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I smiled as I looked at Calum. He had fallen asleep all cuddled up to me. He looked so peaceful as small snored went past his partly opened mouth.

I wanted to get up but at the same time I didn't. I didn't wanna wake Calum up, but I wanted my star wars blanket. (an my star wars blanket is my life)

I decided to go get my blanket. So I carefully got up, trying to not wake Calum up and succeeding. But when I got in our room and looked on our bed it wasn't there.

Calum probably took it again. He liked to use it anywhere and never put it back. And it annoyed me how almost every time I needed it, I had to search for it. But it made me happy that he used my things. It made me feel loved. Especially things like my favorite blanket or my clothes. Like when I got home when I wasn't there for a couple days and he was on the couch cuddled up under my blanket in one of my shirts watching Netflix.

I loved him, but right now I wanted to murder him as I looked in the closet and it wasn't there. I sighed. I checked under the bed. Not there either.

I went into the kitchen and looked around there. Not there either. "fuck" I said.

"what are you looking for?" Calums cute raspy voice came from the living room. "my star wars blanket" I answered. Silence. "Have you seen it?" I asked. More silence.

"Calum?" I asked, walking into the living room. He was staring at me. "You okay?" I asked.

"uuummm" he said.

"what?" I asked. "So, I may or may not have accidentally got chocolate pudding all over your blanket. I'm really really sorry babe" he started apologizing.

"how?" I asked. "I had this bowl that I just barely made and I dropped it on the front because you had been gone for two days and I was wrapped in your blanket. I'm sorry Michael" he explained.

"its fine babe. I can just get a new one or something." i said. "oh. youre not mad?" he asked. "no. Its just a blanket. You're more important. And the tragic loss of pudding " I joked. He laughed.

"I love you Calum." I said. "I love you too" he answered. "I'm bored" he told me. "me too" i sighed.

His lips were on mine for about two seconds. "youre so perfect" he said. "stahp it no im not" i complained. "shut up Michael yes you are I'm not arguing with you on the subject." he said. I smiled. "you're perfect Calum." I told him. He smiled. "not as perfect as you " he answered. "stoooppp it" I whined. "you're more perfect" I added. "whatever" he said.

I smiled. I laid down on the floor because it was soft and he layed on top of me. "this is how we shall cuddle" he said, kissing me. "okay" I smiled.

Amnesia (Malum)Where stories live. Discover now