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-michaels POV-

Luke came back in the room and smiled at me. I knew they were just talking about me. "Luke?" I asked. He looked up at me. "How do I know Calum?" I asked. He sighed. "He didnt explain this?" He asked. I nodded. "He did. I just wanna know if he's telling the truth." I explained.

He smiled and sighed. "Well, you guys met about two years ago. And you didn't like him at first, but he was head over heels for you." He paused.

"And after about two months of you guys being friends, you came to be and told me you had a crush on him. You asked me what to do. I told you he liked you but you didn't believe me." He continued.

"So?" I asked. "It wasn't until four months later when you finally got the nerve to ask him out. And he ecstatically agreed." He smiled. "And that was a year and a half ago. You've been dating since." He finished. I nodded.

"Where did we meet?" I asked. "At my friend Ashton's party." He smiled. I nodded. "Does he still care about me?" I asked. "Yes. He loves you so much. Tomorrow's your official year and a half anniversary, and he was gonna-" he stopped. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. He loves you so much. You mean the whole world to him." He answered. I smiled.

"We were talking and he started crying. He would give anything to have you back." He added. I sighed. "I wish I could remember him." I said.

"So do I. You guys were so happy together. Id rather you remember him than me" he sighed. I shook my head.  "Youre my best friend. You have been pretty much my whole life. Ill try to remember Calum. But im glad I remember everything we've gone through together. Like that time you almost fell off the ferris wheel at the carnival when we were 12" I reminded him. He laughed. "Yeah." He smiled.

"And the time we kissed that one time because we were a bit tipsy and 'wanted to experiment.'" He brought up. "Oh my god." I laughed. He was tipsy. I was a little buzzed, but not much. We laughed. "But you have good memories with Calum." He said.

"Well if i remember him I'll remember all those memories." I said. He nodded. "There's a chance" i reminded him.

"Do you like Calum?" He asked. "Like, romantically?" He added. I sighed and shrugged. "I don't know him anymore" I said.

He looked at the wall.

"Plus, I've kinda had a crush on someone else for a while." I added. He looked at me in shock. "How long have you liked this person?" He asked. "About 7 months" i answered.

"That's great! You're remembering people!" He said, but he looked a little sad. "No I'm not." I said, looking at him with a straight face. He looked confused, then his eyes lit up a bit.

"Michael, d- do you have a crush on me?" He asked, the hope in his voice showing and I blushed deep red. I sighed.

"Yes luke. I have for a while." I said. "Oh. But you loved Calum." He said. "You can love someone and have a crush." I rolled my eyes.

"Michael" he said, i looked at him and suddenly our lips were connected. I didn't mind. I kissed back. His lips were so soft and perfect. He pulled away after a minute. "I've liked you too." He told me. Then our lips were connected again.

"Sorry. I left my-" I heard and after a second, Luke pulled away. "Luke, what the fuck!?" Calum demanded. "Calum, I can explain this" luke said. Calum had tears in his eyes.

"Don't fucking talk to me." He yelled, grabbing his phone and walking down the hall. Luke went after him, calling him.

I felt awful.

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