Chapter: 33

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A/N Sorry for the long wait on this chapter! I had been very busy with other stories that I had completely forgotten about this story as a whole! The last chapter talked about Izuku being very wary about a Heavenly Dragon who was on par with Ddraig in his prime with Albion. But I feel as though that this chapter might be another short one, as I continue to world build.

A few weeks has passed as he trained himself for the next big threat that would come towards Kuoh Town. He was in the basement of his home as he was physically training his body to the point that he could wield One for All and the Boosted Gear at the same time. Over the last few months since he had killed All for One, he had shown that he needed the strength and stamina to hold both powers at the same time. So here he was, in the training room increasing his physical look so that his muscles and stamina could be increased.

He had learned how to send the power of One for All through all of his limbs in order to wield the power safely without hurting his body. When activating the power through his body, which he called Full Cowling, he found that he could utilize the power at around 45% efficiency from the start. He was happy finding that out, but he wanted to make sure that he could utilize the full power of the Quirk and build up more on top of that as a whole. Currently with it having been a few weeks since he had heard the news about a new threat coming to the Supernatural World, he had managed to gain at least 15% more control over One for All. 

"Alright, I can use around 60% of One for All right now. But if I use the Boosted Gear, I can make sure that I can get to a pseudo 100%. And from what I can see, I am being haunted by the previous bearers of the quirk." Izuku muttered to himself as he wrote it down in a notebook. "Now the problem is, how can I make sure that I can use both powers at will, without even losing too much stamina." Izuku muttered as he went over many different ideas in his head. [Have you ever thought to use a small percentage of One for All as well as use me to the maximum?] Ddraig questioned. "No, but I feel as though I would run through my reserves of energy faster if I were to do that." Izuku said, as he looked to his hand. [Try it out first before you make that suggestion partner. I would rather find out how much power is being drained from your energy pool than just sit here and complain about it.] Ddraig quipped.

Letting out a sigh, Izuku stood up from where he was currently sitting. Moving into the middle of the training room, Izuku activated Full Cowling One for All at around 10%. Then as soon as that happened, he noticed something surprising. Whenever he used a weaker form of One for All, the lightning that usually came with him using Full Cowling, just vanished from sight. Thinking that it was his body absorbing the excess energy the stronger he is, he pulled out the Boosted Gear. The Armored Red Claw appeared from his left hand replacing his human one as it sat there waiting to be used. 

'Here goes nothing... One for All: Full Cowling! 10%! Boosted Gear: Maximum Boost!' Izuku shouted in the room.

The room began to glow an ominous green and red color. But before long the powerful light coming from his body had slowly died out as Izuku stood in the room with red and green electricity moving about his skin. He looked around his body to find the small sparks of excess energy moving about, sparkling all the same. Lifting his arm, he went into a fighting stance and went to do some shadow boxing as he is thrusting his fists into the air. Once his little flurry of attacks was completed, he ended his combo with a spinning kick that slammed into one of the punching bags behind himself. 

The attack atomized the bag instantaneously. 

"Um, Ddraig... I think we should probably keep the Boosts to a minimum as well." Izuku muttered as Ddraig spoke up. [Well at least we know the damage to non-living organisms should this Maximum Boost smash into them. What percentage of One for All were you using, by the way?] Ddraig questioned. "That was only using 10% of One for All, Ddraig. One for all is really overpowered." Izuku said, in awe. 

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