2 years

112 1 0

-Michaels pov-

Today was the day. Me and Calum had been dating for two years. I smiled as I noticed a red envelope on the dresser, with my name on it. I opened it and there was a card and a note.

The card was the usual cute and sweet and sappy. I unfolded the note and read it.


Good morning gorgeous. I'm in the kitchen making food. Basically I just wanted to let you know

I love you. So so so much. You're my whole world Michael. I love you and I can't imagine what life would be without you. I'd die. I wouldn't have a life.

I know we fight and argue sometimes but every couple does. And its always okay afterwards. Ill always love you, no matter what happens. No matter how often we fight and argue or what I say. I love you.

And I have a very special surprise later. Come in the kitchen babe. I'll see you soon. Happy 2 year. And I love you so much.

-cal xx

I smiled and got up, going into the kitchen. Calum was making food. And on the table there was a few wrapped gifts, a cupcake with green icing and little red heart sprinkles, and assorted helium balloons being held down by the little weight things.

"Morning babe" he smiled and kissed me gently. "Morning." I answered. "Open them" he said, pushing me towards the table. I smiled.

He got me a few posters, some band shirts, a ps4 with some video games, some bracelets, and a star wars blanket.

I got him a few band shirts, a stuffed monkey, a hoodie, a few movies, and a new TV.

He finished making breakfast and piled food onto two plates.

We ate and watched Netflix before he got up. "Get ready babe" he told me. "Why?" I asked. "Were going somewhere." He answered. "Where?" I asked. "Its a surprise." He told me. I sighed.

"Fine" I said. I went to our room and changed into black skinny jeans and a green day shirt. I brushed my teeth and hair and finished getting ready quickly.

I went back out and looked at Calum. "Do I look okay?" I asked. "You look gorgeous" he told me. I smiled and followed him to the car.

After about 30 minutes of driving, he pulled up to the park. He got out and told me to follow him, grabbing my hand. So i followed him for a few minutes until we reached our little spot in the trees.

It was decorated in pink and red lights, there was a giant teddy bear with a heart shaped box of chocolates in its lap and a bouquet of different colored flowers. There was a picnic basket in the middle of a big blue blanket.

"oh my god. its gorgeous." i gasped. He chuckled.

hey guys. So ik i said this is my last chapter but there will be one or two more bc i think i wanna add a bit of smut. Havent decided yet though. But there will definitely be at least one more. Love you guys. xx


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