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-calums pov-

I woke up and grabbed my phone. I had several missed texts. All from michael. I rolled my eyes and decided to check them. I opened my messaging and clicked michaels. Seeing his contact picture hurt a little bit.

Calum I'm so sorry

I wish you would answer me

Even  to tell  me  you  hate  me.

I understand Calum. I deserve it

But i have a question

I'll ask you next time I see you

Hey Calum

I love you. If you ever wanna see me again, meet me at the park at 11 pm. Please don't be  more  than  5 minutes  late, you know how impatient I am

If you don't show up, i understand. And I won't bother you. I'll leave you alone . Please be there though. I think we need to talk.

I love you

I sighed. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go. I wanted to talk to him, but I also knew that if I saw him, it would probably hurt or piss me off.

I got up. It was 2:54 pm. I slept so late. And if I was gonna meet michael, i had like 8 hours. 8 hours to make up my mind. I got in the shower, after turning my music on shuffle. I stood there through three and a half songs before getting my hair wet. I washed it twice, slowly both times, before washing my body thoroughly four times.  I stood under the water for a while until my stomach growled. I got out and checked the time. It was 3:50. Almost an hour. I brushed my teeth and did my hair, and got ready for the day. At 4:45, i went to the kitchen and got some cereal.

I ate it a few pieces at a time, still trying to figure out if I should go see michael. It was about 5:20 when I finished.  I had about 5 and a half hours to make up my mind, and nothing to do. I turned my music up loudly and started cleaning.

Our apartment wasn't that big, but I took my time cleaning every room, so i finished at 7. Thats when The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver by All Time Low came on, and I felt the tears start to sting my eyes. It reminded me of michael. Not the lyrics, but the fact that it was All Time Low.

Any All Time Low reminded me of Michael. Which is why i couldn't listen to them the last few days. I skipped the song as a few tears went down my face.

I definitely wasn't going tonight.

-michaels pov-

I smiled. I was at the park, in the trees. It was Calum and my spot. Like our little secret place. And it currently had lights on the trees and a thick blanket on the ground. There would be a pizza in the middle of the blanket because I definitely wasn't cooking.

It was 9:50, and I decided to leave with luke to go get the pizza. He drove slowly the whole way.

"Do you think hell come?" Luke asked me. I nodded. "I think he will" I said. He smiled.

"I hope so." He said. "He will" I told him. "He has to. If he loves me, hell come. And he loves me, right?" I defended. "He loves you so much" luke answered. I nodded.

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