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Luke came in and sat back down about 20 minutes after Calum left. "What happened?" He asked. I sighed.

"He kissed me." I answered.
"Why?" He asked. I shrugged. "Because he thought it might help me remember him." I answered. He nodded. "Oh" he said. "Yeah" I said. It was quiet for a few minutes and I turned on another episode of family guy.

"Michael?" Luke asked. I looked at him. "Do you really not remember Calum?" He asked. "I really don't." I answered. "I don't want to hurt him. So maybe I can get to know him in case I don't remember him. Then I'll fall in love with him again and it'll all be okay." I suggested. He shrugged. "Maybe" he said.

"You loved him so much. You guys were so happy together." He told me. I nodded. "You told me. So did he." I replied. He smiled.


Later that day, almost night, I was in the shower. Luke was on the couch watching TV. I was thinking about earlier when Calum kissed me. I was thinking about how upset he seemed when I didn't remember him.

Then another image popped into my head.

Next update will be soon and longer guys sorry for all the short chapters

Love you guys

Amnesia (Malum)Where stories live. Discover now