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-Michaels pov-

I sighed as I rolled over. It was 8 am. I had slept all day yesterday and all night. Oh my god. I looked to see if Calum was by me. He wasn't. I got up to look for him after putting on some clothes.

He was just walking out of the bathroom. He took a shower. "Hey. The carnival opens at noon. But we're leaving at 10 because we gotta stop and get gas, go get luke and ash because they're going, and its a one hour drive." He told me. I nodded. I had two hours. "Okay. I'm gonna shower." I said, walking into the bathroom and turning on the water.

I was in the shower for about 45 minutes and when I got out, Calum was putting food onto the table. "Hey. Perfect timing. I made waffles and sausage." He said. I nodded. We ate together and when we were done, we had 40 minutes to finish getting ready.

I got dressed into black skinny jeans and a Metallica shirt. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a nirvana shirt. We brushed our teeth together and did our hair. I washed my face and hands, and Calum smiled. I walked out and went into our room. We put on some socks and shoes and only had a couple minutes until 10, so we just left.

We drove to 711 and Calum parked at a gas pump. We got out and went in. "Okay. What are things were gonna want or need on the way there?" He asked. "Food" i said. He rolled his  eyes. "Obviously." He smiled. "I don't know. Chips." I guessed. "Okay." He said, walking over to the chips and getting ome barbecue bag and one sour cream and onion bag. "And soda" I added. He walked over to the soda bottles and grabbed some dr pepper, Pepsi, and coke. Like two of each.

"Anything else?" He asked. I shook my head. He nodded and walked over to the register. He grabbed some brownies and put $30 in gas. We walked out with the bags and set them on the floor on my side. Much to my disagreement. So he put them in the middle seat in the back.

"Yay" i smiled. He sighed and put the gas in. It took forever. Finally, he got back in and started the car.

"Can we listen to All Time Low?" I asked. "Sure" he answered. "Yay!" I cheered and put the CD in. It started playing and Calum turned it up a bit.

It was already 10:20 when we left to lukes house. And it was a 25 minute drive there from the 711. He sighed. "Are they ready?" I asked. "Almost" he answered. I nodded. "They'll be ready by the time we get there." He added. "Good" I said. "Yeah" he answered.

"What time does the carnival close?" I asked. "Midnight or 1 am." He answered. "Can we stay the whole time??" I exclaimed. "Well see." He smiled. "You're like a 5 year old." He added. I nodded. "I know." I smiled. I shut up and listened to the music as we drove to lukes house. "Is Ashton here?" I asked when we pulled up to his house. "Yeah I think so" Calum answered. I nodded. "Good because I wanna get there." I said. He smiled. "You're cute michael." He told me. I smiled back.

He pulled out his phone. "He won't answer his fucking texts." He complained and pressed call on Luke's contact. "Hey... I'm here... Okay..." He said and hung up. A few minutes later, Ashton and Luke came out of the house.

They got in the car and calum started driving. "Why didn't you answer your texts?" Calum asked. "Because we were busy." Luke said. Ashton blushed. "Eew were you fucking?" Calum complained. "Nom we were just kinda sorta making out" luke explained. Ashton's face was red as Calum made a disgusted face and I laughed. "All time low again michael?" Luke asked. "Yes. They're amazing. And the albums gonna be over part way there anyway." I answered. Ashton and michael laughed.

"Food" I heard Luke say a few minutes later. "Yeah. Go ahead and eat some. That's why I got it." Calum permitted. "Yay" Ashton exclaimed. "I want pizza" Luke said after a minute. "There's pizza at the carnival." Calum said. "No. I want it now." Luke complained. "No luke. We have 45 minutes to get there and were 55 away. Michael wants to be there on time and stay all day." Calum said. "Aww" I said.

"Its fine though." I told Calum. "You can stop and get pizza" i added. "Michael, you wanna get there at 10 and stay until they close." He said. I shrugged. "It'll be okay. There's gonna be a lot of people when they first open. It'll be all trafficy. We won't get in at first. Might as well get there a bit late and not sit there for 20 years" I said. Calum looked at me. "You sure?" He asked. I nodded. "Feel lucky Luke." Calum said. Luke clapped. "Yay" he chimed.

When we found a pizza hut, he stopped at it. He went in and Ashton and Luke jumped out and went in after him. I stayed in the car for a bit and then decided I didn't like being in the car alone. So I went in. It smelled good. "Damn it. That's everyone." Luke said as I got up to them. I smiled. "Why'd you all come in?" He asked. "This could take a while." I answered. He sighed.

About 10 minutes later, the two pizzas came out. Luke took them, payed the guy, and we walked out.  "I kept it simple." He said as we got in the car. "One cheese and one pepperoni" he explained.

We started driving again.

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