Chapter: 27

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of High School DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I hope you all have been having fun reading the story up to this point! I know that Izuku is becoming slightly overpowered, but that will be all coming to a head when he meets up with a certain group that are wishing harm upon the Supernatural World! See you all at the end of the chapter and let's begin!

Returning back to Kuoh, Izuku landed inside the bedroom that he lived in with the Hyoudou Family. Looking around the place he smiled sadly at how it had once been filled with fanservice memorabilia from Issei Hyoudou... the previous son of the family who lived in this exact room. Shaking his head from the sad look on his life up until this point in time, Izuku focused on going to bed since there was going to be a field trip the next day over to Kyoto. Getting into the bed, Izuku fell asleep as he thought about how well the trip was going to go for the next week and a half. Although waking up the next morning, Izuku wasn't prepared to have both Rias and Ravel leaning on his chest from both sides. So as he felt the two breathing softly on his chest, he slowly pulled himself from their grips as he headed to the shower. Entering the shower, he never noticed how much different it was compared to how it originally was. So entering the bath, he sat down as he cleaned his hair as well as body from how he wanted to be much cleaner for the journey to Kyoto. With that finished, he went into the kitchen and this time he noticed how much larger it was compared to how it was originally. "Wait, what in the world? What happened to the house!?" Izuku called out concerned. At this point Miki had entered the kitchen herself and smiled at Izuku with a happy look on her face as she greeted him. "Morning Izuku, are you planning on making breakfast for everyone again?" Miki asked, as Izuku nodded. "Well make sure that you are able to keep the girls from eating everything, a new mother needs to eat all she can for her unborn child." Miki said, as Izuku nodded. Moving back towards the countless stoves in the kitchen, Izuku set about making the best breakfast that he could for Miki as the woman had started to drink some tea. Izuku was making some healthy eggs and bacon with some toast for Miki, and the same was for everyone else as soon as they woke up. Once Izuku finished making the breakfast, he entered the room to find Rias, Ravel, Akeno, Koneko, as well as Gasper sitting at the table. Miki had returned to the table with her robes over her body as she grabbed some bacon as well as eggs for her to eat and start her morning. The rest of the peerage did the same as they prepared or the day they would have and continue on to school not much later in the morning.


Arriving at school with some time to spare, the group split up and entered their respective classrooms in order to get through the day as fast as possible. With the classes going over the homework they had done previously, Izuku had managed to complete any and all assignments that he would need to finish on the trip to Kyoto. As the day continued onward, Izuku noticed how one of their classes had lost a teacher and was replaced with the Valkyrie who had once been Odin's bodyguard. It wasn't much longer that he found out the woman's name was Rosseweisse, and she hailed from Norway as she was happy to become a new teacher for the History class. But by the time she was finished with her introduction, it was time for Izuku's lunch as he left, grabbed it, and went over to the ORC old school building in order to talk to Azazel about what had happened previously. Entering the room, he was met with Rias complaining about how her seat in the clubroom was taken from her as Azazel turned himself around in the seat. "Well at least the Red Dragon Emperor has finally shown us that he finally arrived. Now for the plans for what we will be doing in the Yokai territory." Azazel said, with a slight joking tone, before smiling at the group. "Well what are we waiting for Azazel-san, what is the plans?" Izuku asked, as someone else entered the room. "Hello everyone, I apologize for being late, someone from the faculty had been asking me if I wanted to spend a night with him and I refused." Rossweisse said, as she fixed her tracksuit. Izuku appreciated the fact that the woman was very beautiful looking inside the tracksuit and looked back at Azazel. "Well the plans for the trip on the Second Year Students for this group is the simple fact that... well... Rias and Akeno will not be present for this quest, the same for those who are within the first-year course." Azazel said, as Ravel, Akeno, Rias and Koneko looked quite disheartened about that. Izuku gave the Neko girl some head pats as the girl leaned into the rubs as Izuku looked back at Azazel. Azazel would soon inform them all about how they would follow a set route in order to complete the tour of the city and stay there for a few days before coming back to Kuoh in time for the Young Devil's Tournament to come up within the next few weeks. As Izuku knew that this meant that he wouldn't get much time to train himself, he knew that it would allow him some time to learn how to be a proficient swordsman. But that was for the future, the group had all left the building as Izuku prepared to head out on the bus with Xenovia, Irina, and all the Second Year Students within Kuoh. 

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