Governor General Azazel; Kokabiel makes his move

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A/N Hello one and all, and welcome back to another chapter of Highschool DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I know that there are some stories that I have made, or other story writers have made with the same name, and I apologize if it seems as if I took their names and used them for my story. The thing is though, I come up with the names of stories on the literal moment I think them up after writing about their description. So please do not hate me in the future if there are stories that are completely similar in title! I apologize for the information dump for an author note before the chapter begins, but this will be relatively short to build up who the group is against.

Izuku stood across from the Governor General of the Grigori as the man merely stayed where he was sitting as he drank some sake. "Are you going to sit down so we can have our talk? Or are you going to just stand there looking at me like I'm your alcoholic grandfather?" Azazel quipped as Izuku immediately sat down sweating up a storm. "W-W-What did you w-wish to know?" Izuku asked, fearfully. He knew the power of this man just from a mere glance, if he wanted him truly dead, he wouldn't be able to see it coming and Ddraig wasn't helping things by stating in his mind that his actions do not befit a Dragon. "I want to know how it goes in mastering your Sacred Gear. You've been working on it ever since you awakened it a few months ago, and you have done nothing but increase your power as well as technique since then." Azazel said, pulling out a notebook. "U-Um, are you a nerd for Sacred Gears?" Izuku asked as he looked at the Fallen Angel Leader. "That is beside the point young man, now tell me what I want to know." Azazel said, looking at Izuku. "Well from what I know, I can boost my power every ten seconds and can do a maximum number of 300 boosts before I can even start to feel a lot of strain. I attained my Balance Breaker in the Rating Game against Riser Phenix and am learning how to use another ability of the Boosted Gear." Izuku said, as Azazel stopped what he was writing and looked at Izuku. "What ability is that?" He asked, looking like a kid in a candy store. "Um, I can transfer my built-up power to others. Just trying to figure out the amount they could handle without... you know... blowing up?" Izuku asked, as Azazel nodded his head. "Yes, and from what I can sense, you had lost your virginity a few hours ago correct?" Azazael asked, as Izuku blushed crimson. "Um, h-how do you know about that?" Izuku asked, concerned. "Don't worry about it, I didn't watch you fuck that Phenix Brat. I merely noticed the scent of a Phenix on you and a young one at that." Azazel said, as Izuku looked away. "S-She's the same age as me." Izuku mumbled to himself. "I never said that it was wrong, most kids your age are losing their V-cards in high school anyway. What I want to know is why it took you literally to high school in order to lose said card." Azazel asked as Izuku looked at him confused. "L-Like is it not a thing to wish to keep your chastity until marriage, I mean at the very least?" Izuku asked, as Azazel looked at him hard. "You are aware of what I said earlier correct?" Azazel asked, receiving a nod. "Well you should've lost your own card the moment you entered Middle school to High school. But the simple fact that you lost your v-card during the middle of the school year makes me worried." Azazel said, as Izuku looked even more confused now. "Aren't you wishing to learn more about my Sacred Gear? Why did we move onto my love life?" Izuku asked, morbidly confused. 


"Alright so let me get this straight, you are the descendant of a Dragon and a Human." Azazel started as Izuku nodded. "And you have one of the most powerful Sacred Gears in existence, one that could literally kill Gods if you wanted to." Azazel said, looking at the boy after clearing up his notes. "Y-Yeah." Izuku said, looking at the ground as if he was being scolded. "And not only did you manage to defend yourself before even knowing you had a Sacred Gear from two of my former Fallen Angels but managed to kill one of them." Azazel said, as Izuku looked away before nodding. "I swear, this version of the Sekiryuutei has become so strong on his own it's as if the world didn't want to give him any kind of Superpower." Azazel said, as he heard Izuku whine a little. "You're shitting me, you don't have a quirk either!?" Azazel exclaimed as Izuku fidgeted in his seat. "HOW IN THE LIVING HELL, DID YOU LAST THIS LONG IN A WORLD SUCH AS THE SUPERNATURAL!" Azazel yelled out in frustration. "Um, if it makes you feel better, I had someone who was always forcing my body to become stronger?" Izuku asked, as Azazel looked at him. "A quirkless person having someone in their corner at this point in life is not heard of young man, mainly because most, if not all of them, end their own lives before they could even achieve their dreams." Azazel said, relaying the cold hard truth about Izuku's dwindling number of Quirkless population of humanity. "M-Most people similar to me... end their lives? W-Why?" Izuku asked, morbid horror showing on his features. "It's because of the fact that they can't handle the amount of abuse from any and all peers around them to the point they just want the pain to end. I'm surprised that thought hadn't occured to you as of yet." Azazel said, as Izuku looked at the Governor General. "I always had a role model to look up to, not that I could ever meet them before. He was the Number 1 Hero of the world, All Might. He was the one thing that kept me going in this world that lived based on the worth of someone's life based on their quirk status." Izuku said, as Azazel looked at him. "And what of your parents? Where are they during all of this." Azazel asked, as he thought about giving this kid some therapy for now. "Um, I don't know about who my biological parents were. I was given up for adoption on the day I was born and lived in the orphanage ever since. I wasn't adopted until the Hyoudou family had taken me in and helped me get out of the situation I had to deal with in Musutafu." Izuku said, as Azazel looked at him. "So they have no clue about the abuse you had from your peers at that school?" Azazel asked, as Izuku shook his head. "They found out about it on the literal day I was supposed to be adopted." Izuku said, rubbing the back of his head. "They found you being abused didn't they." Azazel asked, as he had a deadpanned face. "Got it in one, someone from my class was about to release their quirks full power on me, but it would kill their lackeys behind me. So in order to protect them from the grasp of death, I blocked the attack, and took the entire explosion to the back of my body." Izuku said, as Azazel looked at him. "You tanked a full powered explosion on your back and survived? Who had a quirk with explosions?" Azazel asked, as Izuku decided to NOT say that name. "I would rather we move on from this, so I can get a contract and head home. It's been a long day." Izuku said, as he looked at Azazel. "Hm, oh well. I guess you can take one of the drinks here in order to count as a contract but be aware that there is someone from my forces who had betrayed me. He looks to create another Great War between the Factions. I can't go after him at the moment because he's hidden himself within the town here and I am only here to make sure that he doesn't go overboard." Azazel said, as Izuku took some Sake and left the building completing his contract.

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