Chapter: 31

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of High School DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I hope you all haven't been waiting long for this chapter to come out, only about 3 days before I decided to make it. I wanted to make a few chapters before heading to bed today since I wanted you all to have something to read about instead of some smaller stories. Well without further ado, let's begin!

Inside the Shie Hassaikai base, Izuku was slowly moving towards Kai Chisaki. The man was now a sobbing mess on the ground as he tried to fix all the damage dealt to him from Izuku himself as he growled at him. "So, what did you think would happen when you tried to hurt a little girl?" Izuku asked, as he placed a foot onto Kai's arm breaking the bone. "GRAAAAAHAAAAA!" He screamed in agony as Izuku slammed a palm onto Overhaul's face silencing his screams of agony. "I asked you a question, you better answer me. There are always the words that history always said about Dragons. "Never Anger a Dragon."" Izuku said, as he glared at Kai. The man garbled his spittle in his mouth before coughing vehemently as Izuku kicked him into the wall. His patience was wearing thin with the man, he had half a mind to just kill him right now. "I-I did it all for t-the... *Cough! * *Cough! * Annexation of mankind! T-They are all s-suffering from a d-disease!" Kai said, as Izuku placed his foot on Kai's neck. "What kind of disease are you referring to? Because if you are talking about Quirks themselves, they were a blessing passed down to humanity by God himself. I'm not sure if you realize this Kai, but the world you live in... hehehe! Is so much larger than you realize." Izuku said, revealing his Dragon and Devil wings. Kai stared at Izuku in horror as he asked the only question that could come to his mind. "I-I thought the L-League of V-Villains had c-captured you?" Kai asked, as Izuku chuckled. "They did, they just didn't account for the fact that I could break free of their mind control with a mere memory about my past life." Izuku said, as he glared at Kai once again. "Now tell me what made you think causing so much mental trauma to a 6-year-old girl made it right to experiment on her as if she was nothing more than a lab rat!?" Izuku growled as garbled noises came from behind Izuku. Lying on the ground far behind him were the bodies of Twice and Toga Himiko, blood seeping from their orphases. 

Meanwhile outside, everyone had looked at the building with trepidation as Aizawa kept Eri busy by holding her inside a police vehicle. "So should we enter the building to apprehend Overhaul? I believe that we have the chance to stop him here and now." A police officer said, as a female one walked over shaking her head. "Did you see the boy who ran back in there? He was on a mission, and if there was anything I know about parentage... he views the little girl as his baby. I felt as though I were looking at a Dragon when I saw the rage in his eyes." She said, as the police officer gaged. "Really? A Dragon? We all know that they are just folk tales!" The officer said, as the woman smirked. "Really? Then why are we seeing a Dragon's claw marks on the walls inside the building?" The female officer said, showing images. "I-It could be his quirk at play!" The officer said, stuttering. "That boy has no quirk; I checked his name in our systems. He is quirkless by all accounts. And I believe that the reason that was, is because he is the Dragon of legend. At least from Whales." The female officer said, as everyone stared at her in a confused manor.


Izuku stood in the middle of the hallway, he had finished talking to Kai as he looked at the bloodstained wall with fury but at the same time... sadness. The man was only trying to take away all the powers that humanity had, and keep his own in order to seem like an all-powerful god. But at the same time... Izuku could understand where he came from. In a world where everyone had a power that could be seen as Heroic, he was abandoned by his own family and lived his life in the Yakuza trying to increase their notoriety. But he became too power hungry in order to save the world, he allowed himself to fall to the lowest part where humanity should never go. Torturing a child for no good reason other than her quirk being capable of rewinding things back to where they were before they existed. Izuku knew that the power of a quirk like Eri's would catch the attention of some villains, and he had noticed that Twice and Toga had tried to escape whilst he defeated Overhaul. And killed them immediately without remorse, they tried to turn him on his friends and get him to kill Rias, Akeno, Ravel, Koneko, Kiba, and all the others. Hell Cao Cao, had tried to force him to work with them in order to take down the Yokai Faction without anyone being the wiser. Walking over to the dead corpses of Twice and Toga, he pulled out the small object that was within their grasp. A container of Quirk Erasing bullets within had been what Izuku had seen as he opened it to make sure that whatever was inside was not dangerous. Looking at the dead bodies on the ground, Izuku decided to make out like a bandit and disappear from the building. Allowing for the officers outside to feel his presence was no longer present and enter the building only to see the bodies of three villains.

Appearing in the schoolgrounds of UA, Izuku walked over to Principal Nezu's office in order to tell him about what he had found. As he went to knock on the door, fury written on his face he watched as the door opened without him being aware that Nezu knew about his presence. "How did you?" Izuku asked, as Nezu chuckled. "I have camera's everywhere on campus, and I could also feel your fury coming from a mile away. So I made tea in order to try and calm you down." Nezu said, as Izuku sat down in the seat. "I killed all three of them." Izuku started as he grabbed the cup of tea. "As much as I would say that is against the law, you are a Devil and Dragon so I can't tell you what to do. I am at the bottom of the food chain." Nezu said, as Izuku huffed. "Villains wouldn't be a problem if you all killed the most dangerous ones instead of placing them behind bars." Izuku said, as Nezu chuckled even more. "Villains have died inside prisons before, especially the more dangerous ones. But this talk isn't about that, what are you here for Midoriya-kun?" Nezu asked, as Izuku placed the container on the desk. "I came here to make sure that the Heroes had these." Izuku started as Nezu picked up the container. "From what it seems like, these were meant to be shot at something... or someone. Preferably a Hero or police officer or another villain." Nezu surmised as Izuku nodded. "Overhaul created these to become the greatest manufacturer of Quirk Erasing Bullets to the world. He would've made himself the king of the world with that kind of ability, keeping his own quirk from being destroyed." Izuku said, as Nezu visibly bristled. "Who in the world could have authorized this kind of action? Surely the Yakuza had nobody that could synthesize this kind of drug." Nezu said, as Izuku shook his head. "He was torturing a little girl, breaking her body apart and bringing her back without a single care about her mental trauma of being killed like that many times. Her name is Eri. And her quirk allows her to rewind the time on any organism as well as object to the point that they don't exist anymore." Izuku said, as Nezu bristled even more. "I believe I know what he did now. He tore her body apart, collected the blood and placed it under surveillance, then he synthesized it to the point that it would rewind a quirk out of existence. What were his plans about using this kind of drug?" Nezu asked, as Izuku clicked his tongue. "He was going to shoot one of the Heroes with it, and demand compensation in order to sell it to the police as well as Heroes to bring in Villains much easier. Then he was going to sell it to the Villains so that they could have an easier time in taking down the Heroes. All in all, he was planning on making society dependent on him and his creation of the Quirk Destroying Bullet, or as I have been mentally calling them... the QDB's." Izuku said, as Nezu nodded. "I thank you for bringing this up with me. We will make sure that nobody gets their hands on them, and I will make doubly sure that the little girl doesn't experience the same kind of torture when we experiment with her quirk. She will be given great care under Aizawa, and he will make sure that her training with her quirk will go swimmingly." Nezu said, as Izuku stood up. "I need to head back to Kuoh, I hope you all continue your lives without needing my assistance anymore. Because after this, I will be keeping an eye out for the League of Villains if they are nearby Kuoh Town. If any of them enter the town, be sure to have some police scouring through alleyways within Musutafu." Izuku said, walking to the door. Turning back to look at the Principal, the small animal could almost feel a sort of pressure on him as Izuku smiled at him with sharpened teeth. "Because all that will be left of them will be body parts." Izuku said, as he left the building in a wisp of magical nodes. 

"I really need to make sure we all learn magic; I wonder if some of the Angels' would be willing to teach us." Nezu questioned aloud unaware of the Fallen Angel nearby feeling a disturbance in the force.

A/N Hello everyone and welcome to the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, in the next chapter you all will see in a dream of what Izuku did to Twice and Toga. So leaving their corpses on the ground in the background of Izuku interrogating Overhaul was something to let you all know that he had killed the two without any kind of mercy. Now in terms of Izuku informing Nezu about being on the lookout for any League Members body parts being seen on the grounds nearby Musutafu's alleys. He wasn't lying, he wants revenge against them so badly, that his Draconic instincts are taking over his mind at the moment. The very second, he sees Dabi, Tomura, Doctor Garaki and many others who are going to be a part of the League of Villains... he will tear them to shreds and leave their body parts on the grounds in alleys of Musutafu. He is still kind, but when his Draconic eyes gets their eyes on those kinds of characters, his mind will completely block out the kind Izuku and replace it with the vengeful Dragon inside. See you all next time! Chao~

1957 Words!

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