Chapter: 21

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Highschool DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I hope you all are prepared for this chapter! I have been making sure that Izuku has powers that were completely earned towards his current movement in the story. With Izuku gaining One for All in this story so late into it, Izuku will be learning how to wield the power with Ddraig giving him pointers on how to use it correctly as well as effectively. And no, Izuku will not be capable of using the power at maximum due to how his body would react to the power. I hope that sates your curiosity.

Izuku woke up after passing out on his bed, he held his chest as he tried to remember the voice that spoke to him during his sleep. The person who spoke to him in his dream had been surrounded by fluorescent lights that covered his overall appearance. But he did know that the person who talked to him was male, and that he had white hair and green eyes. Shaking his head, he walked outside into the backyard of the Hyoudou household in order to take stock of his new powers. Standing in the grass before sitting down in the slightly damp grass in order to meditate in how to activate his new power granted to him. As soon as he tried to activate the quirk he was given, he thought about how he should activate it and thought about it being a massive bonfire sitting in front of him that he should reach out to. As soon as he tried to make this mental image, he soon found himself brought into a massive, destroyed castle within his mental mindscape. On the outside though, it looked as if Izuku was in deep meditation and not unconscious, and on the inside Izuku was looking at his surroundings with only his eyes being visible. "You're not supposed to be here yet. But it's not unwelcome. I am the first, who are you?" The same scratchy voice asked from a seat in front of Izuku. Izuku thought about his answer to the person in front of him and as soon as he noticed the recognition in the man's eyes, he squinted his eyes. "So your name is Midoriya Izuku. Congratulations on defeating my brother once and for all. I admit, All Might couldn't have done it all on his own especially since his injury from my brother six years ago." The same voice said, as Izuku looked at the man from his dream. 'Why can't I speak to anyone?' Izuku thought to himself before his question was answered by a female voice behind him. "That is because of the fact that your own vestige to converse with us hasn't been worked on yet. Don't worry you will be capable of talking to us over time, you just need to focus on mastering this power. Once you do, you will be capable of finding the last known user of All for One and we will finally put a 200 yearlong battle to rest." The female voice called out from behind Izuku causing him to turn around. Looking at the feminine woman behind him he took a second to actually look at her as he saw her Hero Suit as well as her looks. A black spandex suit with a white cape on her back as well as yellow gloves and boots, black hair that was down as she had a perpetual smile on her face that became more as he looked up towards her face. She had a dimple on her face as she smiled at him as well as a small beauty mole on her right cheek just to the right of her lips as she spoke once more. "I think Toshinori is going to be jealous with how you are looking at me, I am a married woman after all." The woman teased as Izuku mentally felt himself blush. 'What does this battle between All for One and me have to do with you guys?' Izuku found himself mentally asking as the two people looked at him. "That is a story you must learn from All Might himself, we will fill in the middle area's as much as we can whenever you meditate. For now, master the power you gained, from what we understand you can use only 35% as of right now. Once you master more control of One for All, we will start seeing if we are reaching Singularity." The scratchy voice said, causing Izuku to look at the man again. 'What is your name? You already know mine; I want to know the man who seemingly is looking sickly compared to others.' Izuku thought in order to converse with them. "My name is Yoichi Shigaraki, and I can only hope that we can meet again soon, for now. Have some fun with your friends. I want to see what this Supernatural world can give us.' The man said, softly before forcing Izuku out of his meditative state. As soon as Izuku was returned back to the world of the living he felt himself breathing heavily as he heard Ddraig's voice call out to him. [PARTNER! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?] Ddraig asked concerned. "I-I accidentally activated my quirk. And I may have conversed with the previous users of this quirk I was bestowed." Izuku said, as he looked at his electrified body.

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