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-calums pov-

I was laying there, fully awake, waiting for michael to wake up. I was looking at him. He was so beautiful. He was flawless. And when he was sleeping he looked so cute and peaceful. I couldn't believe he was mine. And I couldn't believe that he agreed to marry me. I was so happy and excited.

I was actually gonna marry the absolute love of my life. And that made me happy. I could imagine the wedding. With flowers and cute decorations and a huge cake. And maybe we could get matching rings. And our families could be there and our friends.

I got excited thinking about it, and some butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't explain why i was so excited. I was already with michael.

I guess I got carried away thinking because I heard a small laugh and it brought me back to the present. Michael was looking at me, smiling. "Oh. Hi babe" I said. He smiled wider. "Hey" he whispered. "What were you thinking about?" He asked. "Our wedding" I admitted. He smiled again. "Aww babe. I cant wait." He said. "Me either" I answered.

He kissed me gently. "Good morning" he said. "Morning" I giggled. He got up and pulled me up with him. "Come shower with me." He said. "Okay" i agreed and followed him. He more like dragged me but we got to the shower so it was okay.

He started the water and we took our clothes off. I covered my body up, naturally. "Calum, stop it. Youre beautiful and perfect." He told me. We got in and cleaned up a bit. "Cleaned up" ;^)

"Were gonna go to IHOP" he announced. I smiled. I hadn't been to ihop in a while. "Yay" I chimed. He smiled. We got dressed together and got ready quickly.

On the way there, we listened to green day. Loudly. We eventually got there after about 25 minutes and went in. He got pancakes and i got waffles. We talked and joked as we waited. We got some weird looks a couple times, but we didn't care. We were happy.

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