Battle for Kuoh Town!

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A/N How did you all like the previous chapter! I hope you all were surprised with what I did with Izuku as well as his ancestry of being a part of the Knights of the Round Table! I know that Izuku being the long-lost descendant of Mordred is bound to bring up some kinds of questions, such as how he escaped the reach of the Heroes Faction. Well here is your answer, he didn't they were keeping an eye on him the entire time as they waited to see if they could bring him to their side but couldn't get to him in time to place their hold on him.

Izuku looked at his hand with confusion as well as shock, looking over at Ravel, she was just as confused as well as concerned about his mark. "We need to inform Rias about this, she will know what to do." Ravel said, as Izuku nodded his head as they went to his bedroom in order to call Rias over to their home. As soon as they entered the bedroom, Izuku sat on his bed as he thought about everything that had happened in his life before this moment. Shaking his head in exasperation he needed to wonder how Rias would react to having the descendant or something of Mordred within her peerage. From what he remembered about the Arthurian Legend, Mordred was a Knight who was surprisingly King Arthur's son who had become a part of the Knights of the Round Table in search of impressing his father enough to become the King of Camelot. But that never came to be because the young Knight had led a coup against his father, only to be killed by his father on the battlefield as King Arthur had looked upon his destroyed home as he wept in sadness for its loss. Shaking his head out of his memory reading of Camelot's Legend, Izuku heard the sound of a Magic circle appearing in his room. "What's wrong!?" Rias called out, as soon as she ran over to Izuku who was sitting on his bed. "We need to inform you about something that happened when we gave the Exorcists the weapon they needed to bring back to the Vatican." Izuku said, as he stood up and looked at his wrist. Rias looked over at Izuku in confusion before Izuku twisted his wrist in order to have his master read the mark on his right palm, and she moved closer to him. "Hm, this mark is that of the Round Table of Camelot. I wonder, who are your parents again Izuku?" Rias asked, as Izuku looked downward. "I don't know, all I know are their names. Midoriya Hisashi and Midoriya Inko, they abandoned me at birth, and I was raised in the orphanage." Izuku said, as Rias nodded to herself. "Hm, from what I am seeing this is a true mark of the Round Table. And from the blade of Mordred, as it seems... you are the long-lost son of Mordred." Rias said, before the words were recognized in her own ears. "I managed to save the long-lost son of the Mordred family." She said, as she passed out from otaku overload.


After Izuku and Ravel got Rias on his bed and placed her in a spot where when she would eventually wake up from her slumber, they would be more capable of telling her more stuff. Looking at one another they found that their presence with one another was more calming than when Rias first arrived. "Should we have waited until Kokabiel was taken care of first?" Izuku asked, as Ravel shook her head. "If this new thought about you being capable of wielding a Holy Weapon because of the simple fact that you are a descendant of Mordred, then you might be our last chance of sending Kokabiel packing." Ravel said, as she thought about potential strategies to combat Kokabiel. As they were thinking about this, Izuku pulled up some historical strategies against a singular opponent who was more powerful than a whole group that was taken out with a massive army. And the only one who came up was the battle between the Persians and the Spartans and how 300 Spartans held back 10,000 men from Persia for multiple days before being finally overwhelmed by the fact one of their own betrayed them for Persia. As Izuku kept his eyes on this particular historical fact of strategy he made sure to try and keep his memory of the event memorized in his mind so that he could try and use the 300 Spartan's strategy of holding out until the enemy couldn't fight anymore. It was that moment that Rias had decided to wake up from her impromptu nap on Izuku's bed, as he turned around to find her waking up. "Where's Ravel-chan?" Rias asked, as she rubbed her eyes. "She's in bed, we have a big opponent to be fighting in the next few days. As soon as they find out one of their own was killed a few days ago as well as the fact that their only weapon they stole is gone, they will be searching for who stole it." Izuku said, as he stood up from his seat and stretched. Rias watched as Izuku's body had lifted the shirt he was wearing showing some scarring on his upper torso from burns of the past. He was still sculpted like an Olympic swimmer during the Winter Olympic Festival that is held around the world. "Are you sure that we can defeat Kokabiel?" Rias asked, as she looked at Izuku. "With my current power, no. I'm not strong enough on my own in order to take down Kokabiel, with my own power I can reach to about maybe about half of his full power, but that's it." Izuku said, as he kept trying to come up with ideas to fight Kokabiel. He had come to Rias earlier that day with a warning that he would make his attack the next night at the end of the week, and they needed to be prepared. "We need to get you a weapon that would mesh well with your physical fighting, can you incorporate your brawling fighting style with a more rehearsed sword fighting style?" Rias asked, as Izuku looked over at her. "Yes, I can, but that would take around weeks to master for me to do. I won't have enough time to master that within a few minutes or hours into the night, Kokabiel is too powerful as well as smart enough to not allow me to gain that kind of knowledge. Even with a change to my fighting style, it wouldn't matter since he will still be stronger than me as well as faster and more intelligent than I am. We would need to catch him so off guard that he wouldn't be capable of either blocking an attack or dodging one that would allow us to gain an advantage." Izuku said, as he started to mutter to himself. Rias had found herself watching Izuku's muttering spree with fond eyes as she smiled at how his analytical mind took off for analyzing an opponent who wasn't in front of him. "What kind of powers does Kokabiel have control over? I am sure that he has control over Light considering his Angelic descent, but what am I missing in my arsenal in order to pose a hard threat to the man?" Izuku muttered to himself as he subconsciously made notes on his opponent... and made a rough sketch of what he believes him to look like. Suffice to say, Rias is surprised that the young man had managed to get the Fallen Angel Cadre's face almost exactly correct except for the facial expression and ears. "Well we need to get the others prepared at Kuoh Academy in order to launch a counteroffensive against Kokabiel when he comes tomorrow." Rias said, standing up from his bed. "Sure, want me to wake up Ravel?" Izuku asked, as Rias looked at Ravel's room. "No, she needs to stay out of a fight like this. We need to keep her out of a fight of this caliber for a little while longer until she is strong enough to handle herself on her own." Rias said, as Izuku nodded. Entering the kitchen, he found Gorou and Miki looking sickly as he walked over to them as he made sure they were alright. With Rias watching from afar, she found that Izuku was extremely protective of his new family, she only wished that they could have some kind of allies in this fight against the enemy of the world at the moment. "Hey Izuku, how would All Might fare against Kokabiel in a fight to the death?" Rias asked, as she watched an old video of All Might in his Prime. "With how strong All Might is at the moment... he would utterly fail miserably. Kokabiel would dismantle his fighting style no matter how much experience as well as power All Might packs in his body. The one we would really need to bring is... Either Nezu or Stars and Stripes." Izuku said, thoroughly shocking Rias and his foster parents. "Stars and Stripes? Isn't she the Number 1 Hero of America?" Gorou asked, as he was staring at Izuku in awe. "Yeah, but her quirk might not work against Kokabiel since the Fallen Cadre's body might not react the same way a human body would to her quirk. It would be extremely dangerous to bring her here since he could try and turn her against the world with his manipulative ways." Izuku said, as he bit his lip in thought. "We might need someone who is intangible and unpredictable. Someone who has years of experience of fighting at the same amount of Kokabiel and All Might combined." Rias said, as she sat with her fingers on her chin. "There's only one person I can think of who could be strong enough for that Rias." Gorou said, as Rias looked over at him. "Who would that be?" She asked, as Izuku looked at her as if she was secretly stupid. "Um, have you tried calling your older Brother here?" Miki asked, confused as Rias became alarmed immediately. "We cannot bring him here!" Rias said, urgently as Izuku looked at her confused. "What do you mean, we would only need to bring one Super Devil here and your brother would be the perfect one to do so." Izuku said, as he looked at Rias confused. "My brother is a sis-con, if he finds out that I cannot handle my territory that he gave me then I would be showing him that I'm not prepared for handling a territory on my own." Rias said, as Izuku thought about another Devil within the Devil Faction that was on Par with Sirzechs Lucifer/Rias' brother. "Isn't there another Super Devil within your clan that can handle Kokabiel on his own?" Miki asked, as Rias thought about it further. "There is Ajuka Beelzebub, but I'm not sure if he would take Kokabiel on his own or not. He might just seal his powers away in order to have Izuku just fight him on his own." Rias said, as Izuku thought about another Devil. "How about Serafall Leviathan, I was told by Genshirou-san that Sona has an older sister who would do anything to keep her sister safe from any kind of harm." Izuku said, as Rias sighed. "It's the same reason with Sona, her sister is really protective of her and will not allow her sister to save her without it being extremely important." Rias said, as Izuku sighed. "This is getting us nowhere, why can't the Governor General of the Grigori come here and help us?" Izuku said, exasperated. "Well that's easy, it's not my jurisdiction to be in this territory." A new voice said within the living room sitting casually on the couch like it was no big deal. "Wait, what are you doing here Azazel!?" Izuku called out, as everyone jumped a few feet away from the Governor General of the entire Grigori. "Well color me surprised that you all didn't notice me appearing behind you all within your little conversation. Other than that, I came through the front door. Really got to put a lock on the door to prevent burglars." Azazel said, chuckling. "What are you talking about? The doors always locked." Izuku said, as Azazel looked at the now destroyed door. "Well shit." The man said, as the door to the home just now fell to the floor with a thud. "Is he going to pay for that?" Gorou asked, looking surprised as well as fearful. "Don't worry with some magic it will be back to normal in a couple seconds." Azazel said, as he swiped his hand on the door as it magically was replaced with the one on the ground. "So the reason you can't fight Kokabiel is because of the fact that this isn't your territory?" Izuku asked, as Azazel nodded. "Can you send someone who is strong enough to defeat Kokabiel? At someone who can help us?" Rias asked, as she looked at Azazel. "I can, but he is currently doing a mission for me at the moment. But oh well, I can send him after his mission is complete. He will be at the fight near the end of it though, he will want to see how Izuku here fights." Azazel said, as he stood up and made a magic circle to disappear. Once he was gone Izuku looked over at Rias as she knew who the person who was coming was just from the look Azazel gave Izuku. "It's the White one." Izuku said, as he softly growled. 

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