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-Michaels pov-

I was following luke to his car. He slowed down a bit to match my pace and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. "How do you feel?" He asked. I shrugged. "I've felt worse I guess." I said. He nodded. "You're gonna be okay michael." He told me. "I don't know." I mumbled.

We got to his car and he unlocked it. It was just getting bright, just barely past sunrise. The sky still had a little bit of pink in it.

The temperature was perfect. More cold than warm but not quite cold. It was refreshing. Like when you had your face under a pillow or something for a while then take it out. It felt like that when I breathed. It was nice.

A couple birds were out. I sighed and climbed in the passenger seat of Luke's car. It smelled like cotton candy, strongly. I didnt like it, but I didn't say anything about it. I just sat in silence the whole 45 minute drive to Luke's house. We eventually got to his house and he smiled at me.

"Okay, so I set up a room for you since you'd probably be more comfortable having your own room." He told me as we walked into his house. It was clean, organized. It was too clean and too organized. It bothered me a little bit. "Oh" I said. He looked at me. "You sounded upset?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Well we can share a room if you want?" He offered. I nodded. "But only if that'll be comfortable for you." I added. He nodded. "Of course it will." He smiled, and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek gently. "Let me show you our room then" he smiled. I nodded and followed him up the stairs. He went down the hall and opened a door. A big bed was against the wall on the farthest end from the door, and it had dark blue pillows and a matching blanket.

There was a computer in the corner and one of those spinning office chairs. A TV was placed across from the bed and on the shelves below it was a play station 4 on the first shelf, and an x box 360 on the one under it. A shelf was on the wall next to that filled with video games, and a shelf on the other side of the TV filled with movies.

He had a body mirror on the wall by the bed. And some band posters covered the walls. The closet was closed, so I had no idea what it looked like. The dresser was light blue and by the mirror. It had different sized and colored candles on top of it, and a couple pictures. It was so pretty.

"Luke, its so pretty." I breathed. He smiled. "Thanks." He answered, grabbing my hand and pulling me in. "Take your shoes off. You have to be tired." He said, going over to the closet. He pulled out a nirvana shirt and went to the dresser. He went through the drawer on the bottom until he got out some gray sweat pants. He handed them to me. "Put these on." He said, walking out of the room. I quickly changed and called him back in there. He smiled. "Okay, let me see your clothes." He said. I handed them to him and he opened the closet again, revealing a blue laundry basket that he put my dirty clothes into.

"Okay. Make yourself comfortable. I'll probably be back soon. You look tired though." He said. I nodded and he walked out, closing the door behind him. I sighed. After a few minutes, I got up and opened the door again before climbing into bed and getting under the covers. His bed was so comfortable and warm, I fell asleep almost instantly.

Sorry this chapter and story sucks.

Hope you guys are enjoying.

And double update at 4:30 am because I love you guys

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