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-calums pov-

We walked in our front door and Michael pushed me against the wall. "Youre so perfect" he mumbled against my lips before kissing me roughly. I moaned lightly against his lips and he took the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth.

Our tongues fought for dominance and he slid his shirt off, tugging on the bottom of mine and i quickly took it off. he ran his hands down my chest and abs as he kissed me again.

He slid his hand in my pants and gently slid his thumb over my tip. I gently moaned and he smiled against my lips. He ran his fingers along my length and i moaned again as he pulled away from me.

"strip baby" he said. I quickly undressed myself as he did the same. He connected our lips again and we were soon in a heated makeout session. "Jump" he whispered. I jumped and felt his hands grab my hips as i wrapped my legs around his waist.

He carried me off to our room and dropped me on the bed. "Michael" i whined. "youre so fucking hot babe" he said. I whined again. "Be right back" he told me. "What?!" i squeaked. "Chill baby. I just have to get lube and a condom damn" he laughed.

I nodded and watched him walk out of the room. He was back within two minutes but it felt like an eternity. When he came back he came and payed on top of me gently, connecting our lips and somehow slid on the condom while our lips were connected.

"Michael i need you" i whined. He laughed and smiled at me. "okay babe give me a second" he said. I huffed and he sighed.

He quickly lubed the condom and grabbed my hands. "are you ready baby?" he asked. I nodded. He slowly pushed himself in and I moaned loudly. 
"Tell me when youre ready for me to move." he told me. "fucking move michael" i gasped. He smiled and started thrusting slowly.

"Jesus fucking Christ Michael go faster" i moaned. He smirked and pulled almost all the way out before slamming back in, making me gasp and moan loudly. He repeated tho several times, each time hitting my prostate perfectly, earning louder moans from me every time.

His thrusts were getting slower and sloppier and we were both moaning together. "Baby youre so fucking beautiful." he said, kissing me. "gorgeous" he said again before kissing me again. "perfect" he whispered, kissing me again. He did this several times, each time saying a different word and then he moaned loudly as he came, sending me into my own high as i came.

he rolled over beside me.

"happy two year babe" he said. "happy two year" i mumbled back.

we fell asleep cuddling

okay so that might be the last chapter but there might be one more. idk yet.

love you guys and i hope you enjoyed xx

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