Chapter: 3

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A/N Thank you all for the reads on this story! I have been keeping an eye out for the people wishing for what this story has to offer, and it is an alternate universe version of one of my other stories. I am really happy that you all have been reading this story and I hope that you continue to love reading it! Let's begin the chapter!

Izuku woke up in his bedroom and he looked around the place as he shook his head in confusion. "What in the world just happened?" Izuku mumbled out loud. Walking out of his bedroom in nothing but his pants he enters the kitchen where Miki was making breakfast for them all. "Morning sweetie, how was your day yesterday?" She asked, looking at him with a motherly smile. "It was fine. Just wondering if what I experienced last night was a dream." Izuku said, as Miki and Gorou looked at him. "What was this 'dream' about?" Gorou asked. "I was walking around town and in the park, I was attacked by this weird girl with black wings. She started talking about how I was a threat to their cause, and started to fight me. I fought back of course, and managed to... kill her in self defense." Izuku said, as his whole body shuddered from remembrance. "What happened to that girl who attacked you?" Miki asked, concerned. "For some reason when I impaled her with her own Light Spear, I think she called it, she blew up in a mass of feathers." Izuku said, as he pulled out a notebook and sketched the girl he saw that previous night. When he finished the sketch, he showed his guardians as they seemingly recognized the girl immediately. "Oh my, this beautiful girl attacked you? I can't believe the Fugioshi's had their daughter attack you like that." Miki said, angrily. "Don't worry about it M-Miki-san, it was probably a dream." Izuku said, as the woman nodded her head. Getting ready for school after showering Izuku headed towards the school as he prepared himself for a long day of schoolwork. Entering the classroom, he found himself looking at one of his classmates more closely, he was a handsome young man with tan, blonde hair and a beauty mark under his left eye. He also had either teal or gray eyes that showed his compassion towards the other girls of the school. Compared to that boy, Izuku was more like a delinquent who protected the peace of the school, like the Student Council's guard dog. Izuku tended to get into fights with other younger guys. as they had been talking about the girls in a really perverted way and Izuku had fought for their right to be treated as people not as objects. It was what earned him the nick name Delinquent Protector. 


School was over and Izuku was making his way back home again, he had been noticing how he was more or less sluggish during the day, and now that the sun was going down, more active. Shrugging this off as his body adjusting more to be a night owl, he continued on his way back home going through the courtyard of Kuoh Park. Standing near the fountain in the middle he thought back to the dream he had the previous night and was brought back to the fight he had with the black haired woman. "Fallen Angel?" Izuku asked himself, before shaking his head. Just then his instincts told him to dodge out of the way and as he jumped away he found a blue spear of light in the ground in a small crater where he was last standing. "Damn, didn't think that you'd notice my presence. If you did then I really need to work on my stealth." A man called out, as Izuku looked towards where the voice came from. "Another one?" Izuku asked, as the man looked at him. "Another one? Oh, so you are the one who killed Raynare, gotta say that was pretty cool. But that was just luck, I am more powerful than she was so it will be a lot harder to kill me you bastard." The fedora wearing man said, before revealing his black wings. "S-So are you a Fallen Angel?" Izuku asked, pulling out a notebook. "Yes, I am Dohnaseek, and this is where you die!" He called out, as Izuku placed his notebook away as the Fallen Angel threw his spear at Izuku. Moving his body in a way to have his vitals out of the way, he reached his hand out and grabbed the spear when he felt a searing pain in his left hand. It was nothing compared to Kacchan's explosive sweat searing through his skin whilst still heated though. "HAH! You are burning yourself from that Stray! Your master doesn't seem to be around here so that means you are one! Devils can't handle the power of light based people!" Dohnaseek called out, as Izuku gripped the spear harder. Then something surprised Dohnaseek, in all his life he had never seen a human, nor devil destroy his Light Spears, it was something that he spent all his time perfecting. So when Izuku squeezed his spear so tight that it literally broke in his hand the Fallen Angel stood there with a concerned but confused expression on his face. "H-How did you break that spear! Nobody barring Fallen Cadre Class beings could break it apart with their strength alone!" Dohnaseek called out. "Hm? Oh, I've felt searing pain before, similar to burning. This is nothing compared to the burning sensation that Nitroglycerin sweat that is superheated does to the human body." Izuku said, as he grabbed the two pieces of the spear and threw them back at the Fallen Angel. 'My strength has increased as well, I guess being a Devil would do that to someone like me. I wonder though, who turned me into a devil?' Izuku thought as the Fallen Angel flew towards him with the intent to kill. "I WILL MAKE SURE YOU PAY!" He called out, as Izuku entered a combat stance. As the man overextended his strike to pierce Izuku's chest, the boy moved just fast enough that it would only graze his chest causing a small cut to appear through his shirt. He would then grab the man's arm pull him in to a knee to the solar plexus before gripping his wrist and flinging him over his shoulder and landing on the ground behind himself sending the air out of the Fallen's chest. Izuku then jumped back away from the Fallen as he thought about what to do next, he had been the target of two Fallen Angels in the last week, and all he really wanted was some peace and quiet. The fallen finally regained his breath as he stood back up as he cracked his neck as well as bones in his body before smirking. "I gotta say, your fighting prowess is second level. But you are still nothing compared to the might of the Fallen Angels." Dohnaseek said, before visibly disappearing from Izuku's sight. Relying on his senses, Izuku closed his eyes as he tried to use smell as well as hearing to find where his opponent was. Then he heard the distinct sounds of a Light Spear being created behind him as he twisted his body around to dodge the attack whilst sending a kick at his opponent's ribs sending him skidding across the park. "Is there really a reason as to why you guys keep attacking me? I have done literally nothing wrong." Izuku said, as he tried to find out why he was being targeted for extermination. "You're sacred Gear hasn't awakened yet, but the fact you took one of us out means that you are a threat that needs to be exterminated." Dohnaseek said, pulling out two Light Spears. Letting his body slump a little Izuku spoke up to the Fallen Angel. "Well you guys are the ones who keep attacking me, how else do you expect me to... you know defend myself?" Izuku asked, as the Fallen made sure to flew at him at a faster speed before answering. "Because you caused the death of one of our kind already! We will not allow you to live longer than that!" Dohnaseek called out, as he was blasted in the back landing in front of Izuku. The boy looked over to see a girl with long crimson colored hair and teal-colored eyes, she then spoke. "I would appreciate it if you wouldn't attack my servants." The girl said, as Izuku stared at her for a second longer. "Rias Gremory huh?" Dohnaseek called out, standing back up in front of Izuku. The man towered over Izuku who stood only at 5'5 as the man stood at 6'. "Didn't know he was a part of your peerage princess. Well make sure to keep an eye on him, otherwise someone might target him for extermination." Dohnaseek called out, lifting himself into the air. "I am well aware of that." The woman who was apparently called Rias Gremory said. "Um, not to sound like the odd one out, but can you all tell me why I was being targeted? I have been literally out of the loop since that Raynare girl attacked me literally two days ago." Izuku said, as everyone looked at him. "I will get to you in a minute Midoriya-san, now Dohnaseek will you be remaining in Kuoh Town for the foreseeable future?" Rias asked, staring at the Fallen. "No, my leader was killed by your servant, and I will not stay in your territory. It was her decision to attack him, and I was only coming out here for vengeance." Dohnaseek said, as he began to flee. "My name is Dohnaseek, and I pray that our meeting never happens again." The Fallen said, as he disappeared in a flock of feathers. As Rias and some of her peerage were conversing with one another, Izuku stared at them as if this was the first thing he had ever heard of in his life. "Alright, can you come with us Midoriya-san?" Rias asked, it was all quiet when Rias noticed something about Izuku. "Are you-" She couldn't finish her question since Izuku fainted from the multiple amounts of shock that, he witnessed.

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