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We pulled up to an Italian restuarant and I sighed. "I'm nervous" I said quietly. "Why?" He asked. "Because I don't remember Calum. But he says he loves me still." I answered. "Its stupid, I know." I added. "No. Its not stupid. Don't be nervous. He's gonna be nice, he just might get pissed off when he finds out were dating." He said. I nodded. Did I want to make Calum mad? I didn't know how he acted when he was mad.

I sighed as Luke got out and i followed him in to the restaurant. As soon as we walked in,  smells of pasta, sauces, and garlic hit me. Calum was sitting at a table almost in the very corner and we went and sat with him. I sat by luke across from Calum.

-calums pov-

They sat down, both across from me. I sighed. A waitress came over and handed us menus. "What can I get you to drink?" She asked. "Coke" all three of us said in unison. She nodded. "Okay, I'll be back in a minute" she smiled before walking away. "Hi luke. Hi Michael" I said. They both said hi.

"Do you guys know what you want?" I asked them. They both nodded. "Cool" i said. "You have tattoos" Michael commented. I nodded. "Yeah" I said. "I like them" he told me. I smiled. "I know. You used to tell me that." I answered. "Oh" he mumbled. Our drinks got there and she put them on the table.

"Okay, do you guys know what you want?" She asked. We nodded. "Okay." She smiled. "Michael, you go first" luke said. He sighed. All three of us wanted spaghetti.

While we waited, I looked at Michael. "I really wish you could remember me." I said. "So do I" he replied. I sadly smiled. I missed him. I missed cuddling with him and kissing him and laughing with him and all his messed up pancakes. I missed waking up with him right beside me, sometimes cuddled up with me. I missed hearing him say he loved me and I even missed his moans. I missed him, and I loved him still.

"I love you Michael" I said. He blinked at me. "Calum, I really wish I could tell you i love you. But i can't. I don't remember you." He sadly answered. I nodded. "I know. I just want you to know I love you so that if you remember me, you know you can come back." I told him. He nodded, playing with his straw in his soda.

"So, how have you guys been? Like living together and stuff." I asked. They both smiled. "Its been nice. He cuddles with me a lot." Michael said. I nodded. "We used to cuddle a lot." I smiled. He nodded. "And Michaels been keeping the house pretty decent." Luke added. Michael smiled. "That's great" I answered. Luke nodded. Jealousy. I was feeling jealous of luke because he had michael. I didn't. And I wanted him.

"How have you been handling it?" Luke asked me. I shrugged. "I've been fine. Its just different." I responded. He nodded. "Yeah. You guys lived together for a year." He said understandingly. "Its gonna take some adjusting." He added. I nodded. I'd rather just have michael back and have nothing change. Have no adjustments to make.

Our food got there and michael sighed. I wasnt hungry. I didn't want to eat. I didn't know why I had them meet me here, and not at my house or something. "Should we?" Michael asked, pulling my attention to their conversation. I didn't know what they were talking about. "Yeah. Definitely." Luke told him. Michael nodded. "I'll do it." Luke volunteered, and michael nodded.

"Calum, we need to tell you something." Luke announced. "Okay" i allowed.

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