Chapter: 1

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A/N This story idea has been in my mind for a while, and I have read other fan stories out there with Izuku being a part of this world only to be killed not too long into the first chapter. So I will be doing the same thing, except for one thing... he doesn't die as fast, he will slowly lose blood but will continue to fight since that is what a Hero would do, he isn't a timid boy that won't fight back, he is a seasoned warrior who will not stop until he is either dead or surviving.

"Of all the things that you could tell me, what do you think that it would be? Would it be the fact that as a quirkless person, my kind would slowly run out of population? Would you tell me to off myself until I finally do it, or would you actually decide to stand up for me? Those are questions that I have been asked in my life by my main tormentor. But the one thing he told me was to kill myself in order to get a quirk in my next life. But that happens during school and near the end of the day if that. But there is one thing that all humankind learns from either a young age, or near the end of their life... Not all men are created equal. I learned that as a four-year-old when my best friend at the time took his anger out on someone else for telling him that the more, he attacks others, he will become a villain. He did not take this well, and being the protector of the innocent that I am, I decided to cement that fact into him as I stood in front of the boy he hurt because they hurt his feelings. You see that boy staring at a small blonde-haired kid who slammed his fists into his hand? That is me, the me who is weak and incapable of fighting. After that fight with my old friend, he never was the same. But at the same time, I don't regret learning how to fight when my mother told me to learn from the Kendo Martial Arts Dojo. And I never forgot what the martial arts did for me over the years." A male voice said, before remembering something. "Ah, sorry for not telling you, but my name is Midoriya Izuku, and I am currently a Hero although it isn't for humanity... it's for a different race that protects peace and harmony. It's the devils that I work for, and it's my job to make sure that they are protected from any enemies that wish to do them harm. This... is my story of how I became one of the most powerful beings in the universe."


Izuku was seen walking to school from the orphanage, he had been previously seen as a child as he protected his peers from Bakugo. And because of all his fights the orphanage had paid for him to get martial arts classes since he has been coming back with bruises as well as burn scars on his body. He was currently walking to school as he tried to make sure that he was overly okay as he walked to school. He ran into a few villain attacks that happened across the Prefecture of Musutafu, but he didn't mind them as they provided him some way of learning how to counter certain quirks. He arrived at his school as it was the final day for his class before they would be heading off to a Hero school in order to learn how to become Heroes for the country. Izuku was sitting in his seat as his teacher entered the room after overhearing how the boy was being berated by his peers and smiled as he entered the room. He talked about how the students should be paying more attention to the kind of career as well as Universities that they should be trying to get into. Izuku had long since given up on his dreams of entering UA since Katsuki Bakugo the blonde boy from the beginning of the story had beaten that dream out of him. Now, Izuku just wishes for peace between Bakugo and the peers of his school to the point that he would outright fight the boy on it. They had also become somewhat rivals in terms of martial arts as Katsuki copied every move that Izuku took months of learning and used it with each and every attack he used just amped up with explosive sweat that has Nitroglycerin like sweat. But in terms of both grades and martial prowess Izuku was in the advantageous position as Bakugo had used him as a way to make himself better than the boy he hated. With Izuku not going to UA anymore the boy hadn't stopped trying to bully and belittle him, just continued with his bullshit until he could do something more powerful today. As the class had finished with the last lesson of the day, Izuku was clearing up his desk as he turned in his papers of what school he was planning on going to. "Kuoh Academy? Why is a Deku like you trying to get into an all-girls school? What are you a pervert now?" The teacher asked, condescendingly. "If you must know, they have opened their doors to the opposite sex in order to have their female students get to know what a normal school should be like with male students walking their halls and only accept those with good grades. I am going through that school to become a Quirk Analyst as well as Quirk Counsellor." Izuku said, as the teacher looked at him. "There is no way that you are only doing it for that, you have always spouted about being a Hero since the start of the year. What is bringing this on?" The teacher asked, as Izuku stared at him. "The fact that this school has done nothing but tear me down from the inside out and ask for my presence to just disappear from all the death threats I get in Musutafu from my peers. I am just looking for a change of pace." Izuku said, as he walked away. As Izuku was walking out of his school Bakugo had shown up with at least four people with him as Izuku felt his presence before hearing him. Turning around to face the boy Bakugo glared at him before accusing him. "What is up with the change in plans!? I thought you wanted to be a Hero!?" Bakugo screamed at him as Izuku glared back. "What? I thought you didn't want my presence at UA. Since you seem to hate me as much as you do, I might as well kill myself and blame you for it. You've told me to do that at least three times a week." Izuku said, as Bakugo looked at him with a concerned expression. "Do you need to see a fucking doctor?" Bakugo asked, as Izuku stared at him. "What now you care about my mental health? The one time that I decide to do something other than try and go for a dream that you just belittle, cast my out from my peers, and just isolate me from making any kind of friends? I am done listening to you talking to me as if I am beneath you, Katsuki! You are acting like a villain all the time whenever we talk to one another, so why the fuck, should you start caring about me now!?" Izuku yelled grabbing the boy's shirt and pulling him close. "Fucking Deku, you have never given up on dreams, you are too stubborn to do it!" Bakugo said, as Izuku stared him in the eye before stating. "Well it wasn't just you who beat it out of me. It was All Might as well." Izuku said, walking away. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ALL MIGHT BEAT IT OUT OF YOU!?" Bakugo screamed as he followed Izuku. "I mean, All Might saves my life from a Sludge Villain, then told me that my dream was basically an unrealistic dream and to go for other jobs that allow me to use my skills. Oh, wait... there is none because the moment I ask for a job they ask about my quirk and when they hear that I am quirkless they toss me out stating that my presence wouldn't help them at all!? So excuse me for trying to live a normal life until I eventually die of old age alone and FORGOTTEN BY THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD FROM IT! GOOD DAY BAKUGO!" Izuku screamed back at the boy as he walked away. Bakugo stood there for a few moments before initiating a fight between the two of them by going for a fist filled with Nitroglycerin sweat at the back of Izuku's head. Dodging to the right, the boy parry's the blow and kicks Bakugo in the stomach sending him backwards as his posse run after Izuku. The fight begins as a five on one as Izuku stares at each fighter, one who started to stretch his fingers, another who spawns fire from his arms, one who had telekinetic powers to lift boulders, and finally a boy who seemed to have a strength quirk. As Izuku stood in the middle of them as Bakugo moved forward leading the charge, the boy had launched towards Izuku as he dodged each and every strike until Bakugo landed a kick on Izuku's back as the boy had turned away from him sending him tumbling towards the gate of the school. Getting up to his feet fast, because he knows that if he stays on the ground, they will beat him whilst he's down, he moves out of the way of a strength quirked punch into the ground as it craters. Izuku then punched the boy in the neck as he collapsed to the floor inside his own crater as Izuku turned to the other boy's and got into a fighting stance that Bakugo learned was Izuku becoming serious. Getting into his own, the four remaining boys had launched at Izuku once more as the boy dodged long fingers trying to slice through his skin, a boy who launched flames from his arms, and some small boulders that Izuku punched towards Katsuki in order to keep him away. Izuku went for the telekinetic boy first by kicking him in the face taking his concentration away from keeping up his quirk, with the kick to the face knocking the boy out, Izuku moved towards long fingers breaking said fingers on each hand as he then pulled the boy close and using a chop to the neck to send him to the ground temporarily. The final boy launched fire as he teamed up with Bakugo in order to allow the boy to sweat more as he attacked Izuku. Everything was quiet as both boys entered a deadly dance of Nitroglycerin like sweat induced explosions as well as quirkless fighting. Izuku punched to Bakugo's right as the boy exploded the face of Izuku in order to flip behind the boy as Izuku immediately changed his style and kicked in the air landing on the boy's stomach sending him tumbling to the ground as Izuku used his high agility to attack the flaming boy. Pulling out a water bottle he splashed the boy in the face as well as arms as it put him out for the moment, and he launched a barrage of punches to his gut sending him to the ground. Turning around to look at Katsuki, the boy was struggling to get up from the ground as he wiped his mouth of sweat as well as drool. Getting back up he pointed his hand at Izuku as he charged a massive amount of his sweat into his hand as he placed his other one behind it in order to make up for the recoil on his arm.

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