Chapter: 18

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A/N Hello and welcome back to this story! I am so happy that you all are hitting the goal for these chapters that I make. I can't wait until I can do so much more with these characters in the story as well as see how Izuku would interact with them all, and I can't wait to see how you all can react to these interactions that Izuku makes based on my own perspective on the issue. I hope you all are enjoying your weekend and without further ado let us begin!

Izuku walked through the halls of Kuoh Academy, he was looking for someone to help him around the place since he was delivering some papers to Sona so they could be brought to the Principal of the school. As he found his way into Sona's office, he knocked on the door before being let inside as Sona's peerage had taken the papers from his hands and let him off with a smile. While he was walking back to his classroom, he heard that the Parent Day as it allowed one's parents to come to the school in order to learn what their children have been learning at the school. He smiled sadly to himself as he thought about his biological parents, they were the ones who abandoned him at birth, and he didn't know why they did. But he was happy with his surrogate family within the Hyoudou family as they had done more for him than his real parents ever did. Sitting down in his seat ready for the first class of the day, he heard movement outside of the classroom and as he looked towards the door, he saw the parents of some of his classmates enter the room. Izuku smiled to himself as he saw the 6 months pregnant Miki smiling over at him with Gorou standing next to her keeping her from slipping or falling over. Shaking his head in fondness, Izuku refocused on the lesson that was about to start as Izuku kept his mind in the lessons that was being taught to the class. Once the class was over the parents who arrived at the school had talked to one another getting to know one another as they walked through the school. Izuku arrived at his class that had him try and learn how to mold some clay in order to show what he could create from the vast emptiness of his brain as well as mind. Thinking about it, Izuku thought about what he would like to create, so he decided to create Ddraig's powerful look in clay form. He would start with the legs and move upwards as he made sure that the legs as well as arms were proportioned properly, as he moved onto the wings which would be one of the tougher parts. As he was making the wings, Ddraig was whispering to him what they looked like so that they would be as close to the real thing as possible. Once the wings were done, Izuku moved onto the neck and head as he thought about what Ddraig looked like and continued on like nothing happened. Once his sculpture was complete, he sat back to look at the creature that was shown to him as he smiled to himself as it looked almost like an exact replica of Ddraig in his prime. Even Ddraig was impressed with how detailed the sculpture of himself was as it showed his golden horn, and he watched as Izuku started to pull out some art supplies in order to color it in. What happened next caused everyone in the class to look at him in shock as well as awe, he continued to work on the coloring of Ddraig in his respective color scheme and everyone was seriously feeling like they were nothing compared to Izuku's artistic style. Once the coloring was complete, Izuku's sculpture was an almost exact replica of Ddraig minus the slight difference in size.


As class was over Izuku was walking down the hallways as everyone was looking at the sculpture in his hands as he smiled down at the sculpture with fondness. "I think I could become an artist in terms of sculpture creations. What do you think Ddraig?" Izuku asked, mumbling. [I think that it could be a great way for you to earn some money on your past times. It could also increase your artistic skill; you already make sketches for Heroes whenever you see a new one.] Ddraig said, as Izuku nodded to himself. As Izuku walked through the hallways even more he soon found Gorou talking to Sirzechs Lucifer, the one in charge of the Underworld. He smiled at how the man was becoming friends with Rias' older brother as well as the man's own father. Izuku smiled at their interaction as he could only wish he knew why his own real father and mother abandoned him at birth. He knew that it had to be a reason that was plausible, but he couldn't help but have a feeling of being inept when it came to learning about his parents. 'Why would the place me in an orphanage? One of them was a literal Dragon, so why would they try and place me in an orphanage?' Izuku thought to himself, as he began to doubt himself. The seed was there, but he was feeling sad about the fact that his true parents didn't have the time to see him. Looking away from Gorou and the other parents as well as Sirzechs, Izuku walked over to where the ORC was located as he heard Rias talking to some of her other servants. "Hey Rias-buchou!" Izuku said, as he walked up to them holding his sculpture in hand. "Hey Izuku, nice sculpture." Rias said, as Koneko gave him a thumbs up. Akeno looked at the sculpture as a... very alluring smile came upon her face as she looked into Izuku's eyes before noticing his sad look. "Are you alright Izuku?" Akeno asked, worriedly as Izuku schooled his features immediately. "I-I'm fine, just thinking about something. What is going on?" Izuku said, before questioning Rias about the door. "I'm letting Gasper out of his room. Big brother told me that I've gotten strong enough to control Gasper from getting out of hand." Rias said, as she unlocked the door. Once the magic sigil on the wall it caused the door to open slightly as Izuku and the others entered the room to look inside. Izuku soon found a box in the corner of the room as he walked over to it and sat down in front of it as a meek voice came from the box. Everyone else watched on in either amusement or concern as Izuku moved to the box and sat down in front of it. "W-Who are you." A meek voice came from inside the box. "My name is Midoriya Izuku, I am the Pawn of Rias Gremory-senpai. I want to meet my senior in terms of being in the peerage." Izuku said, as he stared at the box with a soft expression. "M-My name I-is V-Vladi G-Gasper. N-Nice to m-meet you M-Midoriya-san." Gasper said, as he introduced himself as well as showed Izuku a small portion of his head. Izuku slowly raised his hand from his sculpture and slowly moved towards the boy who watched it very closely as Izuku slowly placed it on the boy's head giving it a soft rub. And as everyone was looking scared about what might happen from this interaction, they watched as something weird happened. Gasper started to lean into Izuku's touch and even climbed out of the box in order to be within Izuku's calm aura. "Well that solves getting him out of his box." Rias said, offhandedly amused. "Ohaiyo Rias-buchou!" Gasper said, as he smiled from within Izuku's lap. The boy continued to give the smaller boy menstruations on the head that caused Gasper to sigh in relaxation. "I've heard that those who are scared react better to those who are nicer as well as telegraph what they want to do. Not only that, but if you are gentle with them, they will be able to get out of their fearful shells much better." Izuku said, as he placed his sculpture in Gasper's hands so that the boy had something to hold onto. "Izuku, you do know that Gasper is a boy, right?" Akeno asked, as Izuku looked at them all. "I do, Gasper is a boy's name after all. Not to mention that I'm getting serious vibes that Gasper is a crossdresser." Izuku said, offhandedly as Gasper had nodded at Izuku's assumption. "How did you know that Gasper liked to cross dress?" Akeno asked confused. "When I was younger, around the age of about 9 I had tried to cross dress myself. But I found that I didn't like dressing like a girl. But I don't make fun of others who do so, that isn't what a Hero would do. Much less All Might." Izuku said, as the girls and Kiba smiled at Izuku. No matter how much Hero Society had tried to beat him down, the young man could still show some kind of trust in Heroes to mention that it wouldn't be Heroic to make fun of other's likes and dislikes. Once Gasper was completely calm with Izuku nearby, they all went outside in order to train the boy so that he could get some semblance of control over his Sacred Gear. Which had the ability to freeze time, except for those who were either far stronger than him, or had the potential to become stronger than he was. They were in the middle of the backyard of the ORC as Izuku had managed to get Gasper to fully get into the training with a goal in mind. If he managed to do some kind of training before whatever was happening with the Three Faction leaders today, then Izuku would make another clay figurine for the boy. Needless to say, the boy took to training like a fish to water. But there were some... complications. 

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