Chapter: 13

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A/N Sorry for the named chapter last time! I was going for chapters that was perfect for this story and forgot to remove it and change it to chapter: 12. I hope you all really liked the previous chapter, and we can begin on this chapter! I hope you all enjoy this one!

Izuku laid the girl on his bed as he made sure that he used his magic in order to heal her of her injuries. He had made sure to learn some healing magic from Sona as well as Akeno in order to make sure that if he was injured and nobody was nearby, he could heal his own injuries. He had found the girl in the road last night as he was going for a late-night run-in order to keep up his training. He watched as she fell onto the ground as he became worried about her as she was incredibly injured and had torn clothing. Looking closer to the girl he found that she had red colored hair, more akin to rubies than crimson colored hair. He made sure that she was covered in some bandages in order to make sure that she could recover from her injuries. "I hope that Maria is okay physically as well as mentally. From what it looked like she was tortured, and I don't like how that looked for her." Izuku mumbled to himself as he worked on some homework as the girl slept. As soon as he noticed how the girl was in a deep slumber it was around midnight, and he smiled at her sleeping form. Pulling the covers of his bed over her he looked at a small paper on his desk as he saw it was glowing. Looking at it, it was a pamphlet that Rias had made for him to send out to other areas of Musutafu nearby. Picking it up he heard the wish coming from the other side of the pamphlet. "I wish for a Demon to come here and show me that they exist!" The voice said, with skepticism as well as cheerfulness. Pulling the pamphlet over to his chest he looked at Maria's sleeping form as he shook his head as he went to take care of a contract. A crimson red glow appeared in the room as Izuku disappeared from the area just as Maria woke up from her slumber. Looking about the room she found that it wasn't like a normal young man's room, at least from what she heard from some of her allies she knew that some boys were perverts nowadays. And from what she saw, this boy was more of a fan of heroes than anything else, but she did notice how there were some Devil markings around the place. "I hope that I don't owe this Devil anything like sexual favors, knowing those bastards they would wish for me to become their slaves." Maria said, as she snuggled back into the blanket to sleep. But before falling asleep she made one observation about the whole situation. "This blanket is incredibly warm."


As Izuku appeared in a room he found himself surrounded by the color of periwinkle blue on all the walls of the room he was now in. Looking about the place he found that the room was more akin to that of a girl who was more of a hero student since he never seen this building before. And as he sat down on a seat nearby, he found that the place was cozier than anything, so he kept himself quiet as he waited for the person who summoned him to arrive. As soon as the person arrived, they turned on the lights as soon as they entered the room, and as soon as his presence was noticed she looked at him for a moment before closing her bedroom door. "I know that you weren't here when I was here earlier, what brought you here? You aren't someone who goes to this school." The girl said, as Izuku shook his head. "Could you tell me your name as well as where I am?" Izuku asked, as the girl nodded. "My name is Hado Nejire! But you can call me Nejire-chan! That's me Hero Name! How did you come here?" Nejire asked, as Izuku thought about it. "Well I noticed that my pamphlet had glowed ominously, and I knew that someone was summoning me. So I entered the magic circle and teleported straight to you. Although I appeared in what appears to be your bedroom, I apologize if I interrupted anything." Izuku said, bowing. "Wait, you are the one I summoned!? You're a devil!?" The girl asked, as Izuku nodded. "What is it like to live like a devil? Can you read minds? Are all devils as cute and adorable as you are? I wonder if Devils' have large penis sizes. Can you tell me if you do?" The girl rapid fired questions as Izuku sweat-dropped from the number of questions she has. "Well to answer your first question, it depends on the devil servant themselves, as for me it's a normal thing. I got a job for making contracts in order to become stronger. We can read minds, but I would rather stay away from that portion of our powers since I would rather give people their privacy of their minds. Not that I believe that your third question is a viable one, but not all Devils are as cute and adorable as you seem to think I am. And for the nsfw portion of your question, I'm not sure if all Devils have larger penis sizes, but from what I know, my size was much larger now than it was before. But I'm not sure about the other devils." Izuku said, answering each question the girl had. As she smiled at him, she began to get into a massive conversation with him about the Devil Faction as well as the other factions. They would spend the next few hours talking about Devils as well as the other Factions as well as the ones who were a part of mythology. By the time it was over, Izuku was looking worse for wear as he looked at the girl in front of him, their talk was very long, and he wanted to get some sleep before school in the morning. "Can I talk to you again Izuku?" Nejire asked, as Izuku nodded. "Just please make sure that there is enough time for me to sleep. I am just a reincarnated servant and am still tied to this realm of sleep as much as anyone else." Izuku asked, as the girl nodded. "You need a contract, right? What would you like to have as a contract?" The girl asked, as Izuku looked at her. "How about you choose, I'm not a pervert so I won't take clothing from you. But something that could be used as a contract would be good. Such as money as well as other things that have a certain cost." Izuku said, as Nejire nodded. She then pulled out a small stack of yen as Izuku grabbed it making it the contract. "Thank you for the contract, I hope our future conversations are just as happy as this one." Izuku said, as he smiled at Nejire, as the girl smiled back. "See you later Izu-kun!" Nejire said, as Izuku used his pamphlet to teleport back to his bedroom. As soon as he arrived at the bedroom where he was supposed to sleep, he found Maria where he last saw her, sleeping on his bed as he made sure the blanket was over her body as he set up a cot on the ground and pulled a blanket over himself. He had school in the morning that he had to get too soon, and he couldn't allow himself to not have enough sleep-in order to be able to work for the day. Not to mention that the previous day there was a couple of visitors from the Church who had come here in order to take care of a mission they were sent out on. As he fell asleep, he never noticed the lime green eyes taking notice of him falling asleep on the ground nearby the bed as they looked at him in slight fear. The night had soon passed over and Izuku woke up from his slumber to light knocking on his bedroom door. As soon as he got out of bed, he looked underneath his bed sheets and found that he had a slightly bigger problem at the moment before leaving the room entirely. As soon as he opened the door slightly, he found Ravel looking at him expectantly, and he left the room with her in tow. "I heard some movement in your room last night, any reason why there is a woman from the church within your room?" Ravel asked, a little jealous. "I'm just making sure that she is healed from her wounds. It's what a Hero would do if he found someone on the street." Izuku said, as he yawned. Whenever he was sleepy, he was brutally honest as he went to make himself some coffee since it would increase his levels of caffeine in his system. "So you aren't in a relationship with another girl even though you're in a relationship with me and Rias?" Ravel asked, in a teasing mood. "Nope, I just saved her from her problem on the street. She was incredibly injured and bleeding. I cleaned and bandaged her wounds before keeping her in my bed last night so that she could rest. I don't need her wasting energy she could use to keep herself alive." Izuku said, as he drank some coffee. The day continued on as Izuku kept an eye on Maria as the girl woke up from her slumber to see Izuku tending to her injuries. "Are you alright Maria-san? I know that you were incredibly injured last night, and I healed your injuries as much as I could before letting your body heal the rest on it's own." Izuku asked, as Maria looked into his emerald orbs. "H-How are you a Devil, but yet so kind?" Maria asked, as she struggled to get into a seated position. "I'm just a naturally nice guy. And besides I am a reincarnated Devil, I was saved by Rias Gremory after being impaled by a spear of light. It was someone who saw me as a threat to their faction. And I managed to defeat them before I was slowly dying from my injuries." Izuku said, as Maria looked at him. She noticed that as he took off his shirt that there was some burn scars on his back as well as neck and arms as he replaced his shirt with a tank top. "Were you bullied?" She asked, as she looked intently at his scars. "Yeah, but that was because I wouldn't allow the person to attack others. They kept their eyes on me since I was more of a threat to them. It's fine, it's a sign that I survived the bullying when I was much younger. Besides, everything for me now is better. I have a new family, I have new friends, and I have someone who is much closer to me than some others." Izuku said, as he tended to the girls wounds even more using his magic supply. [Partner, you are aware that the church has people who could be searching for ways to defeat us right?] Ddraig voiced his opinion out. "Who was that!?" Maria asked, as Izuku looked at his left arm. "Ddraig, what have I told you about voicing your opinions since time has passed?" Izuku scolded as Ddraig became slightly worried. [Don't voice them unless they have certain grounds for future problems.] Ddraig said, dejectedly. "Good boy, I know that you want what's best for me, but I know what I'm doing. This girl wouldn't hurt me since she is indebted to me at the moment, I won't ask for anything at the moment, but even though I want to be a Hero the Devil DNA inside me at the moment is wanting compensation." Izuku grumbled to himself as Maria heard the back and forth of the two. "You are really weird for a Devil, you don't want compensation since you wish to be a Hero, but your Devil portion of your mind wants compensation. What would you possibly want?" She asked, as she looked into his emerald orbs. "I just want a friend, as many as I can have. I never really had any growing up as a kid up until now, and I had no family to call my own. When I become a High-Class Devil in terms of rank, I will make sure that any people that allow me to reincarnate them into my peerage will be treated as my own family." Izuku said, as he placed the back of his hand on Maria's forehead as she blushed slightly from the contact. "Alright other than the blush on your face, it seems like you're healthy in terms of medical stuff. I'm not that smart in terms of medical things, but I can only hope that you know more about that stuff." Izuku said, looking at Maria. "Don't you have school today?" Maria asked, as Izuku looked at the time. "Hm, I have about half an hour before class begins. I should head out. Got a meeting to attend with my master's peerage, see you when I get home?" Izuku asked, as Maria nodded. "If Gorou and Miki Hyoudou see you in here inform them that I helped you from the street and healed your wounds as much as I could last night." Izuku said, as Maria nodded her head again as Izuku left the room. "See you later Maria-san!" Izuku said, as he left the house with Ravel.

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