Chapter: 17

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Highschool DXD! I hope you all have been enjoying the story so far and have been prepared for the next one to come up after the previous ones! I have been having a blast with this story as well as how I have rewritten some of the characters within the story. But I hope you all enjoy this chapter and without any further ado, let's begin! >:)

Izuku woke up inside his bedroom as he found Maria standing near the edge of the bed with a damp cloth covering his forehead as she worried over his health. "Maria? What are you still doing here? I thought you left." Izuku asked, as he got up groggily. "You really think that I would leave the one person who saved my life when my own Faction wouldn't!? You really have a Hero complex, don't you?" Maria asked, fondly as she laid Izuku back down on his bed. "What happened?" Izuku asked, as Maria sighed. "Rias and the other peerage mates of yours had decided that they would help Sona in repairing the damage dealt to the school in your fight against Kokabiel. But Rias found me walking around your house with nothing to do and had me take care of you until you woke up. You also have something growing in your blanket." Maria said, blushing softly as she left the bedroom. Looking down at his blanket he found his morning wood standing tall and proud as Izuku sighed in exasperation as he went to take a cold shower. Once his shower was done as well as his body placed back in its place Izuku started to make some breakfast for everyone in the house as he looked over at Miki who was showing signs of pregnancy. Izuku pulled the woman into a hug as Gorou looked over at Izuku with a smile. "To think that it took you about 4 months before you called us mom and dad. Your previous parents missed out on you growing up, not to mention the fact that you lost your V-card to that prissy girl." Gorou chuckled as Ravel had appeared inside the home as soon as that was stated. Walking over to Izuku she pulled him into a hug as she hugged him from behind as she leaned into his warmth. "Ravel-chan, you should probably head to my room to get some sleep. I will make sure to get you some homework from your teachers." Izuku said, as Ravel looked at him. "Don't worry about it, we will be having the next few days off since the school has had a gas leak." She said, as Izuku nodded. Moving around the house, Izuku made sure that the place was completely cleansed from all grime as well as dust. Ravel helped him with some of the areas where he couldn't reach on the lower portions of the floor, but it felt like she was teasing him whenever she bent over. Hell, even Maria had noticed how Ravel was trying to search for attention and was actively challenging the other girl for Izuku's undivided attention. He was helping do outside chores in cleaning the yard when the door received a knock on the door.


Opening the door Gorou had seen what he could only describe as a stoat as well as a hobo standing at their front door with a grim look on their face. "Is there a Midoriya Izuku living here?" The stoat asked, as Gorou had gained a recognition look on his face. "Principal Nezu of UA, what are you doing here?" Gorou asked, as the hobo looked into his eyes. "Don't avoid the question Hyoudou-san, we are searching for Midoriya Izuku. Do you have him living in your home?" The hobo looking man asked, as Gorou thought about how he should answer this question. "Yes, he does live here. From what I can remember he has been very busy lately with his club activities at school, but he is in the backyard. Is there anything wrong?" Gorou asked, as the Hobo walked forward. "We have a warrant for his arrest. He had entered private property without our express permission, and we need to talk to him about his terms of arrest." The hobo said showing a warrant sheet of paper. "I promise you that this has to seem like a mistake! Can't you just give him a chance to prove himself not guilty at least?" Gorou asked worriedly. "Don't worry he won't be going to prison; we just need to discuss the terms of the arrest as well as make sure that he doesn't do this again." Nezu said, as both him and the hobo were sitting on the couch drinking some tea. Just as they were about to devolve into a fight, Izuku had entered the home from the backyard as he looked over at the two Heroes in question. "Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me." Izuku said, as both Heroes looked over at him with confusion. "What is with the language?" Miki asked, as Izuku moved away from both UA teachers. "I am not going with those two when they are giving Bakugo some express permission to leave UA borders at any time he wishes! He had already come here twice in the past and I will not be forced to go to UA with you two! I would rather be placed in prison; not like I will be kept there for long!" Izuku said, as he ran out the front door with both Heroes behind him. The hobo was running after Izuku at an extremely fast pace as he ran after Izuku, but for some reason whenever the hobo was using his quirk on Izuku it wasn't working as Izuku was more capable of using whatever quirk he had (from hobozawa's Pov) as the young man continued to increase his speed. Izuku eventually led the hobo over to the warehouse district as he hid himself within the many warehouses as he kept himself out of the Heroes sight. 'Eraserhead, otherwise known as Aizawa Shota. One of the best Underground Heroes in the world presently. I really need to make sure that he doesn't try to erase my control over Ddraig, I'm not sure if he can even do that.' Izuku thought to himself as Ddraig started to speak to Izuku in his head. [I'm sure that he can't he had been using his quirk on you the entire time, and I was still able to create a connection to your mind. He can't take me away from you when you use the Balance Breaker as well as my powers.] Ddraig said, as Izuku nodded. With that information given by Ddraig, Izuku was far more inclined to fight Eraserhead, although he may be at an experience disadvantage, he was more powerful and faster than the Hero himself. Stepping out of his hiding spot above Izuku, Eraserhead himself landed in front of the boy as he jumped back gaining distance from the Hero. "Eraserhead, quirk Erasure. You can erase the quirks of those who don't have mutation quirks. But you won't need it against me." Izuku said, as Eraserhead stared at him. "You don't have any mutations on your body that would be independent of your body, so my only option left is that you have a quirk that is either resistant to mine or is an erasure type as well." Eraserhead said, as he glared harder activating his capture scarf. Izuku dodges the scarf pretty easily as he lands behind the Hero who immediately turned around to attack Izuku as the boy merely dodges each strike. Each strike that missed, Eraserhead had increased his own speed in order to land a hit, and with each strike missed Izuku gained some confidence in order to counter the Heroes attack pattern. And as soon as the Hero had overextended his arm in order to at least earn him at least one hit on the boy, Izuku ducked underneath the arm before grabbing it with his now gauntleted arm before pulling him in close. Eraserhead had fallen forwards as Izuku had slammed his fist into the man's face sending him down the street as he got up from the ground with a lot of struggles. "I cancelled out your quirk, are you telling me that you're quirkless?" Eraserhead asked, confused. "Yup, born and raised to be quirkless. But the power I use is a Sacred Gear. Something that Heroes and Villains shouldn't have in their control." Izuku said, before disappearing from the Heroes sight and knocking him out with a chop to the neck. As soon as the man fell down to the ground Izuku caught him before he would slam his face into the pavement and possibly break his nose. He teleported the Hero over to where the Nurses office was inside of UA as he looked over at the shadowy figure hiding in the nearby area. "Nezu, I know that you're there, you don't need to hide from me." Izuku said, as Nezu came out from hiding. "You merely toyed with Eraserhead didn't you?" Nezu asked, as he walked closer to Izuku. "I was, because my strength is more than enough to handle him without Ddraig." Izuku said, as Nezu gained a concerned and confused expression. "Ddraig? Who is that?" Nezu asked, as Izuku looked at him with a deadpan expression. "You already know what a Sacred Gear it right?" Izuku asked, as he stepped away from the Principal. "I do believe that I had heard of that kind of object in my 150 years of living yes." Nezu said, as Izuku turned away from the Principal of UA. "Well my Sacred Gear has the ability to manage to help me grow in power to the point I can kill a God. And I believe that kind of power needs to stay hidden until a world ending event will be happening, but I won't be sitting on my ass and staying at my current strength. If you need my help call this number, I will enter the battlefield wherever you need me. But this will be the only time I help Heroes; I wasn't treated kindly by both Heroes as well as my peers within this society." Izuku said, as he walked away from the Principal. "I hope that you regain your trust of us Heroes. I just want to inform you that not all Heroes are like Endeavor." Nezu said, as he started to walk away.  "I surely hope that for the future of Hero society, that nobody on either Hero or Villains side of society don't piss me off. I have 10 years' worth of anger to work off, and killing someone, isn't below my line of morals." Izuku said as he teleported Nezu away from his location. As he stood in the street it started to rain over his body as he stared into the sky as he thought about the fight, he had with Eraserhead. The Hero had come extremely close to landing a few hits on his body when he dodged him when he wasn't at full power in base. He would need to increase his base form's power in order to become more capable of dodging a Hero who has speed as well as agility on their side. 

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