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It was almost 2:30 pm. Michael had been gone for about an hour. I was getting worried. I had tried texting and calling several times but it did no good. He wasn't answering.

So me and luke were currently on the couch, watching family guy. "Im sorry" luke told me. "For what?" I asked. "Making michael freak out like that." He explained. "Its fine. He's just a bit protective. He can take things too far sometimes." I said. "Yeah. Way too far." He mumbled.

"And I'm really sorry if he gets hurt" he added. "Why? You aren't hurting him." I asked. "Because i was fighting with Ashton. And Michael got defensive over me." He said. "Oh" I quietly breathed.

"Michaels gonna be fine" I answered. He shrugged. Right at that moment, michael walked in. "Michael!" I exclaimed, jumping up and pulling him into a hug. "Hey cal" he giggled. "What happened?" Luke asked. "We talked. I told him to not ever fucking hurt you again or wed do a bit more than talk." He explained. "You were gone for almost an hour for that??" I asked. He smiled.

"No babe. We talked. About why they were fighting amd why the hell he found it necessary to lay a hand on my best friend." Michael giggled, kissing me. I nodded. "Okay" i agreed. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Luke, Ashton said he's really sorry and if  go home he will make it up to you." Michael told luke as I leaned into his side.

"Okay. Thanks guys." Luke said, standing up and stretching. "Any time" i  answered. He smiled and left. Michael picked me up and carried me over to the couch, dropping me on it and sitting down. He pulled me into his lap sideways and I cuddled up to his chest.

He kissed the top of my head. "I'm so glad i get to keep you."  He told me. I smiled and brought our joined hands up to my face, kissing his hand. "Im glad i get to keep you too." I said.

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