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I sighed as I woke up, Luke cuddled up to me. I smiled and got up, deciding to make pancakes.

About halfway through, I realized they were all gonna be messed up as all the ones I made were. I remembered Calum telling me about how I messed up pancakes when I tried to make them. I sighed again. I wished I could remember Calum.

When all the pancakes were done, i slid the plate into the microwave and went into the living room. I cuddled up under a blanket and turned on Netflix, finding family guy and picking an episode. I watched a few episodes before Luke walked in, rubbing his eyes. "Morning" he said. "Good morning" I answered. He sat by me. "I made pancakes. They're in the microwave." I told him, not looking away from the tv. He nodded and a few minutes later, he got up.

I smiled when he returned with a plate of pancakes. "They're good" he told me. "Thanks" I said. "Even though they're a bit messed up." He giggled. "Calum said I always mess them up a little." I replied, finally looking at him. "Oh. Yeah." He said.

"I want to see him." I told Luke. "Okay. We can do that." He agreed. I smiled and pulled out my phone. I would've seen Calum anyway. I found his contact and pressed call, a little nervous. "Michael?" He asked. "Can I see you?" I asked. "Yeah. When?" He answered. "As soon as possible." I said. "Okay. I'll be over in 15 minutes?" He suggested. "Yay!" I exclaimed. He giggled. "Okay. Im on my way. I love you." He said and hung up.

"Hell be here in 15 minutes" i announced. "Cool" luke answered, taking another bite of his food. I nodded and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, did my hair, and got dressed. Calum got there a few minutes later and I went down. He looked uncomfortable in the same room as me and Luke. "Cal, we aren't dating anymore." Luke told him. "Really!?" Calum exclaimed, the smile across his face quite big. We both nodded.

"Wow." He breathed. "Im sorry Calum." I spoke. "For what?" He asked. "Not remembering you. Not being there for you. Dating luke." I listed. "Michael, its fine. You'll come around." He said. I smiled.

"Calum, I was wondering. What's gonna happen if I do remember you?" I asked. "Then you can come back. Any time michael. I don't care if its 3 am. You can always come home." He told me. I smiled.

"Thank you." I said. He smiled. "I love you." He replied. I smiled again. "I'll give you guys a bit of privacy." Luke told us. We nodded. As soon as he was out, Calum came and sat by me. "I gotta go soon. But there's something I needed to give you that may help you remember me." He told me. I nodded.

"Close your eyes" he said. I did and felt his lips on mine gently, then a bit more clingy and needy. After about a minute of me kissing back, he pulled away. "Anything?" He asked. I shook my head. "I felt something. But I don't remember anything. I'm so sorry." I told him. He nodded. "At least I tried." He mumbled. "Bye michael." He said. "Bye" I answered as he walked out.

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