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I turned the shower water off and got out, quickly drying off my body and getting dressed. I rushed to fix my hair. "Luke, ill be back tomorrow!" I announced as i grabbed my keys and put my shoes on. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Calums" i answered. I went out to the car and got in. It was 8:47 pm.

I started driving, turning the music down and thinking about the images that popped into my head while I was in the shower. Brown eyes fluttering open and looking into mine, a smile forming on caljms face as he cuddled up to me. Calums arms around my waist as i attempted to make pancakes.

Me and Calum on the beach. In the water. Eating ice cream.

I remembered the Netflix sessions. I remembered Calum splashing me with sink water when we rinsed off dishes. I remembered me slowly lowering myself onto him and our moans filling the air. His moan. I remembered it all. I remembered him.

I got to his apartment complex and went up to 29. I knocked on the door urgently, and about a minute later, he opened the door, his face red and puffy. He had been crying. Poor baby.

"Michael?" He asked. I wrapped my arms around him and attached our lips in a hungry, almost desperate kiss. He kissed me back and after a minute, I pulled away.

"Calum, i remember! I remember everything! I love you! I love you so fucking much!" I exclaimed, tears going down my face. "Michael that's amazing!" He chimed. I nodded and kissed him again. He pulled me inside and closed the door. "Where's your stuff?" He asked. "At Luke's. I wanted to get here as fast as possible." I answered. "Actually most of my stuff is here." I added. "Yeah" he replied.

"I didn't wanna take it to Luke's house just in case you remembered." He explained. "I'm glad you didn't." I admitted. "Me too." He said.

"I'm so happy right now" he told me. "Me too. I love you so much Calum." I answered. "I love you too Michael." He smiled at me.

We spent most of the night cuddling and watching movies. "Michael?" He asked halfway through Bambi. "Yeah?" I replied. "When did you remember?" He asked. "20 minutes before i got here. In the shower." I answered. He smiled and kissed me.

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