Chapter: 9

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to High School DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I have loved the amount of attention this story has been getting in the last few weeks since I started to make this alternate version of events within the story! I certainly hope that you all enjoy the storyline that I am having Izuku undergo, and I want to inform you that Izuku will be at least 2-3 times more powerful than Issei was in cannon events. At least at the start, by the end of the story it will probably be the same since Izuku will primarily be training... not perving out on the girls.

It has been a couple of days since the start of training happened for the Gremory Peerage, as Izuku finds himself physically sparring with Koneko and Kiba once again. Their difference in both speed as well as power has been giving him leagues of strength enhancement as well as speed and endurance. Although the endurance is the one thing he has in spades, there will be nothing that will be taking him down unless it is a High-Class Devil who is on par with either Rias' cousin, Riser Phenix, or one of the other stronger High-Class Devils or higher, within the Devil Society. Izuku found himself dodging a strike from Koneko as she tried to punch him in the gut from his seemingly distracted body. He moved into the strike of Kiba as the young man had slammed the wooden blade into his gut sending him flying back towards the edge of the clearing, they were sparring in. Izuku managed to catch himself in the air with his Devil wings before flying towards them at max speed as he clashed his transformed arm with Kiba's wooden blade. It was surprisingly powerful as bits and pieces of sparks came off of the wooden blade, it wasn't much longer before the blade caught fire as Izuku kicked the young man away. Izuku then focused on the higher threat level in Koneko as the girl rushed him as she went into her boxing fighting style as he maneuvered around her strikes elegantly. He countered each strike, which was then dodged each and every time because of her height difference with him. Jumping back, Kiba had landed with a fully metallic blade now as he charged at Izuku with intent to do harm to him. Koneko then came at Izuku from the side as he smirked at both of them as he boosted himself a bit more in order to hold himself there for a bit. He had been trying to place his body at higher portions of power so that he could get used to holding it at the maximum he could and increase that power from there. And the results were pretty damning. His power maximum in terms of collecting boosts were up in the hundreds just from his training for a couple of days of the repeated training regimen. He felt like they could win if he managed to get strong enough to access his Balance Breaker form soon. 


Izuku was sitting in the bathroom in the small bath as he was relaxing after a long day of training. He had been training ever since that Monday as he wanted to make sure that he was strong enough to save Rias from her loveless marriage. "Hey Ddraig, how much longer will I have to wait in order to gain my Balance Breaker?" Izuku asked, his partner. [As far as I know Partner... you should've already gained the power to activate it. You just need to call it out.] Ddraig said, as Izuku looked at himself. "Is there some kind of phrase that I have to say in order to activate it? Or should I keep it a secret from my allies?" Izuku asked, as Ddraig adopted a humming thinking sound. [Do you want Rias and the others to know that you have enough power to activate your Balance Breaker yet or no?] Ddraig asked, as Izuku now adopted a thinking expression. "I don't know. I want them to know, that way we can make plans for when I reveal my Balance Breaker to Riser, but I think we should keep it as a surprise for when the Rating Game happens later on Tomorrow." Izuku said, nodding to himself. [I am with you all the way partner, just be sure to inform them of how you were capable of gathering all that power when you win. In terms of sheer power now, you are now stronger than that Phenix brat. Show him the power of the Red Dragon Emperor!] Ddraig said, as he smiled from inside the Boosted Gear. Izuku nodded his head as he continued on with his bath, unknown to him, Kiba had been near the door and heard everything he had stated and wanted to let Izuku have his fun. He could remember all the times they trained with one another in the last few days, hell Izuku even brought him out so that they could increase his hold on massive power that he collects in order to keep fighting. Kiba had noticed some changes to Izuku over the last few days though, from what little he could see of the boy washing his hair he noticed that there were nubs on his head which completely confused him. He had thought that the boy was human through and through, but that was proving to be the opposite as the nubs over the last few days had been increasing in size. They had also allowed their familiars to come out and train with one another as well since they would be allowed to be used in the Rating Game. For Izuku though, the young man had been feeling some slight pain over the last few days of training. His power had been increasing over the last few days at a rapid pace that for some reason his body was trying to acclimate to the amount of training he was putting himself through. Izuku left the bathroom as he changed into his normal clothes that he wore to bed every night before turning in. He woke up about 5 hours later in a cold sweat as he had a slight nightmare about Bakugo attempting to kill him once again. He wasn't scared of the boy at the time since he knew that his pain tolerance was enough to make sure that he didn't die, but the simple fact that Bakugo had been in his nightmare once more had caused him to think twice about things. He could've died before he was adopted by the Hyoudou family, and they could've been incapable of having another boy live in their home like they wanted to. Shaking his head from the memory, Izuku went downstairs in order to get a drink of water so that he could get the memory out of his mind for the rest of the night. But it was here that Rias was seen doing some research on the Phenix Family as she was wearing glasses in order to seemingly read. 'Cute.' He thought to himself before shaking himself from those hormonal thoughts. Walking over to her, she noticed his presence and smiled at him, although she was curious as to why he was awake at the same time as her and voiced it. "What are you doing awake at the moment, Izuku?" She asked, with a slight tilt of the head. "I couldn't sleep, had a slight nightmare of my life before everything happened here." Izuku said, as he sat down on the couch near Rias. "Well want to tell me about it?" She asked, as Izuku shook his head. "It's from my past, no real need to worry about it. He's out of my life for now, I can just only hope that from here on out... it gets better." Izuku said, smiling at her sadly. "I've been up doing some late-night research on the Phenix Family in order to try and make sure we can have a good plan in order to defeat Riser." Rias said, as she sighed. "But there hasn't been anything that I have been capable of seeing that would help us in the Rating Game against that bastard!" Rias said, as she growled at the indignation of not finding anything useful. "Well what is the main thing they had done in the last few Rating Games that were more of something to keep an eye on?" Izuku asked, as Rias spoke about how Riser sent his forces out like they were mere pawns for him. "So where does he keep the Phenix tears?" Izuku asked, as Rias looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" She asked, as Izuku looked at her. "You are one of the smartest girls I've ever seen, yet you don't think that he'd bring at least two Phenix Tears in order to level the playing field?" Izuku asked, as Rias blushed in embarrassment. "Well I never seen him use a Phenix Tear in his Rating Games before." She said, indignantly. "Well by my estimations, he should leave Phenix Tears with either his Bishop, or his Queen pieces respectively. So we should prepare for the event that Akeno faces off against Riser's Queen and the woman takes the chance to use a Phenix Tear in order to heal her wounds." Izuku said, as Rias nodded. "How should she get the tear away from Yubelluna then?" Rias asked, as Izuku looked at her confused. "What?" She asked, before Izuku asked a question of his own. "Who's Yubelluna?" He asked, as Rias thought about what he did at the ORC to the man. "Okay, so Yubelluna was the woman who Riser had kissed in front of you to try and get a rise out of you. But then you completely disregarded what he did and completely ignored him; it really was a sight to see." Rias said, as she blushed slightly. "I hope that doesn't become a masochistic thing for me in the future." Izuku muttered to himself calmly as Rias looked at him in confusion. Shaking his head from the thought, he looked at the footage of the Rating Games that Riser had been a part of in the last few years. He was from what Izuku could see... mediocre at best in terms of planning, he just sent out his forces. At least a Rook, and a couple Pawns in different spots in order to overwhelm his opponents with numbers. And if that didn't work, he'd send his Queen to pick apart those who remained after such a fight, it wasn't that much in terms of planning now that he thought about it. They had moved outside where they spent a good portion of the rest of the night making a plan to take Riser off guard in order to take him down. In order to completely win the game, they had to overwhelm him with massive amounts of power, and in order to do that... they needed to catch him off guard. Izuku had the perfect plan in order to catch the man off guard, and as he informed Rias about the plan, Izuku smirked to himself as the plan was in the making with Rias giving him a pointer or two about the plan to make it without flaws. In their minds they thought of the same exact thing that would happen in the Rating Game the next day. 'Riser is not going to see this coming.'


The Rating Game Day had finally arrived, and Izuku had been waiting in his room at home in order to mentally prepare for the events to come. Izuku left his room and told his stepparents about what he would be doing and informed them about the Supernatural world. They took the information in and were at least happy that he was able to still be alive but warned him to be extremely careful in the Rating Game he was doing. As the most famous strategist in history always said... No plan ever makes it completely to the field of battle. As soon as the Magic Circle appeared in the room on the floor, Izuku looked over at Gorou and Miki as they smiled at him with tears in their eyes. "Go make us proud!" Gorou said, as Izuku smiled back. "Show them what a Dragon is really made of!" Miki called out, as Izuku gave them a hug before stepping into the Magic circle and leaving them in darkness. "You want to try to give Izuku at least a sibling?" Gorou asked, as Miki thought about it. "I don't know if I will be ready to have another kid. Remember what happened the two times before we had Issei?" Miki asked, as Gorou shook his head. "You're much more careful now, and with Izuku here... he will be more capable of protecting the little one a lot better than when it was just Issei." Gorou said, as Miki smiled.

Inside the ORC, Izuku appeared with a smile on his face as the group started to make their plans again as they made their observations. As soon as their plan was officially complete, they looked behind themselves and saw that a white Magic Circle had appeared and Grayfia Lucifuge had arrived. "The Rating Game is about to begin, you ready?" She asked, as Izuku looked at Rias as she did the same with the peerage. "We are Grayfia, take us to the Rating Game." Rias said, with determination. As soon as the magic circle grew to a size that took the entire group and Grayfia away, Izuku and the others noticed that they were given the homefield advantage. Izuku smirked even more at the notion of not being taken seriously, he could use this place to his advantage even more than before! "Alright, it seems like Riser is looking down on us with choosing this place as the arena for our Rating Game." Rias said, as she glared at the principal's office. "We all know the plan, get our familiars to create traps in the area surrounding the ORC and take down any and all threats that come towards us." Izuku said, summoning his Familiar. Serena appeared in the room as she looked at Izuku with knowing eyes as she looked around the place. "It seems as if we are in a simulation, what is thy bidding?" She asked, as Izuku explained everything to her. "I see, I will set up traps for you all. I may need some assistance with setting them up though." Serena said, as Izuku nodded as every other Familiar came up to her and joined her to create a trap for the forces against them. Izuku stepped outside of the building as he climbed to the roof of the building as he started to boost himself to the maximum. "Ddraig, how long will I be able to keep up Balance Breaker?" Izuku asked, as low as he could. [In terms of power alone, you could be able to keep it up for about an hour at best, with further training you could keep it up indefinitely.] Ddraig said, as Izuku thought to himself about it. "That is a lot of time in order to take down Riser. Could I literally kill him with full power right off the bat?" Izuku asked, as Ddraig spoke up. [It is highly likely that if you went full power right now, you could kill his entire peerage and leave him all alone. It would be highly advantageous of you to take them out now, but they'd be dead and won't be capable of returning from the depths of Hades' dimension. Tread carefully and use your max power on Riser, he can take the damage. Just don't release full power attacks multiple times, it will decrease the amount of time you can attack Riser at full power.] Ddraig warned as Izuku nodded. With that decided, Izuku watched as a smokey mist covered the entirety of the area, as he smirked to himself. "The plan is going according to how me and Rias devised it. Now all we need to do is sit down and wait for them to come to us." Izuku said, smirking to himself.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all aren't offended with the cliffhanger I left for this chapter; it was mainly to create some kind of tension as well as suspense in order to build up to the real fights in the next chapter! This will be one of the shorter versions of the Riser Arc that I have done in a single story involving him and probably will be my favorite one. Get this story up to around 445 reads and I will make another chapter for your viewing pleasure!

2817 Words!

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