Chapter: 7

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A/N Hello everyone and thank you all for the 190+ reads for this story! I am really happy for all the attention that this story is getting, and I can only hope that you all continue to read this side story of Izuku's Supernatural Problems! I had been thinking about making a story where he was a devil as well, but I hope you all enjoyed the fact that he has Draconic blood within him already from his missing mother or father! Leave a comment on which one of them you think is the Draconic Parent!

As everyone returned back to the ORC they moved about the room as they prepared to increase their training regimen in order to prepare for the future. Izuku most of all was preparing himself for saving Rias from her problem, he didn't care about his problems she was already helping him to gain his dream of becoming a Hero. He would make sure to keep her safe as well as protected from any other suitors who wish to make her their own. So here he was in the forest training himself to increase the power of his strikes by punching Isunoki trees since they were stronger than many trees within the country of Japan. As he was increasing his power of his strikes, he made sure to increase the power of his mind with Ddraig as they continued to power up their own magical strength. In terms of magical strength, Izuku was merely subpar in terms of it. Overall, he was around a Mid-Class Devil in terms of Magic capabilities and that meant that with some training he could become as strong as Sirzechs with a lot of training. He knew that Rias' brother was the King of Hell since he overheard her talking to him on one of her magical circles near her ear. So here he was training on his own in the forest increasing his power as well as strength in order to make sure that he can properly save Rias from the marriage that she didn't wish for. He was punching the light gray tree bark as he was feeling some slight pain in his fists, he was so into his training that he never noticed that someone was closing in on him from behind. As soon as he heard the crackling of a fist coming in, he turned around only to be met with an explosive punch from Katsuki... his old bully. "So this is where you have been hiding you piece of shit!" Katsuki said, as he growled at Izuku angrily. "What do you want Bakugo?" Izuku asked, as the boy glared hard at Izuku. "It's because of you that I have a mark on my record! I will have to work harder than ever in order to become the next Number 1 Hero!" Katsuki called out, as his hands glowed orange. "What are you intending on doing right now?" Izuku asked, as the boy glared at him harder. "I will be making sure that you don't enter UA by crippling you!" Katsuki said, as he ran for the attack. Dodging each and every attack from the boy, Izuku stared at him in only pity as the boy was slowly becoming a villainous person. "I'm not becoming a Hero for Humanity Katsuki." Izuku said, and Katsuki noticed how he said, Humanity. "What, you think you can become a Hero to someone else? Who!?" Katsuki glared at him. Izuku had used this distraction in order to create a magic circle in order to send the boy back while he was distracting him. "Katsuki, I have done nothing but look up to you. You were my embodiment of victory for me, I looked up to All Might above you because of the fact that the man merely cared for the people he saved. He doesn't only fight villains." Izuku said, as Katsuki was about to say something else when Izuku spoke with a sad smile. "I'm not going to be a Hero with you anymore. Just give up on me and just forget I exist." Izuku said, as Katsuki disappeared in a mode of green light.


Izuku walked through the house as he sighed in exasperation since he had dealt with something extremely physically and mentally exhausting. Moving towards his bedroom, Miki had moved after him in order to make sure that he was okay. "Izuku, are you sure that you are fine right now?" Miki asked, as Izuku looked at her. "I-I'm fine. Just mentally exhausted from seeing Katsuki again." Izuku said, as Miki stared at him in concern. "Don't worry, I made sure to tell him that I won't be becoming a Hero like he wanted. I want to help people in my own way, not like becoming a vigilante or anything, just... helping others in the way only I can." Izuku said, as Miki nodded her head and gave the boy a hug. "You were the greatest thing to happen to me and Gorou after losing Issei. Can you please make sure to spend time with us from time to time?" Miki asked, as Izuku nodded. "I never had a mother like figure before, I will try to make some time from school as well as my club in order to spend time with you and dad." Izuku said, and before he could recognize what he said, he left the woman to her own devices.

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