Chapter: 14

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of the story you already heard about in the previous Author notes! I have been loving all the attention this story has been getting in these past few weeks/months since I started this story! I am so happy for all of you making sure to reach the goals for this story and am happy that you all worked hard to reach the reading goal! Let's begin this chapter!

Izuku and Kiba stood back-to-back as they both faced off against a high tier Fallen Angel and their subordinates. "To think we've found Devil's in our territory. Come on boys' let's take some Devil scum out!" The High tier Fallen said, as Izuku and Kiba smirked to one another before they both went out for their own share of the Fallen Angel enemies that surrounded them both. As Izuku took on the high tier Fallen, Kiba knew he wasn't strong enough to take it on alone so had Izuku there to take him on. His power alone could be enough to take it down with ease considering he took down Riser on his own basically. As Kiba looked to his own opponents he watched as they activated their light spears as well as some exorcists who were abandoned by the church activate their light blades. "You know, have any of you watched Star Wars?" Kiba quipped as they all attacked. "Never heard of it, but I might watch it after your demise!" One of the Fallen stated as Kiba created his own version of a Light Saber, but with a black tint. "Because you all are basically using Lightsabers!" Kiba said, as he countered each and every attack that his opponents threw at him. As he swung his sword around as if they were mere ants, we move back over to Izuku who was having a field day with his own opponents. "You know, I was having a heart to heart with Kiba. And you all interrupted it, you all are going to have to pay the price." Izuku said, as the Fallen leader moved closer. "Oh, didn't know that you were into guys. Maybe we can satisfy you when we are done with you?" The Fallen said, as he looked lustfully at Izuku. "Sorry but I swing the other way, not into guys. Just trying to help out a brother you know." Izuku said, as he sent a kick to the Fallen Leader of the groups face. The man was sent flying into the distance as Izuku smashed his fist into another Fallen Angel's groin before slamming him into the ground as he decides to use a powerful move. "I know that I'm stealing a move from All Might, but... Detroit Smash!" Izuku called out, as a massive hurricane of shockwaves came out of the fist strike. "Did you just imitate All Might!?" Kiba screamed out from the other side of the battle. "I know right!? Is it almost perfect?" Izuku called out, as he received a punch to the face for his momentary distraction.


As soon as the fight was over and a whole ton of feathers and bodies littered the floor, Izuku and Kiba looked at one another before laughing out loud. "I can't believe that we made multiple quips towards the enemies! I wonder who their real leader was though. He couldn't have been the guy I fought; he was way too weak." Izuku said, as he got his laughter under control and became serious. "I know, we need to keep an eye out for the Fallen. If there are more of them, we need to inform Rias-buchou." Kiba said, as he stretched his whole body. "If you're out of shape want to join me on my training sessions?" Izuku asked as he walked over. "Yep, I will need to keep myself in shape as well as constantly increasing my power and strength, but I can't stop increasing my defense. Otherwise, I will be a glass cannon." Kiba retorted as Izuku nodded. "Let's inform Rias about the Fallen who attacked us, might have to do with something that she is talking to the other Church members about." Izuku said, as Kiba agreed with him as they both left. They arrived inside the ORC not even a few minutes after their battle happened and saw that the place was looking slightly gloomy. "What happened?" Izuku asked, as he ran inside. "Just some bantering between factions, just glad you weren't here. Otherwise, you would've caused even more damage." Rias said, as she tended to Asia's problems. It was here that just as Izuku was about to speak a pamphlet from his pocket had flashed and caught everyone's attention. "Looks like you have a summons Izuku, take care of it. I will inform Rias about what happened while we were away from the ORC." Kiba said, as Izuku looked at him. "Don't run off on your own, Rias will need you nearby in order to take on this threat." Izuku said, before disappearing into the magic circle. "So what was this about something happening?" Rias asked, as Kiba began to retell his tale. of a battle between brothers in arms.

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