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-Michaels pov-

It had been a few days since i started staying at lukes house. I really didn't mind, living with my best friend. We got to cuddle at night, since we shared a bed. He was so warm and cuddly.

We actually cuddled quite often. On the couch when we were watching TV or a movie, when we were laying in bed in the mornings, both of us too lazy to get up. It was nice. It made me feel loved.

We were cuddling on the couch when his phone started ringing. He kissed my forehead. "I gotta answer this babe. I'll be right back" he said, grabbing his phone and walking out. I heard him ask hello and then I couldn't hear him as he was too far. I focused my attention on the TV. American dad.

About 10 minutes later, he came back.  "Michael, babe, Calum wants us to go to dinner with him tonight. I told him it was up to you. He said its important." He informed me. "Okay. What time?" I asked. "6:30" he told me. I nodded and checked the time. We still had three hours, so I ooe.ed my arms and he came and cuddled with me.

"I love you michael" he said for the first time, shocking me. "I love you too lukey" i smiled and kissed him gently before wrapping my arms around him and pulling him onto my laugh. He giggled, making me giggle. He smiled and cuddled up against my chest.

I kissed the top of his head several times throughout the shows. When we had about an hour and a half until we had to leave, i put him on the couch and stood up. "I'm gonna go shower." I announced, stretching my back. "Can I come with you?" He asked. I looked back at him. "Y- yeah. Sure" I answered. He got up and followed me.

We got into the bathroom and I started the water. He started taking his clothes off instantly. "Michael, you gotta take your clothes off to shower." He smiled. I shrugged. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I don't want you to laugh at me." I said quietly. "Michael, im not gonna laugh. I love you." He said. I nodded, bit my lip, and started taking my clothes off. He wasn't watching me, he was already in the shower. I took a deep breath and stepped in.

He turned around and I saw his eyes go up and down my body, a few times. He smiled at me. "You're fucking hot Michael" he said. I blushed. "No I'm not." I mumbled. "Here, trade me places" he said. We switched to where I was standing under the hot water. "Luke, youre hot." I said. He smiled. "Thanks." He said. I smiled back.

When my hair was wet, he poured some shampoo onyobmy head uncarefully and lathered it around, making me giggle. "Luke, I can wash my own hair" I smiled. "I know" he said. I smiled and he washed his hair. He grabbed his black bottle of body wash and turned back around to face me. "Wanna wash your body or..." He smiled. I blushed and he handed me the bottle.

I washed my body and handed it back to him. He smiled and then washed his own body. We spent another 10 minutes doing nothing but talking. We got out and he wrapped a purple towel around me. It was soft and it smelled good. He dried himself with a blue one as I dried myself off. Then we walked out into the bedroom.

He opened the closet and smiled. We had gone shopping for clothes for me, but we shared all the clothes in there. And in the dresser. He pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain black t shirt. I grabbed black skinny jeans and a black Metallica shirt. We put on underwear and got dressed, then I checked the time. It was 6.

"Luke, it's 6." I told him. "We don't have to leave until 6:30 love" he answered, kissing my cheek as he walked by and into the bathroom. I nodded and  in there with him.

We didn't leave until 6:40, but we'd be fine.

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