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-michaels pov-

Calum seemed pissed off. I couldnt stop thinking about it as Luke was driving home. My head was on the window and I was leaning against the door.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked, bringing my attention back. "Yeah. Just, Calum seemed upset." I said. "Yeah. He is. Hes jealous. He wants you back. But he's gonna be fine." Luke told me. I shrugged. "Chill michael. Hes mad at me, not you." He added. I sighed. "I wish I would've been more careful." I admitted.

"What?" He asked. "I wish i would've been paying attention that night. And then everything could be back to how it was. Everyone could be happy again." I explained. He looked at me. "Oh" he mumbled. "I just feel like I connect with Calum. I don't know how to explain it. I feel like we have a bond." I sighed. He nodded. "Sorry" i apologized. "Its fine. I just, I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship with you yet. I think you need to get your life together before we can have a life. Plus I kinda sorta really like my friend Ashton." He told me. I nodded. "Me too. I'm sorry luke." I said. He looked at me and smiled.

"Still best friends?" He asked. I nodded. "Always" I replied with a smile. We got home a few minutes later with All Time Low playing loudly in the car.

Sorry its short guys. I really am. I'll try to update later. Idk though.

Love you guys xx

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