Chapter: 25

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Highschool DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I hope you all have been enjoying the previous chapters up until this point in time. Now I know that some of you are prepared for something bad to happen in this chapter since you all seen the show about what happens to Issei when he attacked Loki. Anyway, aside from that whole mess of something... Izuku will not die like Issei nearly does. So without further ado lets begin the chapter!

Izuku and Vali flew towards the incoming missile of Loki as the trio had clashed in the skies. Rias and the rest of her peerage with Sona's peerage had split up in order to take down their own individual enemies. With Vali team keeping Fenrir busy they all were working together when one of Asgard's fighters entered the fray with Izuku and Vali to keep Loki busy. It was Odin's bodyguard as she was standing taller than Izuku by more than a few inches as she was the exact height of Vali. Once the two gained a new ally in terms of fighting prowess the trio had taken to the fight with a gusto that wasn't seen previously as all three did their best in order to keep Loki off the others as well as the leaders of their respective Faction. Izuku was leading the charge physically whilst Vali and the new arrival from Asgard had been blasting Loki from afar with their magic. Loki was getting more and more furious over time as he was constantly being hit by something that was more akin to a green blur with lightning of the same color coursing around him. Using his magic to see what was going on, he noticed that the young man was still faster than his magic could allow him to see. But at least it could show him a slightly less blur from what he could normally see, and as the blur came towards him with incredible speed, he prepared a blast in order to stop the blur almost entirely. But something wrong happened, he watched as the blur seemingly disappeared from existence as he looked around for a moment before feeling a fist entering through his stomach causing him to cough up spittle. Looking down he found a bloodshot eyed Izuku who was glaring at him with anger or fury similar to his own and he couldn't help but chuckle. "So you are angry as well?" Loki questioned as Izuku merely nodded before going back on the attack. "Why do you attack me with anger, I have every right to be furious with my father's decision." Loki questioned as Izuku appeared behind the God who wasn't even trying to defend himself anymore. "Because you are trying to stop the peace that the world could attain if you continued this farce! I am trying to bring peace to the world of the Supernatural! And if I have to do that by taking you down, then I will use the anger of my own past in order to take you down!" Izuku called out pulling out a massive blast from his chest armor. As it opened up, a massive green blast was charging up from a massive gem as Loki had prepared to make a barrier when he felt his magic suddenly disappear. Looking around for whoever did that, he saw that the Valkyrie had been using a magic spell to take away his defensive magic. Growling angrily, he charged his own magical spell in order to defeat Izuku. Emerald Green, and Lime Green energies had glowed on the battlefield as both combatants had charged their greatest attacks on the battlefield. 


Once Izuku and Loki had reached the peak of their power, for Izuku the absolute limit his body could handle in this situation and beyond it a bit, and for Loki the highest maximum he would allow himself to use for his magic. Both released their attacks as they stated their exact names as both beams of energy had moved towards one another in the sky. [Longinus Smasher!] Izuku called out with Ddraig. "Punishment of a Mortal: Divine Wrath!" Loki cried out, as both blasts moved towards one another. The Longinus Smasher had clashed with the massive ball of energy in the sky as he pushed as hard as he could to keep the blast up and force it back. Loki on the other hand was using a small amount of power in order to hold it there to prevent himself from being overpowered by the Red Dragon Emperor.

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