Chapter: 23

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Highschool DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I am so happy that this story is already over half of 10k reads! I am so happy that you all are loving this story and I really hope you all will continue reading this story until it reaches its final chapter, which won't happen for a while. If you all want to have another story to read whilst you wait for a new chapter read Attack on Titan: Rise to Heroism! It's a new story that needs some attention!

Izuku and Ravel fell asleep in the back room of the Gremory home as they were cuddled next to one another, Rias and some of the others had come inside the room to get some cuddles as well during the night. Rias though was more jealous of Ravel since Izuku paid the girl much more attention than her and she wanted Izuku to give her more attention than the others, so she had herself sleeping behind Izuku's back. When the other girls had arrived in the room, they all had slept in positions around the young man as they had all wanted some attention from him. It was the next morning that Izuku had woken up from his sleep as he pulled Ravel into his chest when he noticed something different about her... her chest for some reason was much bigger than it normally was. Looking down at his chest he found Akeno and Rias' bodies held closer to his chest as he slowly pushed them away before sitting up on the bed. He had taken notice that Ravel had already left the bed and was getting herself prepped for the day as he rolled out of the bed to prepare himself as well. The Young Devil's meeting was today, and they all needed to be awake and aware of their surroundings to keep going for the day. And as soon as he and Ravel were about to leave the bedroom, that was when the other girls had decided to leave the bed with pouts on their faces as they demanded some attention, although Koneko was looking more neutral about everything she was pouting still. Walking over to the group he patted each of their heads before walking out of the room so he could start on his morning training regimen so that he wouldn't get complacent and lose power because of his inability to prepare for the future. And whilst he was outside training, the girls had left to their original rooms to get their clothes ready for moving out towards the Young Devils meeting. 


As of right now, Izuku was preparing his mind as well as power for whatever would be happening at the meeting of Young Devils. He never knew any other Devils within the Young Devil rankings since he only ever knew about Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory, but he was willing to learn more about the Young Devils and learn about their powers. He even had a notebook with details about the powers they wield as well as ways to counter them from the Gremory peerage as well as some Devils he came across over the many months since he became a Reincarnated Devil. He was walking towards the other girls when he noticed that some of them were sitting at the breakfast table without him and were looking miffed about something. "I-Is there something wrong?" Izuku asked, stuttering a little. "Nope, we are just waiting to head out soon." Rias said, looking away from Izuku. The young man nodded before sitting down at the table and waiting for breakfast like the girls, but he did notice a look between a couple of them as their breakfast came through the kitchen doors. Shaking off the glares of some of the girls, Izuku pulled out some eating utensils in order to consume the breakfast and prepare himself for the meeting between the Young Devils as well as the new announcement for later that evening. Unaware of what was about to happen around himself, he briefly looked over at Ravel as the girl had been seemingly unaware of what was happening as well. But as soon as Izuku's favorite Katsudon was in front of his face, it brightened up considerably as he dug into the meal. The girls around him though were looking on as if they were waiting for something to happen, but nothing seemed to happen as Izuku just dug through the meal. And it wasn't until he was nearly done with the meal that Ddraig had spoken up about something in his mind that he found something wrong with his meal. [Partner, you might want to head towards the bathroom soon. You will be in there for a while.] Ddraig informed as Izuku felt something churn in his stomach. Standing up from the table, Izuku walked away from the group of girls and towards the bathroom in order to relieve himself, but as he was leaving, he couldn't help but overhear some laughter from the dining room from the girls. Growling to himself, he overheard Ddraig mention something in his ear. [Never let your other women not feel as if they are getting enough attention. They will take it personally and will punish you for it.] The thousand-year-old Dragon mentioned to him. "I gave them all attention through training in the last few days, what in the world would they be mad about?" Izuku questioned as he sat down on the toilet relieving his bowels. [Well for one thing, they wish to be more sexual with you. Not only that but they seem to feel like you give that phoenix brat more attention than them.] Ddraig mentioned as Izuku growled at the answer. "It's not my fault that she needs to have more attention than them since her own family would rather place her in her brother's peerage for incest reasons." Izuku muttered as Ddraig gruffly agreed. [Then you inform them about your reasons for giving the girl more attention than them, surely, they will understand.] Ddraig said, as Izuku shook his head. "Ddraig, if you gave someone else attention because of the fact that they weren't treated fairly in this world, and you got punished for merely helping the girl come out of her shell of being a nervous wreck, how would you feel?" Izuku questioned as the Dragon thought about his answer. [I would be understandably furious about why they punished me for merely helping another individual from their troubles. But what does that have to do with you?] Ddraig questioned as Izuku looked at his Sacred Gear with a deadpan expression. "Hey dumbass, that is me right now. They put laxatives in my favorite meal all because I was trying to help Ravel come out more into the group! If they are going to punish me for helping someone which is something Rias hasn't even done for her peerage except for accepting them in moments of which they were mentally not in the right place, then something is wrong with them not me." Izuku said, as he growled even more. [Well I apologize for taking their side rather than yours, partner. I just never had been in a position like you had before, I was always fighting Albion and never really had a sexual partner of my own. I do live vicariously through my hosts.] Ddraig said, as Izuku felt a little bad at the Dragon. "Don't worry Ddraig, when I get you out of the Boosted Gear, I will make sure that you find a mate of your own. That way you can pamper them in any way you wish." Izuku said, as he rubbed his left hand on the gem. Ddraig was calmed for the moment as Izuku finished clearing out his system and flushed the toilet and left the room. He had purposefully stayed in there for a lot longer than intended because he wanted to be extra sure that they didn't put in extra laxatives in his food to keep him there for a while. Taking a shower just to be sure as well he went back to the room the Gremory Family prepared for him as he was having issues choosing a suit and tie for himself to wear to the meeting. Eventually he found the perfect one as he pulled out a vested suit and tie and placed it on, it was crimson red in color with gold jewels around the shoulder blades as well as his upper chest making him look regal in the mirror. Once he was prepared for the meeting of Young Devils, he left the bedroom as he walked down the halls and found the girls staring at him. Especially Rias who was for some reason staring at his head, and once he felt his head, he found two horns sticking up from his head and remembered that when he became a full Dragon the other day he transformed into a Dragon and fell asleep on their first day in the Underworld. As he walked towards the girls, he found Ravel and stood next to her as he began a conversation with her as the girls around him tried to enter it he glared harshly at them for some reason making them feel sad. They were sad that he wasn't giving some of them attention and were becoming more and more jealous of his connection to Ravel. But now wasn't the time to be jealous with him as they needed to leave for the meeting of Devils and the leaders of each Faction.

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