Chapter: 8

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A/N Hello everyone and I apologize for the fact that this story hasn't been getting any kind of attention in the last few weeks! I have been busy with other stories that had been getting more attention as well as making sure that they are to the reader's likes as well as wants! The newest story is having trouble getting some attention, so could you all please give it a read? It's called The Heroic Pirate! When it gets more attention as well as chapters, I can only hope that it will be a good read!

Heading to bed that night, Izuku had looked at the ceiling of his bedroom as he thought about what had happened previously in his life to get to this point. He had a loving family who seemingly cared for him more than he was at the orphanage, with the only exception being the old woman who was caring for him. He had friends as well as girls he was slowly but surely falling in love with, and he couldn't help the smile that was forming on his face as he began to think about the upcoming Rating Game against Riser Phenix. He thought back to the girl who was similar in looks to Riser, but there was something wrong about the look in her eyes as he thought about a girl who was asking for help in her image. "I don't know who you are, but I will find a way to save you from that horrible man. I don't care what happens to me, you look like you need help... and I will make sure to save both you and Rias." Izuku said, before falling to sleep on his bed. 

Waking up the next morning he was prepping his things in order to go on a camping trip with his peerage-mates as well as master. Gathering up clothes as well as essentials for the trip, he had unknowingly brought something with him that shouldn't have been placed there. A picture of the Orphanage he grew up inside of with a picture of the old woman as well as him as a four-year-old. The smile on his face was so adorable that when Izuku saw it, he couldn't help but smile at how the time as a kid was more... softer than it was before he was adopted. He shook his head as he went back to collecting his belongings in order to head over to train for the Rating Game. As soon as he exited, he left the house and was walking to the school, he had to meet Rias and the others located in order to head out for the training. As soon as he arrived, he found Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba and Asia standing near the gate as they all smiled at him as he entered the place with a sad smile on his face. Walking over to the group, Rias created the Magic Circle in the middle of the ORC's courtyard in order to send them all to her family's vacation home deep in the mountains within Kuoh's borders. 


Appearing at the bottom of a mountain, the group gathered their things before making the climb up the mountain in order to get to the Vacation home of the Gremory Family. As they were walking up the mountain, Izuku had taken Asia's portion of her belongings as he climbed the mountain with almost the same amount of stuff as Koneko as they made it a challenge to see who would get to the top of the mountain the fastest. Rias, Asia, Akeno and Kiba had watched the duo go up the mountain with a mirth in their eyes as they didn't want to be left behind in terms of the endurance test. Within the next few minutes, the group had managed to reach the top as Izuku and Koneko had already gotten to sparring with one another. Koneko's more boxer like battle style had Izuku's own street fighting skills put to the test as they were sparring intensely as Rias and the rest of the group had gone inside to drop their things off and change. Both fighters had been making sure that they were not giving the other the advantage as they clashed blows making a small shockwave blast from both sides. Smirking at one another, they had gained a martial artists thought as they wanted to have a great fight with one another, not to the death, but to the point the other can't fight anymore. In terms of fighting experience, Koneko had the advantage, but everywhere else was fair game as Izuku had the height, weight, as well as the power and speed in order to make up for his loss of strength compared to her. He had Katsuki as a power level for himself to compare Koneko to, and he was impressed with the simple fact that Katsuki's powerful blows were nothing compared to Koneko's. They were simple love taps compared to the small devil's own Rook powered strength that was making his arms numb from each strike. He was loving this sparring session as he increased his wild fighting style that he learned from both Katsuki as well as fighting other older students from other schools as he defended children from their bullying ways. In summary, Izuku's experience in fighting many opponents almost made up for his inexperience against Devils in terms of fighting skill. He was a genius in using his analytical mind in order to come up with strategies in order to take an opponent down, but he wouldn't wish to just use his mind on his opponent, he wanted to show that his power could back up his mind. By the time Rias and the other's had come back outside they found Izuku and Koneko lying on the ground bruised but at the same time chuckling. Izuku was lying on his back as Koneko straddled him as she held his arms above his head showing that he lost the spar, but from the bruises on her body mainly her arms and cheek she didn't come out unscathed. "Alright, now that your sparring session is over. We need to do something about your power Izuku." Rias said, as Izuku nodded his head. "What about it Rias-Buchou?" Izuku asked, standing back up as he naturally healed slowly. "The simple fact that you are a hybrid between a Dragon and a Human means that you can utilize your aura in order to create your power your own." Rias said, as she sat down in front of him. Izuku chuckled to himself as he showed her an emerald ball of energy that he made on the spot as Rias looked at it confused and looked at his eyes. They were glowing slightly as he made use of his newfound power that he was showing her as he looked away embarrassed. "I already know about my small abysmal power that I need to cultivate. Ddraig already told me that in order to increase my power, I will need to constantly use it in order to increase my reserves." Izuku said, as Ddraig spoke up. [Over the time since the Phenix bastard had arrived in your office, Partner had been training in increasing his Auric powers of a Dragon ever since. Hell, he had been doing that whilst he was sparring with the Nekomata.] Ddraig said, as everyone looked at the Sacred Gear with concern as well as shock. "How did you know what I was!?" Koneko called out as she glared at Izuku. "I didn't know about it! Honest!" Izuku said, as Koneko moved away from him. [He only found out now Nekomata, it wasn't my intention to reveal that information. But how do you think he knew about your favorite scratching spots on your head? I told him to scratch you there, he made the small connection that you were cat-like in nature but didn't connect them truly to find out until now. For that I apologize if you wanted to keep it secret.] Ddraig said, with an apologetic voice. "Well at least the cat's out of the bag... no pun intended. I don't care about your nature as a Nekomata though Koneko-chan, I just like you for you." Izuku said, as he stood up stretching his body... unknowingly giving some of the girls a nice view of his abs. "Okay, now that that's done, Izuku how about you start charging your power until you can't do it anymore." Rias said, taking the attention away from Koneko to which the short girl was happy about.

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