Chapter: 19

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Highschool DXD: A Heroes Arrival! I am so happy that you all are giving this story as much attention as possible in the last few weeks since I first created this story! I hope you all continue to read this story until I reach the end of what I can make for this story, and without further ado, let's begin the chapter!

Leaving the shrine with a new weapon in hand, well gauntlet, Izuku made his way down the steps as he thought about what the future would hold for him. As he made his way across the vast town that just seemed to get bigger and bigger the longer, he stayed within the place he felt something glow inside his pocket. Looking down and pulling whatever was in his pocket out he found that it was his slip of paper that he had left with both Uraraka and Nejire. Activating his magic circle from the Gremory Family, Izuku had entered the circle and followed the traces of magic all the way back into Musutafu... in UA. Appearing in a circle meant to hold him still inside the circle, he looked around the room to find that it was... pink in color. And as he looked around, he found Uraraka looking at him with a confused as well as a more contemplative expression when she entered her room only to find Izuku standing there looking morbidly confused. "Midoriya?" Uraraka asked, as she stood in nothing but a towel. "Um, you might want to change Uraraka-san." Izuku said, looking in a different direction. The girl blushed crimson before grabbing some clothes and leaving the room into the connected bathroom of her dorm's bathroom before coming back out. After Izuku sensed Uraraka's presence near him outside the circle meant to hold him still in the circle Izuku looked over at her. She was wearing a green shirt as well as blue shorts that extended down to her knees, it really made her look beautiful to him. "So what did you wish for me to do Uraraka-san?" Izuku asked, as the girl blushed slightly as she remembered what she did in the shower. "N-Nothing much at the moment, c-could you spend some time with me though?" Uraraka asked, as Izuku nodded and took a seat on the ground. "Sorry about the circle, I didn't know if it would summon you or anything!" Uraraka said, as she moved into the circle as well. They ended up spending a good portion of Izuku's day talking about her school as well as helping the girl with her homework since she was struggling with the problems. "W-Will you come back again?" Uraraka asked, as his time was up. "Well I could give you a slip that will make sure that I can be summoned by you again. And then we can hang out somewhere nobody will interrupt us." Izuku said, as he gave her a small slip with his specific summoning circle on it. Grabbing it and placing it underneath her pillow she thanked him for his help as he gave her a nod before getting prepared to leave. As he was about to teleport away, Uraraka ran over and gave him a hug as she placed her head into his back. "It is really hard to be a Hero without my parents being here with me on this journey. Thank you for being a somewhat big brother for me. It must be hard being something for someone else with how busy you must be." Uraraka said, as Izuku patted her head. "Don't worry, all you need to do is summon me in order to get me to arrive. Here." Izuku said, before pulling the girl into a warm hug before she felt something being etched onto her hand. Looking closely at her hand she saw a magic circle on her left hand as it showed a Dragon that was crimson red in color. "W-What is this for?" Uraraka asked, as Izuku smiled at her. "This is for when something bad happens near you and you need my assistance. It will forcefully summon me to your position no matter where you are located, should you be in danger. Just be sure to not summon me forcefully just because you want to hang out, that is what the paper slip is for. I might not arrive as soon as you want, but I will come." Izuku said, giving her one more hug and a pat on her head as she leaned into his touch. Creating the magic circle, he left her in her room as she sighed in happiness at being able to spend time with him once more.


Izuku re-appeared back in school as he looked at the confused looks of Rias and the others as they looked over at him. "Where did you go? We have a meeting with the Three Factions about what happened two days ago." Rias asked, as Izuku gave her a nod. "I was just visiting someone who wanted my presence for a contract. They don't have much for a contract though, but I decided that they are my honorary little sister." Izuku said, as Rias nodded. "That's a good reason to be gone for about an hour. Well the meeting starts within the next one, so you should make sure that you don't have any more calls during the day before then." Rias said, as everyone nodded and got to work. Whilst everyone was busy, Izuku pulled Kiba away so that he could train with his blade with the young man. As the young man had noticed Izuku's resolve for learning the blade, Kiba smiled at him as they went to the backyard in order to learn how to fight one another with a blade. "So you wish to present yourself more similar to a knight? What brought this on?" Kiba asked, as Kiba sent a strike towards Ascalon as Izuku blocked the strike and parried the blow. "I'm not sure that anyone has told you this, but I am the descendant of Mordred. I wanted to be sure about it and had Rias look at it, and she was completely confused by that notion, so when I received Ascalon, I decided to become better at sword fighting. Although I wish that Ascalon was more akin to a katana." Izuku said, as they clashed blades in the backyard. "Well you should create your own stance with your blade. With that found you can create your own style of fighting with a blade, from what I can remember when I was within the church, Mordred's legend of being a Knight had her being extremely proficient with a blade. You are kind of the same, just slightly worse than she was stated to be, but with time you might become better than Mordred was in her prime." Kiba said, as they moved about the backyard faster than the eye could see. They had even garnered a crowd who watched as the two had clashed blades, the students of Kuoh had noticed the clashing of blades in the corner of the school as they went to watch the two of them. Even the Kendo Club members had come over to see what was happening, and they were surprised by the two, being so proficient with bladed weapons. With the two so absorbed by their small battle in the backyard of the ORC building they were clashing blades as well as making quips at the other in hopes of distracting the other in order to bring about their win. It was near the end of the sword battle that Izuku had just barely lost and had his weapon tossed from his hand and land in the ground that Kiba thrusted his weapon near his throat that caused Izuku to raise his hands. "I give." Izuku said, smirking. "Well that was a good training session, never had someone that was able to keep up with me during a sword fight. Not even the Knights of the Phenix family could keep up with me during the Rating Game." Kiba said, as he stretched his arms. Izuku picked up his blade as he turned to the left as he felt like someone, or multiple people was looking at him as he saw their little... fans staring at them both in awe. "That was amazing! We didn't know you both could wield a blade like that! We should've asked for you both to join the Kendo Club!" Murayama called out from where she was at. Izuku and Kiba looked at one another before they walked towards the ORC as they gave them all a wave before entering the building. Izuku summoned his gauntlet and placed Ascalon back inside of the gauntlet as he smiled back down to it, his own very weapon that he could use against an opponent. They arrived in the top room with Rias and the rest of the peerage as they found Sirzechs as well as Serafall with them waiting for their guests from the other Factions within the Christian Faction as a whole. "It's nice to finally meet this current Generation's Sekiryuutei. My name is Sirzechs Lucifer, what is your name Red Dragon Emperor?" Sirzechs asked. The man was a male version of Rias but much taller and many times more powerful from what Izuku could feel from the man's powerful aura alone. "My name is Midoriya Izuku. I just moved here about almost a year ago, and I can't wait to meet more Factions as well as their people in the future Sirzechs-sama!" Izuku said, as he stiffened his body. "Don't call me that, just call me Sirzechs. I don't like being formal with others, you can do the same with Serafall, she is just a big sis-con like I am." Sirzechs retorted as Izuku nodded. Once the introductions were over, the other leaders of the Factions within the Christian Faction as a whole had appeared in the room. It was dusk outside and all the students except those who were a part of the Supernatural world were awake at the moment. "We are all here for this meeting, I hope you all are ready for it to begin." Sirzechs stated as every leader who was present nodded their heads. "Alright, we can start with you Micheal." Azazel said, as the Angelic being nodded. "From what I can believe, we need to set a certain number of rules regulating the amount of a certain Faction's influence within a certain territory." Micheal said, as the talks began. They talked mostly about political things that had to happen as well as sharing information about future events that will come to pass. That was when Azazel struck. "How about we put this all in a treaty and be done with it?" He asked bluntly. "What are you talking about?" Micheal asked, confused. "We have been dodging the issue at hand here, my personal Cadre Kokabiel had attacked the Devil's territory because he wanted another Great War. We all don't want that, right?" Azazel asked as he got a bunch of nods. "Well then we have that stated, we can put this all on a treaty and give each faction a token of our wishes for not starting another war with one another. I promise to give you both all information about current Sacred Gear wielders within my knowledge of existence." Azazel said, as everyone nodded. "What about you Sirzechs?" Micheal looked at the Devil King. "We Devils will bring both factions a way to reincarnate humans into their ranks in order to increase the number of Angels and Fallen Angels back to their normal numbers before the Great War had even happened. What about you Micheal?" Sirzechs informed before questioning the Angelic man. "I had already given my gift to your side Sirzechs." Micheal said, smiling at Izuku with a hopeful smile. Izuku stepped up and pulled out his gauntlet and showed all the leaders about the Holy Weapon that was given to him by the Leader of the Angels. "You gave a Devil Ascalon?" Azazel asked, curiously. "Yes, his proficiency with a blade from what I could see of the battle with the Knight of Rias Gremory was very good. On par with a very young Mordred from her youth." Micheal said, as everyone looked at Izuku with a confused expression. "Um, I think he means that I am a lost descendant of... Mordred?" Izuku asked, as all three Faction heads looked even more impressed with him. "I'm glad to have you on our side then, your strength could be used against the enemies of our Pantheon." Sirzechs said, creating a treaty paper to sign with everything stated on it. As soon as all the Leader's had signed the paper, they all looked at Izuku as well as the silver haired man standing behind Azazel. "Can we trust this generation's Sekiryuutei and Hakkuryuko to keep their hands tied for this treaty?" Sirzechs questioned as Izuku thought about his reason for being a Devil. "I would like to rise through the ranks of the Devils in order to attain my own peerage. It's not like I don't wish to stay with you Rias, but I would like to have my own adventures in the near future." Izuku said, as Rias nodded, happy that Izuku is thinking for himself. "Well with that stated, this treaty is made to keep us together!" Azazel said, as everything froze. Looking around Izuku found that his allies except for Rias were frozen as if time had stopped, those whose power was above the one who froze time were perplexed at best. "Hm, it seems Forbidden Balor View has been activated. We need to either kill the host or get him to stop it. Can we trust you Rias to save your servant with the Red Dragon Emperor?" Azazel asked, as Izuku was already at the window. "We have company outside." Izuku said, as everyone looked out the window. Once Rias had left the place, Izuku had jumped out of the building and created a distraction so that Rias could find her servant as well as Koneko who was supposed to protect him from any and all harm. As Izuku flew about the field of appearing magicians, he looked over at his antithesis and smirked at the man. "How about a bet, whoever defeats the most enemies gets a free shot at Azazel?" Izuku asked, as the man smirked at him. "You're on, never thought that a Red Dragon Emperor could attack someone." The man commented, as Izuku snickered. "Well I wanted to punch him for having one of his own lower Fallen attacks me at my lowest point before I became a Devil." Izuku said, as the man next to him snickered as well. "Well far be it from me to turn down a challenge, just make sure to keep up with me." The man said, before flying off with Izuku not far behind. Whilst Izuku and Vali were attacking the magicians that were attacking the meeting of the Three Factions, Rias had finally made it into her servant's room only to find him held up against a wall. Glaring at the magicians forcing his Sacred Gear's activation, she immediately killed them all before freeing the young Gasper from the forced Sacred Gear activation. As Rias freed Gasper from his chains against the wall, he deactivated his Sacred Gear on his own as everyone gained their freedom of movement once more and joined the defense of keeping the Faction Leaders' safe from all harm. Even those who were a part of Micheal's entrance into the meeting, Irina Shidou as well as Xenovia Quarts had joined the fray. As Izuku landed in front of the two girls fighting some grunts, he sliced a few Magicians behind them who were waiting for a moment to strike causing the two to look at him with his own blade being brandished on his arm. "Is that Ascalon!?" Both girls screamed out, as Izuku smiled at them. "Yup, was a gift from Micheal to me. I held back Kokabiel as long as I could before the White Dragon Emperor had arrived. Focus on your opponents by the way." Izuku said, jumping away as both girls had defeated their opponents with their weapons. Izuku flew through the skies as he took down Magician after another, and as soon as it seemed like all of the Magicians were defeated Izuku landed on the ground and let out a sigh before someone else arrived on the battlefield. Looking to the sky, he found that there was another fighter who was Satan Class in terms of power alone, but from the skills she used against Serafall, she was at least High-Class Devil in terms of skills alone. "Is it just me is that Satan Class Being, literally weaker in terms of skills compared to Serafall?" Izuku asked, offhandedly unintentionally getting the woman's attention. "How dare you say that to me you damn Dragon!?" He called out, as Izuku stared at her. "Um, it's true? You are just using the same attack over and over again. It's literally someone whose skill is on par with that of another High-Class Devil I've fought before that is the same." Izuku said, as the woman gained a furious expression on her face. "I will show you true skill, you bastard!" The woman said, changing targets and moving towards Izuku at a fast pace. Izuku used the boosts he had gained from the fight and used them on his senses as well as reaction times. He watched as the woman came at him with a massive spike in speed as well as power, and she went to use the same attack she tried to use against Serafall on him. Dodging the attack immediately from the reaction time he had against Bakugo in the past, he had jumped around the woman and landed a harsh hit to her lower back sending her flying away from him towards a pile of dead bodies. As she caused a small explosion from the bodies being landed on, she flew towards to him as fast as she could as she used a varying amount of power as well as skill that showed that she was a mere power type of enemy. No skill being used against him, she was just using pure power in order to kill him, and Izuku started to fly about her as she missed shots in her rising fury. He landed a few blows against her as she increased her speed in order to at least land one attack on him. Izuku then thought that it was enough time being wasted against her as he impaled her with Ascalon through the gut. As blood poured down the blade as she looked down at the Holy weapon entering through her torso, she glared at Izuku. "You will not like what happens next." Izuku said, as he placed his power within the Holy weapon as it glowed white as the woman screamed in pain as Light energy from the weapon had pulsed through her body. Izuku pulled the weapon out as he started to swing in rising and falling arcs as he cut her body into miniature pieces as her body parts started to float in front of him long dead. Izuku placed his hand out on the other side of the blade using it as a blockage of a bright light as he blasted the remains of her body into ashes. As he used his magic to create a sheath for his weapon, he swung the blade around before tossing it into the air and leaning over and the blade landed in its sheath over his back. "Always wanted to do that, it feels incredible to be able to copy Trunks from Dragonball Z." Izuku gushed to himself in the air still before he was kicked to the ground from above. As soon as he hit the ground, he knew who attacked him, it was Vali as the man had landed on the roof of the Old School Building where the ORC was located. "I am impressed with your ability with the blade, it was even more powerful than someone else who is the descendant of King Arthur." Vali said, within his Sacred Gears Balance Breaker. "Well, I can't really stop myself from stating that I'm the descendant of Mordred. But I would rather not become a King though, I don't feel like taking that responsibility at the moment." Izuku said, as he cracked his neck. "What did we just say?" Azazel groaned as Izuku looked at the man. "I sort of made a contest to see who got the most Magicians to see who could get their chance to hit you first. I guess he took that literally and smacked me instead." Izuku chuckled as Azazel looked unimpressed with Izuku. "Well whatever, finish this fight so we can get right to peace already." Sirzechs said, as he sat on a rock nearby. Looking up at Vali, the man had entered the air with his Sacred Gear as Izuku placed Ascalon back into his Boosted Gear's gem as he entered his own Balance Breaker and took to the skies. As soon as his Draconic wings were shown from the Balance Breaker he floated near Vali as the man inspected his Balance Breaker. "You seem to be more powerful in this form. Why didn't you activate it against the Magicians?" He asked, as Izuku scoffed. "You weren't in your own Balance Breaker as well, so I thought that the Magicians would serve as a great warm up for you. I could sense your malicious aura coming a mile away from the sky before you hit me." Izuku said, getting into a fighting stance. Their auras were starting to glow brightly in the sky of the barrier as they stared at one another waiting for the other to strike. That was when Vali had pointed his hand out and manifested a blade of his own, as inside his own helmet the man smirked. "I would like to see how good your sword skills are compared to mine own. The descendant of Arthur himself trained me a bit as well." Vali said, as Izuku nodded pulling out Ascalon. Landing on the ground, letting their armor be their defense against the other's strikes they flew towards one another as they clashed in the middle of the area. A massive clashing sound as well as shockwave had appeared from their blades clashing against one another as Izuku had the more skill with the blade. As they traded blows with their weapons, Izuku's sword skills were becoming more and more sharpened as he did more and more risky attacks that garnered their risk filled attempts as Vali had moved backwards in order to distance himself. Izuku gained a smirk within his helmet as he pushed towards Vali in order to gain the advantage against his opponent as he felt his power being suctioned away as Izuku sought to finish the fight here. Disappearing from sight, Vali looked around to look for Izuku as the young man appeared behind him as Vali immediately blocked a hit that came from behind him as Izuku disappeared again and appeared in front of the man and sent a kick at him sending him rag dolling across the ground. Vali got back up as Izuku had appeared in front of him again with a speed not seen before he entered his Balance Breaker as he sliced in a downward arc towards the downed Vali as the young man had rolled over to the right to have the shot miss. Izuku pointed his left hand over at the rolling Vali as he blasted him back into the air, and Izuku flew up in the air with a jump as he appeared behind the White Dragon Emperor as he spun around in the sky as his blade was in his right hand that when he spun as fast as possible made him look like a spinning top from Beyblade. As he fell towards Vali who was coming up to him, the man inside his armor had watched as Izuku started to slice up his armor in order to get to him within at an extremely fast pace as he kept his armor on him and tried to attack back only to have his weapon tossed away from him. Once Izuku slowed his spinning his face was seen by Vali as Izuku swung a spinning leg towards the man's gut as it sent him back to the ground and exiting his armor in a crater. Izuku landed on the ground nearby as he stood at the edge of the crater staring down at the dust cloud that was within. Once the cloud was dispersed Izuku looked at the beaten and bloody smile on Vali's face as he started to laugh out loud. "It seems like I was defeated by this Generations Red Dragon. I will come back later for a rematch, if you will allow me to leave alive?" Vali asked, as Izuku thought about it. Landing next to Vali, Izuku stared into the man's injured eyes as Izuku saw that it was the man's pride that was damaged. "I look forward to our next battle Vali, and maybe... we could become true rivals later on?" Izuku asked, as Vali looked confused before smirking at him. Grabbing Izuku's outstretched hand he laughed before someone else arrived in order to bring the injured man away. "Sorry for saying this man, but we got to go!" The man said, as Vali smirked at him. "I will see you again Red Dragon, and next time... I will win. Keep training yourself, I want to fight you at your best!" Vali said, as he disappeared in a magic circle. Izuku smiled at the fact that he might have gained a new friend as he shook his head and walked back towards the others. As soon as he was nearing them something weird started to happen to his vision as his vision started to blur and be replaced with something different.

 A large hill in the distance, King Arthur from Legend standing tall on it with Excalibur as they stared at him. A sad smile on their face as Izuku felt that in the vision... he was furious at the sad smile as he felt his dreamlike self-move forwards to attack before feeling like he was impaled, looking down he found a spear in his gut before looking at Arthur. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't want to hurt you!" Arthur said, as it was revealed that Arthur was a woman. "I just wanted to become the... next user of Excalibur." A feminine voice called out, as Izuku's vision fell.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter in this story! A look back at Mordred's final moments! I hope you all enjoyed it as it showed that King Arthur didn't wish to kill one of her own subordinates, not to mention Mordred since she was the King's daughter/son. I hope you all give this chapter the love it deserves since it is already so long, 

4563 Words

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