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-calums pov-

I woke up and rolled over. Michael wasn't next to me. I sat up. It was a dream. Everything that happened the past couple of days with him remembering and stuff, it was all a dream.

Tears ran down my face quickly. I thought I had michael back. I thought we were gonna be happy together. I thought he was finally back and loved me again. I was wrong.

I sighed and layed back down. There was no point in getting up. I had nothing to get up for. I checked the time, still with a little bit of hope that he might just be in the shower or something. That hope vanished when I saw that it was only 6:15 am.

About 20 minutes later, i heard something in the kitchen. I still had tears running down my face, but I didn't care. I got up and opened the bedroom door a bit. I didnt care much what it was.

I closed the door, realizing that if it was somebody I didn't want them to see me in underwear and a green day shirt. I looked around and finally found some of my black sweat pants in my closet. I slid them on and opened the door again.

I smelled food. Bacon. I walked out and saw michael standing there, cooking. He was in grey sweat pants and a black shirt. It wasn't a dream. He was really here. "Michael" I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his neck. "Hey Calum" he said, looking at me.

He continued to cook, and I continued to stand there with my arms around his waist. He didn't seem to mind, and I didn't. He was cute when he cooked. After a few minutes, he put more pancake batter into the pan.

"Michael" I said. He looked at me and I kissed him. He smiled when I pulled away. "You're so cute" he said, looking back at the food he was making. "Maybe." I said, putting my face in his neck. "But you're beautiful" I added. He shook his head. "No I'm not" he argued. "Yes you are." I told him, pulling my face away from his neck.

"Here" he said, pushing a plate of food at me. I smiled and took it. We ate together and i smiled. "I'm so glad I got you back." I told him. He smiled back. "I'm glad I remembered." He answered. "There's a carnival this weekend. Wanna go?" I asked.

His eyes lit up. "Yeah!" He exclaimed. I smiled. "Yay" I chimed. "Babe?" He asked me. "Yeah?" I answered. "What day of the week is it?" He asked. I giggled a little. "Thursday." I told him. He smiled. "Yay" he cheered. I smiled.

"So 2 days" I said. He smiled. "Thank you Calum" he said. "For what?" He asked. "Everything. Being there for me, taking me back, dealing with me, everything" he explained.

"Michael, its not hard. I love you so much." I said. He smiled. "I love you too" he said. His phone started ringing and he looked at the caller id before answering it.

"Hello?... yeah... Ashton?... Oh... No... Why would I?... Oh... That's great though... Yeah... Okay... Bye.." He said before hanging up.

"What was that?"  i asked. "Luke is dating his friend, or boyfriend now, ashton." He smiled. I smiled back. "Aww, theyre a cute couple" I commented. He nodded. "I know." He answered.

"Michael?" I asked. He looked at me. "Do yoh remember everyone?" I asked. He sighed. "Im starting to remember people. Its like I'm remembering the most important people first. So not yet." He explained. I nodded. "I remember my last though." He said. I nodded.

"I love you" i told him. "I love you too." He answered.

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