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Luke looked at Michael and grabbed his hand, lacimg their fingers together. Then I understood. "What do you have to tell me?" I asked cautiously. I was pretty sure I already knew.

"Uum, were dating." Luke told me, not making eye contact with me. "For how long?" I asked. "The day we kissed in the hospital room" he answered. That's when i lost it.

I stood up. "You fucking little bitch." I spat at luke before walking out. I went to my car and slammed the door shut. I turned my music up and sped home, tears not rolling down my cheeks until I was home, under the covers in what used to be mine and Michaels bed. Now it was just mine.

I knew that if Michael remembered me, remembered what we had, he would probably come back. And I knew that I would take him back the second he wanted me to. And that's what hurt. I loved him so much, and he didn't even rememer me.

And luke. Luke knew I was trying to get Michael back. He knew I loved Michael, he knew what was going on. And I honestly thought that was the only reason he was dating Michael. To hurt me. To betray me. To rub it in my face. And it hurt.

I rolled my eyes as I rolled over and tried my best to go to sleep.

Guys sorry its short I'm just stressed and worried and upset right now.

Love you guys xx

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