Chapter: 22

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A/N Hello one and all and I have to thank you all for all the support this story has been given for me to write! I will be releasing an announcement within the next 8 days; I hope you all are prepared for that announcement that I will be making because it will be important for the future that I will have as a writer! I hope the first day of the new year is treating you well, and I will be making a new story within the coming week, so I hope you all are prepared for it when it comes!

The next morning Izuku woke up as he felt like something was right with his entire body, standing up on all four limbs of his body he stretched. Opening his maw, he let out a monstrous yawn that he felt come up from inside his body, but that was also when something similar to fire or magma coming up from his stomach. As he released the feeling he was getting from his stomach on the spot where he was laying down, he saw that it was lava/magma as he stepped away from it. Walking away from his impromptu making of his new bed, he stamped over towards the water to see what in the world could cause him to feel at least as tall as 14 meters in the sky. He could sense so many new things compared to the other day that he could remember, and once he arrived at the watering hole, he found out why. Looking at his reflection in the water, he found himself staring at a gray-emerald Dragon with emerald-colored eyes staring back at him. His underbelly of scales was black in color as he looked himself over, even the slits of his eyes were yellow compared to the usual black of normal creatures. Shaking his head, he never noticed that something was coming up behind him when he heard something stomp its claws on the ground behind himself. "I heard that you had activated your Draconic Lineage a while ago, but I didn't realize that it was overnight." A familiar voice called out, as Izuku turned around to find Tannin standing there leaning on a tree. "Last time I checked I think I took some flowers and smelled them before I felt like I was high as a kite. After that everything is dark, I can't remember what happened afterward." Izuku said, his Draconic voice seemingly... deeper than usual. "That's because of the fact that you smelled the equivalent of Cat Nip, but for Dragons. It gets you really high, and it also causes you to black out. Not sure how you found it in the yard of Sirzechs Lucifer's mother's home but whatever. You have to head over to the Dragon's Territory with me so we can train, slept in too long is what you did." Tannin said, leading the way. As Izuku drank some water, he followed after the slightly taller Dragon as they made their way over to the Dragons Territory. Izuku was taking in the sights as he looked around the place, he didn't get a full look at himself in the waters reflective surface as he was paying more attention to what he looked like on the face and upper torso. So when he arrived at the Dragons Territory with Tannin standing in front of him, he slowly made his way to stand next to the Dragon as the man/Dragon stood over the hill overlooking a small group of Dragons in the distance. "This is the place where all Dragons were supposed to be born, but we lost contact with a small family who was staying here about 16 years ago." Tannin said, as Izuku looked over at him. "What was the name of the Dragon family?" Izuku asked, as his mouth completely dried out. "He called himself Hisashi, the woman he married was a human woman named Inko Midoriya. I have no idea as to why he allowed that woman to marry him, but a Dragon knows who he wishes to marry or mate with. But I could tell that you are Hisashi's son, just because of the fact that you look eerily similar to him in terms of your Draconic form. Hisashi looked similar to Shenlong of the Japanese Myth for the Dragon that granted wishes, except he was thicker in Hyde and form." Tannin said, as Izuku thought about his form. "M-My dad lived here; c-can I look around the place a little bit?" Izuku asked, looking at Tannin. "Sure thing, just meet me at the training grounds so we can increase your Draconic Aura's capabilities." Tannin said, smirking.


Entering the small group of Dragons, Izuku stared at all of the different Dragons as they stomped around the small area. Some other Dragons had come by to look at him since he was a seemingly new face around the small territory. "Wow, you look like Uncle Hisashi! Are you related to him!?" One of the smaller Dragons asked Izuku. "U-Uncle Hisashi?" Izuku asked as the children looked at him confusedly. "You look like Uncle Hisashi's Draconic form! He was big and long like Shenlong! He would always play with us when he had the time, it made us sad that he had to leave to the human world though." Another child said, as they looked at Izuku's similar form. "W-Well, I guess I can play with you for a little bit. I-I mean, Hisashi was my father." Izuku said, as he leaned down so the little Dragons could hop on. "R-Really!? Y-You're Uncle Hisashi's son!?" One of the smaller Dragons asked, as the children climbed on top of his back. "Yeah. I don't know where he was, all I know was the fact that I was left in an orphanage when I was born, I was raised by humans though since I looked human." Izuku said, as the smaller Dragons looked at him worriedly. "Does that mean you can't fly? You have wings." The baby Dragon asked, as Izuku stretched out his wings. As soon as he started to lift into the sky, the smaller Dragons had clung onto him for dear life as he started to casually float around with a few beats of his wings in order to stay airborne. As Izuku floated around the small territory he had the children hanging on the horns that adorned the top of his head as they looked happy with everything. The mother Dragons in the area though, smiled at how he was being so gentle with the children, not many male dragons do that towards the children of other Dragons. Tannin soon showed up as he saw Izuku giving the children some attention that they couldn't gain from their fathers. "Already becoming the big brother to the younglings huh?" Tannin asked, as Izuku stopped in the spot where he was tickling one of the younglings. "S-Sorry about not training with you Tannin sir, I just wanted to give the children some attention that apparently my father fell behind on." Izuku said, as Tannin nodded. "Come on, we need to train you for the meeting of the Young Devils. That way you can focus on becoming a Stronger Devil in the future." Tannin said, as the two left the children to their parents.

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