Chapter: 2

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A/N Hello everyone and thank you for getting this story up to 18 reads! I have been keeping an eye on this story all night, and only got about 4 hours of sleep because my dog had decided that she wanted to get attention from me the entire night and I was up until 5 in the morning. Well I will be making this into a new series that will branch off from the original story of Izuku's Supernatural Problems. But Bakugo won't be stating that Izuku's notebooks are him working to become a villain.

As Izuku was recovering in the hospital Gorou and Miki had returned to the orphanage as they had to finish up the paperwork in adopting Izuku into their family. Izuku had been more kept to himself as they had been talking with him before leaving informing them about his apparent disapproval of All Might after his meeting a few weeks before the whole fight with Bakugo. Once the paperwork was complete, they had returned to the hospital as the doctors gave the boy a clean bill of health as they helped him into their car and drove towards Kuoh Town where they lived. As they were driving Izuku had elected to take a nap in order to reserve his energy in order to keep himself from doing anything too confusing. As he was sleeping the guardians of him looked at him with mere glances as they noticed that his curly green hair with black roots was flowing with the wind that was moving about the inside of the car. Smiling at his sleeping face, Miki Hyoudou had placed her hand over his cheek as she rubbed it softly getting a reaction out of Izuku as his body leaned into the touch as if he was touch starved. She cooed at the action as she continued to rub his head as well as ruffle his hair in order to keep him asleep as she acted on her motherly instincts. Gorou would watch the interaction as he drove with glances as he smiled to himself, his wife was coming back to who she originally was and he was happy for her own recovery. They were closing in on Kuoh Town as they were smiling at the small town, there wasn't as many villain attacks as there were in Musutafu Prefecture, but it was a nice and quiet town. With Izuku not going to Aldera Junior High, the boy could continue to train himself as well as learn in an actual environment that is surrounded by those who are similar to him. Gorou couldn't wait for the boy to come home with a girlfriend, or maybe a boyfriend for the first time as he smirked to himself. He knew that the boy was straight, unlike his son who somehow had managed to fall in love with a boy at the same school he went to. 


Izuku looked at his surroundings as he tried to discern where he was at the moment. He had been sleeping in Gorou's car as he was resting in order to preserve some energy for himself to explore the city with his new parents. It felt so weird to say that though, his original parents didn't want him, but this one felt like he could stay with them no matter what. Looking around himself, he found everything was white in color as he walked through the entire dimension looking around. It was here that red flames started to completely take over the dimension as Izuku turned to find where and who was making these flames inside the area. Looking up he found some jade green eyes staring at him with a mirth in their eyes as they chuckled at his confused expression. [I have been waiting for you to show your true self Partner, color me surprised with how merciful you are to a T. I have been wanting to speak to you for a while, but sadly you won't be capable of talking to me until you activate me. Until then, if you feel the need to get stronger, call out to me using this name] The giant dragon said, as he revealed his full form. He was a massive western dragon that was crimson red in color for his scales, and he had golden horns on the top of his head. His voice was very similar to All Might's very own tone of speaking, but it was more... gentle than that of his original idol. "W-Who are you?" Izuku asked, as the dragon lowered his head to stare at him in the face.


Waking up with a start, Izuku gasped for air as he looked at his left hand as he felt it pulsate. He shook his head as he tried to come to terms with whatever that was in his dreams, but he hoped that whatever it was would really be real. Getting out of the bed that was for his room, he found that the room was more or less a pigsty and filled to the brim with pornography. Standing up from the bed he started to clean everything up, throwing the porn away as he stretched his arms, and pulled out a lighter. Lighting some of the porn on fire, he placed it in a burn barrel in the backyard as he watched all the porn essentially burn in a blazing glory. "Whoever was their previous son was a hopeless pervert. I will make sure to make them proud and stay away from the perversion." Izuku said to himself as he watched the porn burn in the flames. As he watched the flames, he decided to use that heat in order to start training his body in order to become stronger than he was the previous day. His pain tolerance was already dangerously high, and he needed to make sure that he could fight against Villains without getting hurt too badly. He was going to the test taking at Kuoh Academy in a day, so he needed to clear his head after training his body and mind. Once he finished running around the backyard around 100 times, he moved over to do some pushups and sit ups as well as pull ups in order to work his entire body out. In order to get stronger, he needed to increase his overall strength as well as endurance to stay in a fight. Once his impromptu training session was complete, he started to study for the test of Kuoh Academy in order to make sure that he got the best scores possible to join the prestigious school.

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