Chapter: 30

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of this story! I am going to finally get into the whole Shie Hassaikai Raid in terms of everything going on in the MHA verse since not much happens after the whole battle against Shalba and the rest of his lackeys after Izuku was brought back to the side of the Three Factions. We are also going to find the whole... reason why people aren't allowed to leave the Faction they are working for once their Evil Pieces are taken from their body. Forced or not.

Izuku was sleeping on the bed in his bedroom as we move inwards into his mindscape. He had been in the middle of a nightmare of what had happened under when he was under the control of Shalba and the rest of the Hero Faction. He kept getting flashes of the ones he was forced to kill, especially since Tomura and the rest of the League of Villains had been implanting multiple different memories in order to keep him on their side. He kept seeing multiple weird creatures that were different colors in terms of their skin color, some had scars from battle. But the most important part about them was the brains sticking out from the top of their heads, that even when destroyed only delayed them until their healing factor couldn't keep up anymore. He then appeared in a weird void area that was surrounded by what appeared to be an old castle, looking up from where he was standing, he saw a man with white hair as well as his eyes covered standing in front of the villain he had killed a few months ago. "You will become my plaything once again One for All. It's only a matter of time before that happens." A taller white-haired man said, as Izuku glared at the vestige. He had seen similar vestiges to know that this was a vestige world that he had to be wary of, considering Ddraig shouldn't be too far away from him in this world. The entire vision had changed to each other Hero that the younger brother had shown as they were meeting their demise against the man. "What does all of this mean?" Izuku asked, mentally. He had long since noticed that he didn't have a mouth within this realm considering that he couldn't use the full power of this Quirk yet. "Hello little Ninth. Although, I think the right term would be Draconic Ninth." A familiar voice called out. Looking to his right, Izuku saw the same man looking at him with similar green eyes as his own. "Who are you?" Izuku asked, mentally. "You can't speak to us right now, but this is the only time I can tell you anything at the moment. Soon enough we will reach Singularity. In the time before that happens, we will be giving you our quirks, be sure to master each one of them and catch Tomura Shigaraki." The man said, as he then gained a momentary clarity. "Also, my name is Yoichi Shigaraki. And I am the first one to use One for All. Within my body was where One for All was birthed." Yoichi said, as he expelled Izuku from his mindscape.


"GUUAAH!" Izuku gasped as he sat up from the bed he was laying on. Looking around the room, he soon found everything around himself floating in the air as he lowered himself to the ground. Letting in big gulps of air, he held a hand over his chest as he felt some sort of pain there as he struggled to move around. "D-Ddraig! S-Send a pulse of power!" Izuku said, as he collapsed to the ground holding his chest in massive amounts of pain. "*Cough! * *Cough! *" As Ddraig heard the coughs of his partner, he sent a massive pulse of power to gain the attention of the Devils nearby. And it wouldn't be until a few seconds later that Rias would break down the door into the room to find Izuku coughing up blood and spewing his guts out (Not literally) as he tried to breathe in. Immediately placing her eight Pawns into his chest, she watched as each one glowed with a crimson, emerald glow before lowering into his chest. It wouldn't be until a few minutes later that Izuku started to have a better time breathing and was now just dry heaving as he struggled to sit back upright. "Izuku! Are you alright!? What in the hell was happening to you!" Rias asked, as she pulled Izuku into a hug with his face into her massive bust. "N-Not that I *Cough! * want to change the subject... b-but what happened to m-me after being controlled?" Izuku asked, stuttering and coughing a bit. His eyes were bloodshot as if they were having a second chance at life through getting oxygen, he hadn't even noticed that his eyesight had gone blurry in the time he was struggling to breath. "You had disappeared for about 4 days since the whole trip to Kyoto. You had managed to save Yasaka and alert her Faction to the attack on their soil by the Hero Faction that wasn't controlled by Nezu and the HPSC within the world." Rias said, as Izuku nodded. "I-I don't know what happened to me, b-but whatever fit I just h-had... had to do with th-the E-Evil Pieces not being w-within me." Izuku said, dry heaving again.

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