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After driving to the hospital, I quickly got out and walked into the building. I ignored the woman at the desk. I knew what room he was in. I was too lazy to walk up the stairs, so I took the elevator to the third floor. I regretted it almost immediately as I realized how slow it went and i was kind of in a hurry.

It finally stopped after what felt like 40 years, but it was only like a minute and a half. I rushed down the hallway and found room 327, walking in. Michael was sitting up, on his phone. He was the only one in the room, and he looked up when I walked in.

"When are you getting out?" I asked him. "At 10 am. In like 5 hours." He answered. "Where are you going?" I asked. His mother lived across the country. And he didn't remember me. "I'm gonna stay with Luke. He's the only one I remember. He's the only one I trust." He told me. I nodded. 

"Why are you here again?" He suddenly asked. "I have a goal. I want to make you remember me." I told him. "Who the hell are you!?" He demanded. I sighed. "My name is Calum. We lived in an apartment together. Weve been dating for a year and a half " I answered. "What the fuck!?" He exclaimed. "I'm not gay" he added.

"Yes you are. We've been dating for over a year." I quietly said. "Okay. I am gay. But I didn't date you for over a year. The nurse said I'd remember people who were important." He said. I sighed. "She said there's a 40% chance you'll remember me." I answered. He blinked at me.

"Calum, I feel like you were important to me and I feel like I should remember you. But I don't." He said. "I know. That's why I'm gonna try to help you." I said. He shrugged and I walked over to him. "Okay." I sighed. I was nervous.

"Look. This is a picture of us. We went to the beach a few months ago." I said, pulling the picture up on my phone where he was on my shoulders. We were both laughing. Then he fell. And we both laughed again.

He looked at it for a minute before looking at me. "Here's us at the tattoo shop a while ago when you got this tattoo." I said, touching the to the moon tattoo on his arm. He lifted his sleeve a bit and looked at his tattoo. "Oh" he said. You always mess pancakes up a little bit when you make them. Your favorite color is green. Your favorite band is All Time Low. You like to dye your hair." I listed off.

He listened as I told him random facts about him. He looked a little creeped out but fascinated. "Michael, i love you. And I'm gonna be here for you. Through all of this. And maybe if you never want to be with me, we could try to be friends. Okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"You have my number in your phone. Text or call me if you need anything. Anything at all. I'll be here." I told him. "Okay" he said. Luke walked in. "Calum" he smiled. "Hi luke " i answered. "Come here" he said. I followed him into the hallway.

"You OK?" He asked. I shrugged. I wasn't sure. "Calum, I'm sorry. You guys had such a perfect relationship " he said. I nodded. "It'll get back like that Calum. Hell remember you. He has to. You guys loved each other so much." He said, hugging me. I hugged him back. "I'll try to get him to remember you " he told me. "I already am" I mumbled.

"If you need anything just let me know. You have my number." He said. I nodded. "And Calum" he said. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Do you still have the ring?" He asked. "Yes" I answered.

"Then well make him remember." He told me. I nodded and walked away.

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