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The food was taking a while amd a waitress came up to us. "What can I get you guys to drink?" She asked. We both got orange juice. She nodded. "I'll be back soon." She told us. We nodded.

"What date should we get married?" He asked me. I shrugged.  "Sometime soon. I don't really wanna wait a while. Like, next month maybe?" I suggested. He smiled. "A summer wedding." He said. I nodded. "So, like, august 7?" I asked. He smiled. "Yeah" he agreed. It was july 2.

(An I'm going to my 5SOS concert august 7 lol)

"I'm excited." I announced after a minute. "So am I." He answered. I smiled. The waitress came back with our juice and set the glasses down on the table. I put a straw in mine and sipped at it. "What time is it?" He asked me. I checked my phone. "10:45" I answered. I had 6 missed texts. All from luke. I clicked my messaging.


Me and ash are fighting

How do I deal with this

Calum I need help

Calum can I come over

Its important

I called him. "Hello?" He asked. I heard something shatter. "Hey. Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah" he answered. There was a yell in the background. "Can I come over?" He asked. "I'm.not home. But you know where the spare key is. Get it and you can go in. Make yourself comfortable. Well be home on like an hour." I told him. "Thank you" he said before hanging up.

"Is everything OK?" Michael asked. "Yeah. Luke's probably gonna be at the house when we get there." I told him. He raised an eyebrow. "What's happening?" He asked. "He's fighting with Ashton." I said. "Is he okay?" He asked. "Yeah" I nodded.

Our food got there and we started eating.


I walked into the house to see luke curled up under a blanket on the couch. Mean girls was on, but he was crying instead of paying attention. "LUKE!" michael exclaimed. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Y- yeah" luke choked.

"Are you sure?" Michael asked. Luke nodded and michael turned on the light. He had a few bruises on his face and arms and dry blood by his nose.

"HE FUCKING HIT YOU!?" michael yelled. Luke stared at him. "I'll be right back" michael said, grabbing the keys. I grabbed his arm. "Michael" I started.

"Don't calum" he snapped. "Let me go" he added, pulling his arm away. There was nothing I could do but watch him drive away.

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