humorlessly once in disbelief.

"No! Luke, you know how much Michael means to me! You know he's my whole world! And you know how much  hurts that he doesn't remember me! You know I'm trying to get him back!" I exclaimed, more tears rushing down my face.

"Calum" he said. "I can't believe you would do this to me! You did it just to hurt me! Youre a dick Luke!" I cried. "Calum, i didn't mean to" he said. I scoffed.

"You didn't mean to kiss my boyfriend!? Okay, that's so believable." I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes. "I can't fucking believe you right now! You knew it was gonna hurt me! Why would you do this luke?" I continued to cry. "Calum, I'm sorry" he said. "Save it luke" I spat, getting in my car and speeding off.

Tears made my vision blurry and I could barely see, and I wasn't even out of the parking lot, so I pulled over and put my head on the steering wheel.
-Michaels pov-

Luke came back in the room. "You okay?" I asked. He nodded. "What happened?" I asked. He shook his head. "He's pissed. But i can't believe you just said you like me. I've liked you for almost a year. I thought you and Calum were gonna be together forever." He smiled.

"Yeah. I guess I loved Calum but I had a crush on you for a while. I guess I still do." I answered.

I didn't know if this was entirely true. I did have a crush on Luke at one point, but it went away about two years ago. I was basically scared to be alone. I didn't want to live alone. I loved luke, but as a best friend. I didn't want to ruin that.

I sighed. I just wanted things to be okay again. And I wanted to remember Calum. I wanted Calum and Luke to be okay again, to stop fighting. I wanted to be happy with Calum like I apparently was before.

I sighed. I had no idea how I ended up in this hospital, but I wished I would've been more careful. It was most likely my fault. I wanted everything to be back how it was.

"We still have like 4 hours until you get out." He said. I nodded. "That sucks" he added. I nodded again. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah. Just thinking." I answered. He nodded. "About what?" He asked. "About how I want things back to how they were. I want to remember Calum." I sighed. He nodded.

A nurse walked in and looked at us. I hadn't realized how close Luke got to me. It probably looked strange. Oh well. He was my best friend. "Uum, Luke?" The nurse asked. He looked up.

"Can I speak with you in the hallway?" She asked. Luke nodded. "I'll be right back" he told me before joining the nurse in the hallway.

I sighed.

-Luke's pov-

I got out in the hallway and looked at her. "Okay, so he can be released right now if he's up to it. But he needs to not be staying alone until he can manage to be alone." She told me.

"I already got that figured out. He's staying with me." I told her. She nodded. "Okay." She said and we walked back in. "Okay Michael" she started. He looked up at us. "You can be let go right now if you feel up to it, and if youre sure you're staying with someone." She told him. He nodded.

"I'm going with him." He said. She nodded and wrote something down. "Okay, let me fill out the papers and you need to sign them and then well let you go." She said, walking out of the room. I looked at Michael. I suddenly wasn't sure if I was gonna help him remember Calum. If he liked me and I liked him back, I wanted him.

"Michael?" I asked. He looked at me. "Be mine?" I asked. He looked at me for a second before nodding. "Yeah. Of course luke." He answered, smiling a bit. I smiled too and walked over to him, kissing him gently.

Calum was gonna kill me.

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